Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 294 The Queen's Invitation Again!

"Thank you this time, Morgan."

Eddard Stark looked at Morgan who came over and thanked him solemnly.

If Morgan didn't just appear to help him today, he couldn't imagine what would happen if he was captured by the other party today.


Morgan smiled and shook his head, and continued: "Although I don't know why James Lannister dared to lead a team to deal with the adults."

"But the Lannister family in King's Landing is very powerful, and adults have to be more careful when they go out."

Without asking too much why James Lannister, who was originally just hostile to each other, suddenly led his team to besiege, Morgan glanced at the surrounding streets, only to realize that this time Eddard Stark was surrounded by guard captain Kelson. Five guards, which is much less than the previous team of thirty guards.

"I sent the other guards to the castle."

Sensing that Morgan's eyes were puzzled, Eddard Stark said.

"It turns out that Lannister is very powerful. I'd better send the person back to the castle first."

Seeing that Eddard Stark didn't want to say more, Morgan didn't ask, and said immediately.

Eddard Stark nodded and looked at several corpses on the street.

There are four guards in front of them who belong to the Stark family and belong to the North. They should have taken the other party's body, but the time is urgent, and it will definitely not work.

However, these corpses will be collected by the King's Landing City Guard, which can only be arranged later.

Eddard Stark turned over the reins that Kelson handed over to his horse.

The three were preparing to leave.

Suddenly, a loud hoof sound came from behind.

The three people on horseback turned around immediately, and saw on the street behind, a fully-armed King's Landing City escort was rushing quickly on horseback.

The leader was Petyr Baelish the "Littlefinger" who went to the police before.

Looking at the guards of King's Landing who came to help.

Morgan knew that Eddard Stark would not be able to leave for a while.

The streets at the entrance of the "Colorful Forest" castle were littered with corpses and blood flowed. The surrounding pedestrians and merchants did not dare to approach, and they had long since avoided it.

Petyr Baelish, who led the team, saw the situation in front of his brothel from a distance.

Originally, I was still wondering why James Lannis and the group of warriors were missing, but when I saw the figure of Morgan on the three horses in front of me.

Petyr Baelish immediately understood.

He hadn't forgotten the night Morgan stayed in his "colored forest" last night.

But he didn't expect Morgan to get up so early, and he happened to encounter the scene of Jaime Lannister dealing with Eddard Stark.

Although it is a pity that there was no more serious bloodshed between Eddard Stark and Jaime Lannister.

But the two families in front of them have already made a fuss, and I heard from James Lannister that the little devil Tyrion Lannister was caught by the Stark family.

As a result, the Stark family and the Lannister family have no possibility of easing.

The speed at which the two families were torn apart against each other was so fast.

This surprised him by surprise.

Thinking of this, Petyr Baelish quickly put away his emotions, and shouted with concern from a distance: "Lord Stark"

"Are you OK."

After half an hour.

Eddard Stark and Kelsen, as well as Petyr Baelish and a group of King's Landing guards headed to the Red Keep Palace.

Morgan did not choose to go together.

Although he helped Eddard Stark this time.

But it does not mean that he will continue to follow Eddard Stark, so as not to associate it with others.

Besides, Eddard Stark didn't tell Morgan why Jaime Lannister would lead a team to besiege him?

Why dare to lead a team to besiege him?

You must know that Eddard Stark is the former prime minister of the royal family, and his status is only below the king.

Even if the Lannister family in Casterly Rock City is rich, even if the current queen is born in the Lannister family.

As long as King Robert Baratheon trusts Eddard Stark, the other side will never be able to make waves.

If Eddard Stark is more ruthless, it is not impossible to suppress the Lannister family.

However, as Kingsguard Jaime Lannister dared to lead an army to besiege Eddard Stark.

There must be a reason for this.

But if the other party didn't say it, Morgan naturally didn't know.

In addition, Eddard Stark said that he sent a large number of guards to the castle, and he did not mean to tell Morgan the reason.

Guard Captain Kelson must have known.

This should be in normal times, the other party must have told him.

But this time when Morgan looked over, Kelsen also said nothing.

These precautions made Morgan instantly realize that from the moment he left Stark Castle, he was already an outsider.

What if he helped Eddard Stark this time.

This was also Morgan when Eddard Stark looked over and asked him if he would go to the Palace Red Fort together, Morgan immediately refused.

