Start With a Fake University

Chapter 694: Energy device for cold fusion reactor

"Principal Ding, you directly customize a Leap Future for Xiao You, you really dote on my sister too much."

   An Yujia smiled and said after receiving the custom element list from Principal Ding.


Even Ding Yuedang gave a light cough, then turned to look at his sister Ding Xiaoyou and said: "I saw the girl movie, people say I'm a pet sister crazy demon, if you dare to say I'm not to you in the future If it's good, let me not blow your dog's head."

   "Slightly omitted."

   Ding Xiaoyou made a face directly at his brother Ding Yue.

   The two brothers and sisters started to quarrel with each other again.

   "Yes, yes, I am so envious."

Wen Ruohan, the secretary beside   , also echoed.

   And Wen Ruohan is really envious of Ding Xiaoyou being able to have such a perfect brother as Principal Ding.

"Principal Ding, then I will take this list of customization elements and give it to the car factory to start customization. Since we have not customized it yet, it is not clear how long it will take for this car to be customized. ."

  An Yujia said to Principal Ding seriously.

   "And it has to be customized without delaying normal production, understand?"

   Ding Yue said with a smile.

   Can’t delay the daily production of the car factory just because of customizing such a pink leap, future new energy car for my sister Ding Xiaoyou.

   "Good Principal Ding."

   An Yujia nodded.

   "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, hahahaha."

   Ding Xiaoyou said with a big smile.

   Brother Ding Yue customized a Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle for himself, which is already very good. Ding Xiaoyou got the car right away in no hurry.

   After his brother agreed, Ding Xiaoyou was very happy.

   At this moment, Ding Xiaoyou is still immersed in the joy and happiness of obtaining this exclusive customized leap forward new energy vehicle.

   And Ding Yue raised his head, looked at his sister Ding Xiaoyou, and immediately asked: "Old girl, are you happy?"

   "Hee hee hee, happy."

   Ding Xiaoyou nodded and replied with a smile.

   "It's good to be happy, is there anything else? If there is nothing else, I will continue to work here."

   Ding Yue shrugged and asked.

I have promised to customize a Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicle for my sister Ding Xiaoyou. This matter is not big, it is really not big, it is not small, it is not small, so Ding Yue thought that his sister Ding Xiaoyou was coming. Looking for myself, I mainly want to talk about this.

   However, Ding Yue seems to remember that what my sister Ding Xiaoyou said just now was to talk about this first, which means there will be other things later?


   I saw Ding Xiaoyou smiling and said: "The car is just an appetizer, brother, I'm in the laboratory, there is a new research result during this time, hehehe."

   "New research results?"

   Ding Yue asked calmly.

   This calmness comes from the confidence in my sister Ding Xiaoyou.

   After all, with the strength of his sister Ding Xiaoyou, coupled with her having such a laboratory, it is not that difficult to make a little scientific and technological achievement.

  The only question is whether this scientific and technological achievement is large or small.

   Ding Yue feels that his sister Ding Xiaoyou’s voice with a smile is estimated to be useful in energy, but not so awesome research results, right?


   Ding Xiaoyou nodded and replied.

   "Aren't you in our lithography machine experimental project recently? Why do you have other time to do your own energy technology research?"

   Ding Yue looked at his sister Ding Xiaoyou curiously and asked.

During this period of time, the lithography machine experimental project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can be said to be the technology project with the most resources and the most manpower. My sister Ding Xiaoyou was also involved in it. As a result, she still had her own time to do it. Your own technical research in the field of energy?

   deserves to be my sister of Ding Yue!

"Recently, I was not very busy in the lithography machine experiment project. The subdivision of the field I was responsible for was actually already done. Now the most difficult thing is to hear from Teachers Luo Peng and Tong Yihang. , It's still precision machining."

   Ding Xiaoyou shrugged relaxedly and said to his brother Ding Yue.

"So this is ah."

   After hearing this, Ding Yue understood it instantly.

