Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 187 Raiders, sniping

The night was dim.

The cold wind howls in the mountains.

Morgan looked forward vigilantly with his elven sword in hand.

Behind him, Aragorn has quickly awakened the four little Hobbits.

It has been a long time since I left Hobbiton, and after going through the trials and tribulations along the way, the hobbits reacted quickly even if they were temporarily awakened from their dreams.

When you see what Aragorn and Morgan look like, you know something is wrong.

The first thing the four hobbits do when they wake up is to quickly put away their blankets, pack their belongings, and prepare to run.

It wasn't the first time anyway, and the hobbits dealt with it very skillfully.

Ahead, Morgan bowed slightly with a long sword and stepped forward carefully.

so late at night.

Such a wilderness.

The sound of a horse's hoof just heard is definitely not something that could be explained by accident or coincidence.

Especially when the team is facing the pursuit of the Nazgul behind them.


At this moment, Aragorn called out softly from behind.

He knew that they were all packed up, indicating that they could run away.

Morgan glanced back quickly, then slowly backed away.

at this time.

There was no sound at the junction of the rocks ahead, and a figure suddenly appeared.

White robes, blond hair, tall and straight, a handsome and happy elf figure appeared in Morgan's line of sight.

Seeing the fairly familiar figure in front of him, Morgan was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "What is it, Glorfindel."

Glorfindel, also known as "Golden Flower Lord".

A powerful elf introduced by Lord Eldron when Morgan was on vacation in Rivendell.

Morgan didn't know much about what happened to Glorfindel.

Only know that this powerful elf has lived in Rivendell for a long time.

Morgan lived there when he first arrived at Rivendell.

Morgan knew Glorfindel, and although they didn't communicate much, the relationship was not bad.

"Long time no see, Morgan."

Glorfindel is handsome and somewhat joyful, so when he opens his mouth, especially when he laughs, it is very infectious and makes people feel sincere.

In fact, the other party's character is really sincere and very good.

"Why, don't you want me?"

"Or are you expecting the Nazgul?"

Glorfindel said with a smile.

It made Morgan a little surprised: "How did you know there was a Nazgul?"

"Not only do I know there are Nazgul, but I know they're after you."

Glorfindel said with a smile, and then said sternly: "Lord Eldron asked me to meet you."

"Lord Glorfindel"

At this time, aware of the movement in front of him, Aragorn stepped forward only to realize that it was Lord Jinhua, and immediately bowed and saluted.

Aragorn was sent to Rivendell at an early age.

Glorfindel had lived in Rivendell for a long time, almost watching Aragorn grow up.

In front of this powerful golden flower lord, Aragorn must maintain a respectful attitude.

As for Morgan, he is considered to be communicating with Glorfindel's peers, so naturally he does not need those etiquette.

Glorfindel calmly accepted Aragorn's salute and nodded: "So you are also"

Before the words fell, the four hobbits walked out from behind the boulder.

Glorfindel smiled: "It should be the Hobbits."

The night was getting darker.

After the boulders, the bonfires start to burn again.

The seven sat around the bonfire.

After some conversation.

Morgan and Aragorn understood that it was Lord Eldron who got the news that the Nazgul was chasing the Hobbit led by Morgan.

Glorfindel had come to meet the Morgans for this purpose.

As for why only Glorfindel came, because he was one of the few elves in Rivendell who could rival the Nazgul.

Morgan knew that the Golden Flower Lord was very powerful.

Although it is not clear how strong.

But he felt that the opponent's strength should be no worse than his own.

With the addition of Glorfindel, the team that escorted Frodo to Rivendell was much stronger.

There is still some time before dawn.

The four hobbits fell asleep again.

Their physiques are far inferior to the three long-legged human elves in front of the fire.

Morgan sat in front of the fire and glanced at Frodo, who was sleeping behind him, and then at the elf Glorfindel in front of him.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, that Frodo at this time in the memory plot has been seriously injured by the witch-king of Angmar, the head of the Ringwraith, with the magic cave sword.

At this time, it was not the one in front of him that Rivendell sent to support him, but Arwen, the "Princess Muxing".

That night, the Nazgul finally did not catch up.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning.