He didn't want to continue to be tied to the Stark family.

Although this time helped Eddard Stark once.

But as long as he expresses his attitude and believes in others, even Queen Cersei Lannister will be fine. After all, Morgan has served in the Stark family before.

And not going to the Red Fort with Eddard Stark was Morgan's attitude.

When leaving Silk Street.

It's already morning.

This time, Morgan did not choose to go to the "Love Coast" to find his little lover, but returned to the house he purchased on Nun Street.

The house isn't very big, but it's definitely more than enough to live in Morgan.

There are no servants and servants in the house, and the furniture is also left by the previous owner.

Morgan didn't plan to live here for long, but the need for a space of his own was definitely a must.

For example, what he is going to do next needs to be done in secret.

Between thoughts.

An oval black dragon egg more than half a meter long appeared in front of Morgan immediately.

Yes, he will try to hatch the dragon egg in this house.

That's why he bought the house on Nuns Street.

The Street of the Nuns is the street closest to the Red Fort of the Royal Palace.

The environment here is good, housing prices are high, and public security is naturally better.

Some people may think that if Morgan wants to hatch dragon eggs quietly, it is better to choose a disorderly place or a slum because it is safer.

There's some truth to this argument, but it doesn't fit Morgan's plan.

Because he is often away from home, he doesn't want his residence to be visited by thieves every three days.

Picking up the dragon egg, Morgan walked straight to the basement.

The houses of this era, unless the conditions such as thatched huts are too poor, generally have basements in the homes.

Of course this house has it too.

Generally speaking, the bigger the house, the better, and the bigger the basement.

Morgan took the torch and walked down the stone stairs into the dark basement deep in the house.

Morgan visited this basement once before when he bought a house, but that time he just glanced at the door of the basement, and a basement is enough.

This time, I went directly to the basement, and I realized that the space here is not small.

However, apart from some dusty large wooden boxes and a small number of bits and pieces that are not needed, it is still empty.

Apparently the previous homeowner didn't use the basement much.

After checking out the basement space.

Morgan returned to the house and did another brief make-up.

Just a few days after the competition ended, his handsome face is now very recognizable and well-known in King's Landing.

If you don't wear makeup, it's a little troublesome to go out and run errands.

Except when visiting Silk Street, of course.

Morgan went out and returned to the house an hour later.

He went out this time to prepare for hatching dragon eggs.

After carefully recalling Daenerys Targaryen's egg hatching process in his mind, Morgan was ready to use flames as a breeding ground for hatching eggs, just like the other party.

So, Morgan bought a lot of charcoal this time, as well as some auxiliary materials.

Back in the basement again.

Morgan began to prepare.

Think of avoiding setting fire to your own house.

The first thing he had to do was clean out the basement.

To be on the safe side, these things were naturally only handled by Morgan himself.

However, his method of cleaning is very good. With a wave of his hand, the flying wooden box furniture disappeared instantly, and was released after returning to the upper house.

So less than half an hour.

The basement was completely emptied.

Confirm that there is no possibility of fire.

Morgan then began to lay out the charcoal.

Start by placing a large circle of good charcoal in the center of the basement, large enough for Morgan to sit in.

The surrounding charcoal is then drizzled with grease for better burning of the flame.

After these preparations are done.

Morgan immediately stripped himself naked, then sat in the center of the charcoal circle and took out the black dragon egg.

Looking at the dragon egg covered with black regular scales in his arms, and looking at the large circle of charcoal that was covered with grease.

Morgan took a deep breath, raised his hand, picked up the torch beside him, and lit it on the charcoal.


The oil-stained charcoal spread quickly when ignited, igniting the entire surrounding charcoal circle.

Look at the bright yellow flames that quickly burn into a circle.

Morgan glanced at the dragon egg in his arms again, feeling the scorching heat around him, and closed his eyes.

before that.

Morgan had already tried his body's resistance to fire.

The previous maximum endurance was when he put his fingers into an open fire for grilling, and the longest time he persisted was about half an hour.

After more than half an hour and then continue, I can clearly feel the pain from my fingers.

Obviously, this is the limit of fire resistance that Morgan's body skin can withstand at the moment.

Of course, limits are one thing.

Morgan didn't have to directly challenge his current limits as soon as he arrived.

If a dragon egg can be hatched with a milder temperature, he naturally does not want to suffer the pain of being directly burned by the flame for half an hour.