In the lithography machine experimental project, the part that my sister Ding Xiaoyou participated in was only related to Ding Xiaoyou's profession. In the field of precision machining, even if my sister Ding Xiaoyou is a master again, because she has never studied before, That must not be understood.

When the most difficult level of the lithography machine experimental project was in the field of precision machining, Ding Xiaoyou could not help much. At this time, we need to look at Tong Yihang and their group of students and teachers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. .

   "So, since January of this year, I have used the laboratory to build an energy technology project that I wanted to do last year, no, it was the year before, and now it's almost done."

   Ding Xiaoyou said with a smile.

   "Then the question is, what kind of energy technology project is it?"

   Ding Yue spread out his hand and asked curiously.

   "It's nothing, it's just a simple cold fusion energy device."

   Ding Xiaoyou said with a smile.

   Ah this!

   For a moment, the whole office was silent.

   Ding Yue was stunned for a while.

   is nothing?

   is a simple one?

  Simple cold fusion energy device!

   Cold Fusion Energy Device!

   These seven words instantly made Ding Yue think of something.

   In the movie "Iron Man", Tony Stark became Iron Man. The most important thing is the cold fusion device, which is the Ark reactor!

  Sister Ding Xiaoyou said that the cold fusion energy device she developed is the thing on Iron Man's chest?


After    Ding leaped back to his senses, he stared at his sister and said, "What did you say? Did you get the cold fusion energy device?"

   "Yes, cold fusion energy device, brother, you are studying cold fusion in physics, don't you know it? I think if this energy device can be practical, it should have a significant promotion effect in many fields."

   Ding Xiaoyou said with a smile.

   "Yes, this is not an ordinary battery!"

   Ding Yue said seriously.

  The cold fusion energy device is similar to the Ark reactor of Iron Man. The energy that this thing can provide is much larger than the graphene battery currently owned by Feiyue Group...

   Even Ding Yue thinks that if this thing is used in business, is it a bit too exaggerated?

   "I just fooled around, and in the end I got this cold nuclear reaction reactor out. I call it a cold fusion energy device."

   Ding Xiaoyou suddenly started Versailles.

   "Good guy, come on, old girl, take me to see your cold fusion energy device."

   Ding Yue can't wait any longer.

   Iron Man’s Ark reactor, how many men’s dreams are this?

If you can.

   Ding Yue even wants to become a real Iron Man, eh, just for fun!

"okay then."

   Ding Xiaoyou stood up from the chair and said with a smile: "For the sake of your custom-made Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicle, I will take you to see it."

   good fellow!

   One of my leap forward new energy vehicles, in front of your cold fusion energy device, is nothing good at all.

   If this cold fusion energy device is used on Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles, then the car shouldn’t take off directly?

"while walking."

   Ding Yue also stood up immediately, and then directly took his sister Ding Xiaoyou and walked out of the office.

   Wen Ruohan and An Yu Jiaan, the secretaries in the office, saw this and hurriedly followed.

   Wen Ruohan did not forget to call Da Bai when he came to the door: "Da Bai, go and take a look."

   Since Wen Ruohan's authority over Da Bai is quite high, when Wen Ruohan called Da Bai, Da Bai immediately followed.

   In this way, Ding Yue took his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou, secretary Wen Ruohan and An Yujia, and Da Bai behind him, and the group went straight from the administration building to the center of the scientific research base.

   At the center of the scientific research base, Ding Xiaoyou owns one of the most luxurious laboratories.

  In this laboratory, Ding Xiaoyou developed his latest technology, which is the cold fusion energy device!

   After everyone put on the special laboratory clothing, they walked into Ding Xiaoyou's laboratory.

   "Where is the old girl?"

   Ding Yue looked around in the laboratory, thinking about the cold fusion energy device made by his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou, might it be larger than the Iron Man movie?

   So Ding Yue thought it would be more eye-catching.

   But Ding Yue was in the entire laboratory and didn't see what he wanted to see.

   "It's over here."

I saw Ding Xiaoyou walk to the front of the experimental platform and press a button. Then, a squeaky sound sounded, and the experimental platform sank partly, and then lifted up again, looking very advanced and sci-fi. .