The seven-man squad continued to set off.

It's not too far from Rivendell.


The top of the Stone Tower of Orshank.

When Gandalf woke up from a cold sleep.

The sky is already bright.

There was no noise from last night around.

A red sun hangs high in the east.

Gandalf stood up slowly under the warm sunlight.

Walk to the edge of the stone tower and look down.

The originally vast tree-lined avenues, squares, and gardens below have all been destroyed at this time.

All the big tree buildings were cut down and torn down, leaving the entire circular square in a mess.

But the Orcs are afraid of the sun.

At this time, the circular square below was quiet.

At this moment, a low and heavy sound suddenly came from the square below.

Gandalf looked carefully, but there was no sign of a half-orc in the square centered on the Stone Tower of Orthanc.

However, the heavy and low tremor continued to sound.

Gandalf frowned and looked carefully at the direction where the sound came from below. There was still nothing unusual on the ground, but the ground was shaking violently.

Looking at the ground of the square that was trembling until it began to crack.

Gandalf seemed to have thought of something, and his face immediately became extremely ugly.

But at this time he was trapped at the top of the stone tower of Orshank, which was more than five hundred feet high, and there was no need to hurry.

He can only pray now that the little thing he sent last night to deliver the letter could fly faster.

A butt sat under the horn of the tower.

Gandalf reached out his hand to his waist.

Fortunately, besides taking his staff, Saruman didn't take his cigarette stick.

Take out the shredded tobacco from the cigarette bag tied to the cigarette rod, fill it up, ignite it, and Meimei takes a puff.

Gandalf only felt that his whole being was much more awake.

"I don't know how Morgan and Frodo Sam are doing now?"

"Have you been caught up by the Ringwraiths, have you been taken away from the Lord of the Rings?"

Gandalf thought to himself, looking up at the light in the east.

The light cluster in the sky slanted westward.

The sky began to darken.

The originally quiet circle of Isengard was once again lit by torches, and various sounds accompanied by the strange cries of the orcs, immediately became noisy below.

Above the Tower of Orthanc, Gandalf awoke from the cold wind.

Standing up and looking at the square where the firelight gathered below, only to find that in the middle of the annular inner wall, a giant fissure with a width of tens of meters and a length of more than 200 meters appeared in the square.

In the crack of the fire, all kinds of huge sounds roared.

Outside the crack, a large number of orcs were carrying and carrying all the felled trees and threw them into the crack.

Gandalf looked at the hideous fissure that shone with fire, and his face became more and more ugly and serious.

As he guessed, Saruman is letting the orcs below build a large arsenal, just like Modo, the former Dol Gudo.

"No, this news must be told to Eldron immediately, and to the other free races in Middle-earth."

Gandalf was anxious.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from behind.

Gandalf turned his head and saw a circular opening suddenly appeared in the middle of the top of the tower of Orthanc.

Immediately, a figure in a white robe emerged from the circular hole below.

It was Saruman.

"Gandalf, have you made up your mind?"

Holding the staff, Saruman looked at Gandalf, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and asked: "Join us, we have the final say in this world."

Looking at the white-robed wizard in front of him, Gandalf shook his head: "I really can't imagine that Saruman, the former "Wise", would actually surrender to Sauron, you are so disappointing to me."

Before he finished speaking, Saruman immediately waved his staff towards Gandalf.

Gandalf's entire body immediately flew up and slammed into the giant sharp horn on the side, and fell to the ground ruthlessly.

"This world has no hope, and no one can stop the footsteps of the Modo army."

"Stop resisting, Gandalf"

"Otherwise, what awaits you is only destruction."

Saruman said and waved his staff again, Gandalf flew up again, and fell heavily to the ground.


Gandalf slowly got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Saruman in front of him and said, "I already know your plan."


Gandalf looked behind Saruman.

It was found that the full moon did not know when it appeared in the sky.

And under the bright and full moon, a huge black figure was flying towards the Orshank Stone Pagoda quickly.


"There is only one Lord of the Rings in the world."

"Only he can control the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

"He won't share power with you, certainly not."

The voice fell, and suddenly, a loud eagle roared.

Saruman immediately noticed that something was wrong, how could such a hawk whistle appear here.

