Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 217 Accepting orders in danger!


Thick smoke billowed, black clouds filled the sky.

Inside the vast circular plaza.

A heavily armed black army stands in formation.

The black flags that symbolize Isengard and Saruman fly.

"hold head high"

Desolate, the thick horn resounded through the sky.

Countless armies shouted loudly.

Saruman, who was standing at the top of the Orshank Stone Tower, looked at the army below and just raised his hand.

All sounds disappeared immediately.

Saruman looked at the army and kingdom that belonged to him completely below, and his face was full of endless satisfaction.

"It's time to show the world the power of Isengard, and victory will only be ours."

"Tonight, the blood of Rohan will dye the earth red"

"Enter Helm's Deep and kill them all."

"Now, let's go!!!"

Saruman with flying hair stood on the top floor of Orshank Tower and roared like a madman.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

The passionate horn sounded again in the sky.

The black army formation began to move slowly.

Looking at the army below.

Saruman said grimly: "From today, there is no hope in the human world, and darkness will dominate the world."

Behind him, Grima suddenly recovered from the extreme shock just now.

Fagon Forest.

Inside the dense forest.

The two little hobbits, Merry and Pippin, were sitting comfortably on the shoulders of the tall trunk of Ent's Treebeard, and they kept walking towards the southern part of the forest with Treebeard.

At this time, Treebeard walked up to a higher peak in the Fagon Forest, and Pippin, who was sitting on his shoulder, immediately noticed the black smoke constantly rising at the end of his line of sight in front of him, and immediately said: "Look, there is a thick cloud over there. cigarette."

Treebeard turned his head slightly, and said without surprise, "It's been a long time."

"Smoke keeps rising from Isengard."

Whiskers slowly opened their mouths.


Merry, who was sitting on the other shoulder, immediately frowned and thought when he heard the name that seemed to have some impression.


"Lord Isengard, the white-robed wizard Saruman used to walk in my forest."

"But now, all his heart is filled with is metal, gears, and he doesn't care about everything else."

Treebeard opened his mouth slowly and kept walking forward.

Merry, who had already remembered something, scrambled to the higher trunk on Shubeard's shoulders.

Seeing this, Pippin immediately followed.

Soon, when the two of them were at the top of the treebeard's branches, the two of them saw the distance in their sight at a glance. In the direction of Isengard, a large black army was advancing towards the distance.

"what is that?"

Pippin opened his mouth in shock.

"That's Saruman's army, and the war has begun."

Merry had already thought of something, and as he said that, he immediately looked at Pippin, his little friend beside him: "I have to do something."

Pippin obviously knew enough about his best buddy, and seemed to have already thought of what the other party was thinking, and nodded immediately.

The two hobbits then began to talk about the war.

But Treebeard, who didn't know how long he had lived, understood what the two of them wanted to say.

"It's been a long, long time since we Ent were not involved in the wars between those human wizards"

"The fact that Saruman started the war deserves attention."

"But we have more important things now, things that haven't happened in over a hundred years."

"What's up?"

"Ent Conference."

Helm's Deep.

A canyon area north of the White Mountains, south of Sir Rohan, at the base of a giant mountain.

The Taniguchi area is flanked by the sheer cliffs of the White Mountains on the left and right sides, the vast flat land in front, and the steep mountain walls in the back.

In the middle is the real name of Helm's Deep: "Clarion Fort".

The Clarion Fort, also known as "Sioux Fort", was once a magnificent fortress that belonged to Gondor.

It was later given to Rohan along with the entire vast land of Rohan.

The horn castle is built on a huge boulder "horn rock" protruding from the cliffs on the north side of Helm's Deep Valley.

There are two tall and strong walls inside and outside the horn castle, which surround the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard of the horn castle respectively.

Surrounding the huge wall of the outer courtyard, a thick and tall city wall nearly 100 meters long wraps the entire horn fort.

The inner wall protects the main building of the Clarion Fort. It is taller and thicker than the outer wall, but its length and size are relatively smaller.

Snowflakes were flying in the sky, getting bigger and bigger.

After exhausted and frightened, the residents from Rohan Edoras finally entered the Horned Fort under the leadership of Rohan Princess Eowyn.