   What was raised from the depression of the experimental platform was a glass box, and inside the glass box a cold fusion energy reactor device about the size of an adult man's fist appeared in front of Ding Yue's eyes.

   And this device released a light blue light. It seems that apart from the appearance that is somewhat different from that in the Iron Man movie, it can't be said to be very similar in other aspects, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

   There are only four words in Ding Yue's mind at this moment.

   That is amazing!

   This cold fusion energy reactor device is simply a work of art!

   "Old girl, how did you make this?"

   Ding Yue looked at his sister Ding Xiaoyou incredulously and asked.

  In the Iron Man movie, the Ark reactor is nothing more than a fictional energy device. It is unexpected that it can be realized in reality.

   "It is to use cold nuclear fusion to generate energy, and then use this device to constrain cold nuclear fusion. Compared with thermonuclear fusion, the requirements for materials of cold nuclear fusion are not so high."

   Ding Xiaoyou calmly explained, shrugged.

   "Good guy, this is really awesome."

   Ding Yue directly gave his sister Ding Xiaoyou a thumbs up, and then asked: "Have you applied for patents or anything?"

   For a new technology, it is inevitable to apply for a patent, and for a technology like a cold fusion energy reactor device, the patent application must be more than one simple.

   "Hmm, I have already applied for a patent."

   Ding Xiaoyou nodded and replied.

   "Principal Ding, this thing looks pretty good, emitting a faint blue light, but what can it do for such a small thing, eh?"

Wen Ruohan, the secretary beside   , asked curiously.

   After all, Wen Ruohan is a liberal arts student, and it is normal for him not to understand this knowledge.

   Ding Yue smiled and said, "Student Xiaowen, don't look at this thing as a small one, but the energy it contains is very huge."

   "Do you know nuclear fusion?"

  An Yujia, who was standing next to Wen Ruohan, understood a little bit, and asked Wen Ruohan with a smile.

   "Nuclear fusion, I know I know, I heard that it is a sustainable energy source?" Wen Ruohan nodded and said immediately.

"Nuclear fusion currently has no technology that can be controlled. Uncontrollable nuclear fusion is the hydrogen bomb as we know it. If nuclear fusion can be controlled, it will produce high-efficiency and clean energy similar to solar activity, and it is almost Sustainable and endless energy."

   Ding Yue briefly explained to the secretary Wen Ruohan.

   "Is this thing controllable nuclear fusion?"

   Wen Ruohan was shocked.

   "No, no, no!"

   Ding Yue shook his head, and said with a smile: "If this thing is controlled nuclear fusion, then it's worth it? That little You can exist like Newton and Einstein."

"Cold fusion is actually a kind of fusion method, but it lies in the conversion of energy ~ Compared to thermonuclear fusion, it must be much less, but compared to other current energy conversion methods, Cold fusion is much stronger."

   Ding Yue explained again.

   "Brother, you know a lot." Ding Xiaoyou said.

   I saw Ding Yue raising his head and saying confidently: "Don't forget, your brother, I am a graduate student of Qinghua University!"

   Ding Yue's postgraduate stage of physics major is linked to Qinghua University.

   "This thing is so powerful, my God."

   Even if Wen Ruohan knew that this cold fusion energy device was inferior to controllable nuclear fusion, he was still very shocked.

   At this time, Ding Yue looked at the cold fusion reactor device in the glass box, and wanted to experience the idea of ​​"Iron Man", and it became more intense for a while.

  Which man doesn't want to wear a steel suit and fly freely in the sky?

   Ding Yue also missed it very much.

   And this cold fusion reactor energy device can help Ding Yue realize his dream of becoming an "Iron Man".


   Just a cold fusion reactor energy device is definitely not enough.

   For Iron Man, this thing is just the beginning. A steel suit is also very complicated. The various technologies contained in it are all very advanced and high-end compared to the current earth technology.

   But advanced and high-end, it is synonymous with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences...

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