Just didn't wait for him to react.

Gandalf immediately turned and rushed towards the edge of the stone tower, leaping down towards the void below.

Saruman stepped forward immediately.

I saw Gandalf jumping down and being caught by a giant eagle.

Immediately, one person and one eagle quickly flew high into the sky.

Looking at the giant eagle that disappeared in the distance, Saruman murmured coldly: "So, did you choose death?"

Eastern Avenue.

After walking through the forest where the three giant trolls are.

Six, no, now the Fellowship of the Ring team of seven headed straight for Rivendell.

Three days later, when it was about to arrive at the Brunan Ferry of Xiangshui River.

Behind the seven-man squad.

Finally, the figure of the ring spirit appeared.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The loud sound of hoofs came from behind.

The expressions of the seven-member team who were still chatting and laughing immediately changed immediately.

In such a vast wilderness, everyone in the team couldn't outrun the Nazgul on dark horses.

Speaking of which, he looked at the six Nazgul rushing towards the rear.

At this time, the three existing teams of Morgan, Aragorn, and Glorfindel in the team are actually not empty of those Nazgul.

But don't forget that there are four hobbits on the team.

Several hobbits have just come out of Hobbiton, maybe they can hold on a few times against the orcs, but they will definitely have no power to fight back against the terrifying monsters like the Nazgul.

Morgan and Aragorn didn't seem to have such a hard time dealing with the Nazgul.

However, only they themselves understand how difficult the Nazgul can be.

Moreover, in the entire Middle-earth world, how many people can be compared with Morgan and Aragorn.

Therefore, the top priority and the best way is to send Frodo away with the Supreme Lord of the Ring first, so as to avoid future troubles.

By chance, Glorfindel was holding a horse he had ridden away from Rivendell.

"Glorfindel, take Frodo first!"

Morgan looked at the Nazgûl who was approaching fast behind him, turned his head and shouted at the crowd, "Frodo, hurry!"

Everyone also understands that the situation is urgent at this time.

Glorfindel turned on his horse and pulled Frodo onto the horse's back.

"Then be careful, I will wait for you in the valley."

Glorfindel looked at the crowd and said quickly, and then his feet slammed into the horse's back, and the white horse rushed out immediately and galloped away.

Seeing one person walking away, Morgan immediately turned to look at the Three Hobbits: "Sam Merippin, the three of you are going too!"

"It's not far from the Xiangshui River. As long as you cross the Xiangshui River, the Ringwraith will not be able to catch up."

Morgan took off the longbow on his back while talking, and looked at the three who were still indifferent and shouted: "Let's go!"

"Yes Yes."

"Then Master Morgan, Aragorn"

"Be careful!"

Knowing that these two were going to stay and stop the terrifying Nazgul, the three hobbits hurried forward.


Morgan ignored the Three Hobbits and threw the longbow quiver he had taken to Aragorn.

A new longbow immediately appeared in his hand, as well as a quiver full of arrows.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The hooves were getting louder and louder.

Getting closer.

Look at the Nazgul who came running.

Morgan stretched out his hand and three arrows rested on the longbow drawn into a full moon.

Aragorn, not far away, only caught an arrow.

Although he was also familiar with bows and arrows, he certainly couldn't compare with Morgan.

In order to prevent the Nazgul from rushing through directly, the two stood side by side, but the distance was wide.

"Eyes are the killer of those dark horses"

Morgan spoke quickly, and Aragorn nodded in understanding.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the spirit of the ring spirit is amazing.

Finally, Morgan took the lead in plucking the bowstring.

"whoosh whoosh"

The three arrows roared away with a piercing sound.

next second.



Two loud noises.

The two transformed evil dark horses fell to the ground together with the Nazgul on their backs.

At this time, the arrow in Aragorn's hand finally lashed out.


The blazing arrow hit the scarlet eye socket of the leading horse.


There was another loud noise, and the black horse hit the ground fell to the ground.

At this time, the remaining three dark horses rushed forward.

Morgan and Aragorn decisively threw away the long bows in their hands, raised their hands and pulled out the long swords around their waists, and rushed towards the Three Ringed Spirits.

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