Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 10 Classmates

The first day of training mainly focused on the physique of the elves. The physique was the foundation of everything. Many new imperial envoys had to train the elves' fighting ability just after contracting with them, which was unrealistic.

Su Hao's plan for the silkworm baby, first to exercise his body, and secondly to train the silkworm baby's speed and flexibility.

As long as the speed is fast enough and the flexibility is strong enough, the elves can be invincible just by "dodging" the magic skills.

Su Hao couldn't remember how many times he threw the Frisbee in the morning.

Silkworm baby was full of energy at the beginning, but after a few failures with the Frisbee, most of his energy was lost.

Fortunately, it still yearns for the heroic appearance of the same clan in the video, and still remembers what Su Hao said, "All the hardships and hardships behind it are all for the sake of pretending to be on the court", Jin Yuliang said that it will keep it in mind.

The little guy gritted his teeth and insisted.

The progress was also very fast. After adjusting again and again, Silkworm finally remembered the correct way to exert force, jumped high like a little milk dog, and bit the Frisbee in one bite.

"That is, elves, whose resilience is much stronger than ordinary animals can be trained like this."

Silkworm baby is small and has fallen many times, but it is only in pain and not injured much, and his physical strength recovers quickly.

Progress is visible to the naked eye.

Elves are worthy of being the 'protagonists' beloved by the world, and humans are just feeding officials.

From morning training until noon, Silkworm Baby has been able to quickly jump up and catch the Frisbee within three seconds of leaving his hand, and sometimes make a 360-degree flip in the air.

If it wasn't for Su Hao's forbidding Silkworm Baby from getting too close, maybe the little guy would have pounced on the Frisbee before he could get his hands on it.


Silkworm Baby shook the dust on his body, and the successes brought him a full sense of accomplishment, and his enthusiasm for training was high again.

On the contrary, Su Hao was exhausted himself.

As the silkworm baby progressed, he threw the Frisbee faster and higher. He threw it hundreds of times in the morning, and then he used all his strength to throw it. His arm was sore and crisp, and it was not far from the unicorn arm.

"Take a rest and eat."

Silkworm Baby was still a little despised by his imperial envoy, but when he heard the meal, everything else was forgotten, and Pidianpidian ran forward and rubbed his trouser legs.

Su Hao took out a piece of jade powder and placed it in front of Silkworm Baby.

Silkworm baby leaned up, opened his mouth, "Goooooo~"

The whole silkworm has become ()~

Su Hao also dug out his lunch from his backpack. His was very ordinary, two caterpillar breads and a bottle of milk tea.

Tear open the package, squeeze the bread up, and bite down.

Silkworm baby: っД)っ

It looked at itself, and then at the caterpillar bread in Su Hao's hand, how could it think...a bit similar, very similar!

Are disobedient elves made into bread? It's so scary, goooooo((⊙﹏⊙))o.

Su Hao didn't know what was going on. In the afternoon, Silkworm Baby's training was even harder.

Probably because of his good qualities.


For several days in a row, Su Hao took the silkworm baby out early in the morning... and returned before dinner.

In addition to the basic physical and spiritual training, flexibility is also one of the daily training items. In Su Hao's plan, the early silkworm baby's combat effectiveness is mainly reflected in the degree of flexibility and impact strength.

Flexibility training has changed from throwing a Frisbee to throwing a bouncy ball.

Strength training, anti-beating training, etc. are interspersed in it - Su Hao chose the low-cost and extremely effective training method of hitting a tree - it can not only train the impact force of the silkworm, but also make it rough during the impact. The meat is thick, and it can overcome its timidity and embark on a new height of silkworm birth.

The only thing to overcome is Silkworm Baby's reluctance.

Fortunately, the training plan also has targeted psychological induction... It's not that Su Hao is too devilish, it's that Silkworm Baby is too tempted.

According to the training plan, Su Hao also chose some relatively economical spiritual plants for the silkworms to absorb - the wood-type elves are good for this, they can assist in planting, and can also absorb the essence of plants and trees.