At the gate of the tall city of Horn Fort, the left-behind soldiers who had already heard the news had already opened the gate at this time to welcome the residents from Edoras.

Looking at the front of King Theoden, surrounded by soldiers, he walked into the gate of the horn fort.

Morgan and Legolas Gimli trotted on horseback at the back of the huge line.

Three people and three horses, after a battle and the embarrassment of falling off the horse's back several times over the past few days, Jin Li was now able to ride on the back of the tall horse well and not easily fall off.

It's afternoon.

The sky was getting darker and gloomier.

When the three of Morgan followed the huge team into the horn fort.

It was already dark.

The Clarion is obviously much smaller than Edoras in Rohan.

But as the strongest castle of Rohan, the castle that has always been regarded as the last fortress of Rohan is naturally not much smaller.

The horn fort, which houses the entire Edoras residents and hussars, is a bit crowded, but it will never make the residents crowded in the aisles or passages.

As a member of the kingdom of Theoden with Gandalf.

Not long ago, when the Orc Warg Knights attacked, they made a strong record for all to see.

The three Morgans, who were highly valued by King Theoden, were assigned to a room.

The room is not spacious, but it is enough for three people.

The three of them had just stepped into the room before they even had time to unload their weapons and equipment.

There were several attendants on the back foot who brought in the dinner for the three of them.

Compared to other residents, there is only the roughest and simplest food such as bread and soup.

Morgan's dinner for three is very rich, with smoked fish steak, sausage, bisque, fruit, beer and other foods, and the portion is enough for three people to eat.

After a busy and tiring day, eating dinner and drinking cold beer is the most comfortable and relaxing time of the day.

The three of Morgan chatted while eating, and naturally they chatted about a few partners.

"Aragorn and Boromir must have reached Minas Tirith, the White City of Gondor by this time, and I don't know how they are now?"

Due to race reasons, Legolas' taste is much lighter than Morgan and Gimli, but after drinking a few bowls of thick soup and some fruit, he put down the tableware, wiped his mouth and said.

"With the power of Minas Tirith, it will be no problem to save Boromir."

"Presumably Aragorn may have been on his way to Rohan."

Morgan thought for a moment before speaking, then said, "I'm a little worried about Frodo and Sam."

"With something as incomparably evil as the Lord of the Rings, going to the Doomsday Volcano in Modo's lair is hard to imagine."

Morgan whispered, and Legolas and Gimli also fell silent.

"It was really difficult"

"Uh uh."

Jin Li was chewing food and talking with a big mouth, and suddenly rolled his eyes as if he was choked.

One hand quickly picked up a full glass of beer and drank it.


Until the beer in a whole tall wooden barrel cup is drunk.

Jin Li then patted his chest and said smoothly, "It's a pity that those two little guys refused to go with us, otherwise it would be so dangerous."

"Gandalf has agreed with Frodo's thoughts and actions."

Hearing Gimli's words, Legolas shook his head.

"Gandalf is always saying something inexplicable and incomprehensible."

"I don't understand, isn't it much safer to be on the road with us than the two little guys alone?"

As Jin Li said that, he poured himself a large glass of beer again, puzzled.

Regarding Gimli's words, Legolas gave Morgan a weak look, and Morgan showed the same expression.

What Jin Li said was too complicated and paradoxical, he must not understand the mysterious words such as fate.

Saying more is just asking for trouble, this kind of thing has happened more than once.

So they both shut up.

But Gimli obviously didn't feel this, and he said to himself as he ate and drank, "I don't know where Gandalf is now?"

"Where do you think he's going?"

Jin Li said and looked at the two partners in front of him.

Legolas frowned slightly, and when Edoras Gandalf left, he only said to ask for help, but did not say where to ask for reinforcements.

But the few forces closest to Rohan can be counted out.

The north is the golden forest of Lothlorien;

The West is the archenemy of Saruman's Isengard;

To the south were the majestic white mountains that could not be read at all, and behind the white mountains was the territory of Gondor.

The East is also a Gondor site, and the White City of Gondor, Minas Tirith, is there.

And "Modo", the dark devil's lair farther east.

If Gandalf wanted to ask for help to save Rohan and Helm's Deep, theoretically only the Golden Forest in the north and Gondor in the east could be counted on.