Even with Morgan's current limit of fire resistance, dragon eggs cannot be hatched.

He can also wait.

Because Morgan's fire resistance will increase according to his strength.

And some other external methods, things related to flame can also affect the body's flame resistance to a certain extent, like he once ate the meat of the flame dragon Smaug.

This is evidenced by the fact that the fire resistance is obviously stronger than the cold resistance.

In short, hatching dragon eggs is a big project and very difficult.

But Morgan will try slowly.

Just when Morgan hid in his basement and sneaked into a dragon mother to hatch a dragon egg.

The situation in King's Landing is also constantly changing.

First of all, the fact that Kingsguard Jaime Lannister of the "Kingslayer" led soldiers to besiege the former Prime Minister Eddard Stark caused great turmoil in the court of the Red Castle.

Queen Cersei Lannister took the lead in attacking, not only accusing Eddard Stark of arresting his younger brother Tyrion Lannister, but also attacking his brother Jaime Lan, who was seriously injured in the tournament. nest.

In the face of the queen's rebuke accusations.

Eddard Stark also did not back down this time.

before the Iron Throne.

He accused Queen Cersei Lannister of confusing truth and lying;

Angrily denounced Jaime Lannister for leading his troops to besiege the former Prime Minister under the watchful eyes of the public, without the discipline of the Kingsguard, honor and disgrace, ignoring the laws and regulations of the kingdom, a heinous crime, and must be judged by the kingdom.

Even though Eddard Stark had just resigned as the former Prime Minister half a day ago.

But in front of the Iron Throne, none of the noble ministers knew that King Robert Baratheon highly valued Eddard Stark, and no one dared to interject.

Even Petyr Baelish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was very happy to see such a scene, and even hoped that the quarrel between the two would be more severe, but he would not dare to say anything.

One is the current queen.

One is the former Prime Minister.

Everyone is justified.

The two squirted against each other in public, although the scene was amazing.

But it was also hitting King Robert Baratheon in the face.

As a result, King Robert Baratheon ignored the reason between the two and made an extremely strong decision.

Eddard Stark's wife, Catelyn Tully, must release the little devil Tyrion Lannister.

And Eddard Stark needs to reconcile with Jaime Lannister who has escaped from King's Landing.

Although Queen Cersei Lannister and Eddard Stark both disagreed with the king's treatment, and were very dissatisfied.

But a king is a king.

The king is unequivocal.

Neither Cersei Lannister nor Eddard Stark dared to say anything more.

A major event that was enough to trigger a confrontation between the two major families and cause turmoil in the kingdom was thus suppressed.

this afternoon.

Eddard Stark is back as Prime Minister.

The court situation in the Red Fort was turbulent, and the most affected were the noble ministers in Junlin City.

Although King's Landing outside the Red Fort is not affected by this.

But because of the "Black Chamber of Commerce", the giant of the Chamber of Commerce, the caravan was robbed in the early morning of the night of the competition.

In the past few days, the censorship and interrogation in Jun's Landing has suddenly increased and become stricter.

The King's Landing City Guard took the opportunity to make a lot of money in the name of fighting the robbers.

As a result, Junlin City, which was still in the heat of the competition, could not help but lose its popularity.

in this turbulent situation.

Three days passed in a flash.

Nun Street.

in an ordinary house.


Morgan put away the dragon egg and stood up from the charcoal fire around him with a tired expression.

First attempt to hatch a dragon egg.

He hatched for three days.

For the past three days, Morgan has basically stayed in the basement at night, in addition to eating and drinking, and has been carrying out the great business of hatching eggs day and night.

But unfortunately, after hatching for three days, the dragon egg in his arms still did not move at all.

Morgan was not discouraged.

He knew that this dragon egg would not hatch so easily.

Besides, he didn't know whether this dragon egg could be hatched like the three dragon eggs of Daenerys Targaryen.

But Morgan had time and energy.

He can keep trying.

Back in the house, Morgan took a shower, changed into new clothes, and rode the "Radish" straight to the Red Fort of the Imperial Palace.

Today is the day King Robert Baratheon sets out to hunt outside King's Landing.

Morgan had promised the king three days earlier.

It's time to make an appointment.

Only he stepped into the gate of the palace, and a slightly familiar attendant appeared in front of him again.

"Your Majesty Morgan, Her Majesty the Queen invites you to come over."

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