The spiritual plant he chose is the most suitable for silkworm babies to absorb, and it is also the cheapest...

On the eighth day of training, Silkworm Baby has grown a circle, and the progress has been very significant.

On this day, when he set off in the morning, Su Hao had changed from running to riding a shared bicycle. The silkworm baby, who had grown into a fat orange cat, stepped behind him with short legs, and he could catch up!

The energy contained in its body has increased a lot, and the control of spiritual power has gone up several levels.

It has been able to gather the spewed spiritual power light particles into a straight line, the longest distance is 383cm, and the longest duration is 5.4s, but the output spiritual power is already several times the original power, and the power is enough... to tear ordinary paper.

Without learning any tricks, Silkworm Baby's combat effectiveness is still reflected in speed and strength, and spiritual power represents its accumulation.

But it has also learned to wrap its spiritual power around its torso and hit it with all its strength, which can directly smash a small sapling with a thick mouth!

While Su Hao was relieved, he was also somewhat regretful.

It's a pity that I didn't find a chance to beat Silkworm Baby, and now I can't beat it.

Horizontal comparison, the combat power is about 1.5 self.

Status -1.

It also brought a trace, almost imperceptible feedback.

"No, although I'm a little stronger, it's just my own exercise. What does it have to do with the silkworm baby?"

Not far away, the silkworm flies quickly through the woods, constantly circling the 'S-shape' or '8-shape'. Compressed before, and bounced back with a bang.

The trees swayed and the leaves rustled.

Su Hao leaned on the back of another tree and flipped through the book of ideology and morality in his hand.

Elf subjects also need to learn cultural knowledge, and the ideology and morality class is the focus of them, and the college entrance examination score will not be lower than any of the main subjects of elves.

Before the crossing, it was obviously not there!

Su Yu wanted to cry but had no tears. Hao could only beat himself up and write it down word by word.


The mountain behind the East Lake Mountain, the lakeside area,

A young girl dressed in a sweatshirt with long hair tied into a ponytail is squatting on the shore and commanding her spirit.

It was an elf that was about calf-high, with a blue body made of water, like a little girl wearing a long skirt and mopping the floor, soaking in the lake, and the lake water covered half of its body.

"Xiaoquan Ling, absorb the lake water and store it in the body, and cooperate with the spiritual power to condense it into a jet!"


Its small body swelled like a balloon, and after several seconds, Koizumi opened his mouth slightly, condensing a water column as thick as three fingers close together, and slammed out.

The white water column sprayed out more than 20 meters away and hit the trunk of a tree with the thickness of a bowl on the shore. The continuous water column lashed the tree continuously. The water column lost its strength, shrinking into a waterline and dripping on the lake and shore.

The roots of the trees have been wet and gathered into a pool of water, and the bark on the trunks has also been worn off a lot. Although this jet of water is not a trick, it already has initial lethality.

"That's it, great!"

Koizumi Ling ran ashore as if asking for credit, and the girl hugged Koizumi Ling at once and turned around twice.

Almost threw Koizumi Ling out.

"Well... what should I train next?"

Gu Lingyao took out the notebook from her backpack, and on it was... the training plan that his uncle had made for Koizumi Ling.

A training plan carefully crafted by a certified spiritual trainer.

Let Gu Lingyao start cultivating Koizumi before school starts, and the cultivation method is more sophisticated than the school - after all, the school does not have a certified spiritual teacher to formulate a training plan one-on-one.

"Woooo~woooo~" Koizumi's skirt lapped like a wave, "Woooo?"

It suddenly looked at the woods on the shore.

"What's the matter, Koizumi?"

"Woooo! Wooooooooooo~~"

"You mean there seems to be something over there?"

Gu Lingyao became nervous, could it be some kind of beast?

She and Koizumi Ling stared at the woods one big and one small.



The bushes shook.

A small figure emerged from it, and two elves stared at each other with wide eyes.

Silkworm Baby: (O_O)?

Koizumi Ling: (°°)

Thanks for the 1,000-coin reward for "The Leaves Gone With the Wind", and the 1,000-coin reward for "yu2003"~~~~~~~()

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