But Boromir had said before that things were not going well in Gondor at this time, plus they were too close to Mordor.

Legolas thought it unlikely that Gandalf would go to Gondor for help.

However, Aragorn and Boromir were in Gondor at this time, and there was a natural possibility of going there to ask for help.

And then there's Lothlorien.

With that Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel and Gandalf.

There is a good chance that Gandalf goes to the Golden Forest.

"do not know"

Legolas shook his head, and then added: "It may be possible to go to Lothlorien."

Morgan nodded as well.

If it weren't for the memory plot in his mind, from a purely analytical point of view, the possibility that Gandalf did go to the Golden Forest for help is the greatest.

Other than that, Gondor.

But Gondor, at this time, was too busy to deal with the increasingly powerful Modo, and there was no extra force to support Rohan.

What's more, the current ruling chancellor of Gondor, "Denethor", is not so easy to talk about.

There was a lot of noise outside the room.

inside the room.

Morgan drank the big glass of cold beer on the table and put down the cutlery.

Gimli was still eating.

Compared to the amount of food, Jinli is not as good as Morgan, but compared to the length of time to eat, Morgan is not as good as Jinli.

But he knew that dinner was the most important meal among dwarves.

Their happiest and happiest time of day is dinner time.

So they all eat very slowly.

Morgan wiped his mouth, got up and walked out the door.

At this time, the snowflakes in the sky were even bigger, and the swan-haired snow fell one after another, making the entire Horn Fort even colder.

There was a lot of noise in the horn castle, and there were people walking around everywhere.

Morgan was in the inner city of Clarion Castle at this time, and he strode towards the tall city wall in front of him against the wind and snow.

Not long after, when they walked up to the thick and tall city wall, they found that King Theoden was standing on the city wall with Eomer and another hussar leader and talking about something.

"grown ups."

Morgan stepped forward and said hello.

"You happened to be Morgan, and I was just about to send someone to find you."

Seeing Morgan's figure, Theoden said and immediately greeted him.

The two stood side by side in front of the tall city wall in the inner city. Theoden pointed to the huge, thick, and sturdy giant city wall in the outer city in front of him and said, "How is it?"

Of course Morgan knew what Theoden wanted to hear, although he did, he said, "Indestructible."

"Yes, indestructible."

"Saruman will never break through here."

Theoden said confidently, then turned to look beside him: "Morgan, I ordered you to be the commander of the outer city, are you interested?"

"My outer city commander?"

Morgan looked at Theoden with some surprise. Although his personal strength was stronger than any one in the entire Horn Fort, he had never led a large army of warriors to fight.

However, this kind of experience is extremely rare, and he naturally wants to try it.


Morgan looked at Theoden and nodded, and continued: "But I don't have much experience in this area. This battle is so important."

Morgan said and shook his head.

Although he did not say it explicitly, he expressed his refusal.

As he said, the importance of this battle is unparalleled.

It is absolutely inappropriate to let yourself, who has never had command experience, become a commander rashly.

Morgan still had some numbers in his mind.

"Don't worry too much, we won't go out this time"

Theoden stood beside Morgan and stated his purpose.

This battle of defending the city is different from the field battle. It does not require too much command, nor does it need to be pulled out to set up a battle or something.

Moreover, he knows that the number of Saruman's army will definitely exceed the strength of the troops here in the Horn Fort.

Theoden wanted to use Morgan's personal force to sit on the outer wall, so as to stimulate the morale of the warriors and make them more courageous.

For this reason, Morgan naturally has no reason to refuse.

"For the victory, it is also my honor."

Morgan nodded and saluted King Theoden, but turned his head to find Legolas and Gimli standing beside him at some point.

Beside Theoden, Eowyn, who was wearing a simple blue dress, also stood there.

"Isengard is not too far from Helm's Deep Valley, and they may appear here at any time."

"Go on, from now on, no one is allowed to go out."

"Lock the city gates and strengthen the defense, prepare everything for everything you need, and be ready to fight at any time."

After Theoden explained to Eomer beside him, he immediately looked at Morgan: "Come on, Morgan, let's meet the warriors under your command together."

Are you happy 520? I'm not happy (︿) I need a few monthly passes to comfort~~ o(╥﹏╥)o

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