Start with a Blind Date

Chapter 539 Why don't you do the questions?

When Gao Lan saw this question on the test paper, she couldn't help but gasped.

I dare not spit it out.

She was very curious to see how Qin Chen would solve this problem.

"For a highway, it takes 24 days for Team A to repair it alone, and 30 days for Team B to complete it alone. After a few days of cooperation between A and B, Team B stops to rest, and Team A continues to repair it for six days."

After reading the topic, and seeing what Qin Chen didn't even think about, he just put pen to paper.

Qin Chen used the method of setting an unknown number X.

Let A and B practice for X days in total.

It is known that A alone needs 24 days to repair this road, so A's efficiency is 1/24.

But B alone needs 30 days to repair, so the efficiency of B is 1/30.

Add the two numbers together and multiply by X.

Then add the distance repaired by A in the next six days, which is six times 1/24.

Because of this question, Qin Chen assumes that the total journey is unit 1.

Then the equation is listed as "(1/24+1/30)X+6X1/24=1."

Connecting this equation, we can get that X is equal to nine days.

Seeing the process of Qin Chen's writing, Gao Lan was completely dumbfounded.

She would never have imagined that Qin Chen, a sophomore Chinese undergraduate, could actually make such a rare test question.

You know, this kind of topic can't be done by graduate students.

At least for a while, Gao Lan would not be able to think of this solution.

Although she also studied mathematics as a graduate student, she was compared with Qin Chen.

It is too far away.

Now, Gao Lan somewhat believes the words of the former math teacher Zhao Dabao.

Zhao Dabao said that Qin Chen was a genius in mathematics, and at that time he brought Qin Chen the test papers for the postgraduate level.

It took Qin Chen less than ten minutes to complete such a thick stack of test papers.

At that time, Gao Lan thought that Qin Chen had seen this kind of topic before.

In other words, Qin Chen had some talent in mathematics, but she hadn't discovered it before.

But now it seems that Qin Chen has more than a little talent in mathematics, he is simply an outstanding monstrous player.

If Qin Chen had only a little talent in mathematics.

Then those so-called professors of mathematics and doctoral students majoring in mathematics are just rubbish.

Just when Gao Lan was in shock, she found that Qin Chen moved again.

This time Qin Chen didn't do the next question, but wrote the second solution under this question.

Gao Lan didn't take it seriously at first, but after reading the problem-solving process written by Qin Chen.

Gao Lan was so shocked that he almost took his breath away.

I saw Qin Chen wrote in the second method "(1-6x1/24)/(1/24+1/30)=10."

Qin Chen simply wrote such a formula, and then concluded that the answer is nine.

At first, Gao Lan still couldn't understand the test questions.

After being stunned for a while, Gao Lan realized, isn't this stepping on a horse to check the calculation?

If someone told Gao Lan before that there are mathematical geniuses in this world, they can learn without learning.

Gao Lan would definitely call this person a lunatic and a psychopath.

Although mathematics is only a basic subject, it is the foundation of all knowledge.

Such as physicalization, if it leaves the mathematical calculation method, it will not be able to proceed at all.

There are also liberal arts, such as geography and biology, which also have a lot of calculation content.

For example, what is the tropic of the equator, or biological DNA.

These things all need to be applied to mathematics.

Therefore, although the science of mathematics is only a basic subject, it is difficult to master it.

Ordinary people devote themselves to studying every few decades, and it is impossible to achieve proficiency.

Even if you are a mathematical genius, you can spend a lot of hard work before you can make a difference in mathematics.

But now, Qin Chen completely broke this natural law.

Because as far as Gao Lan knew, Qin Chen never listened to lectures in class.

Either sleeping and playing games, or skipping classes to go to Internet cafes.

A while ago, before the entrance exam, Gao Lan saw Qin Chen go to an Internet cafe for rent.

But it is such a student who is idle and doesn't study hard.

How can Gao Lan not be shocked by solving a math problem that even a graduate student can't?

After checking the calculation, Qin Chen also noticed Gao Lan standing beside him.

So Qin Chen stopped writing.

There was still an hour before the exam, and Qin Chen planned to sleep in for a while, and then hand in the papers in advance and go to eat later.

Seeing Qin Chen stop his movements, Gao Lan couldn't help reminding Qin Chen.

You just finished answering the second question, why didn't you do this?

"Don't you know how to do the following questions?"

But it's not possible to think about it.

Like the previous two difficult math problems, Qin Chen solved them with a frown.

Even though the following questions are somewhat difficult, Qin Chen may not be too difficult.

"Qin Chen, you...?" Gao Lan swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Because, she saw Qin Chen turn over the test paper and put back the test paper that he had taken from the corner of the table before.

Then, he revealed his own test paper placed below.

Gao Lan could clearly see Qin Chen's two test papers.

That is to say, the joint examination papers for the undergraduate level and the joint examination papers for the postgraduate level are all densely written at this time, and they are all done!

Seeing this scene, Gao Lan was confused again.

Feelings What Qin Chen did just now was not his own business.

Instead, he was idle and bored, and took the test papers of candidates who had abandoned the exams to do it?

Even other people's test papers can make this wonderful calculation.

Gao Lan couldn't think of what kind of whimsical solutions Qin Chen could write on his own test paper.

But since Qin Chen can do it, why not let him do all the blank test papers?

This time the city's college entrance examination, the test papers of all subjects are unprecedentedly difficult.

Forget about other subjects.

For example, what kind of language, English, this kind of purely relying on Mongolian words can still get a little points.

But the subject of mathematics, the candidates simply can't get it.

This trick is useless for mathematics, because most of the objective questions in mathematics.

Unlike subjective questions, objective questions are what they should be.

Even if there is a difference of one number or one decimal point, it is not right!

Therefore, mathematics in the previous entrance examinations was a subject for scoring.

If there are students who can score more in mathematics.

So maybe it can improve the score of Jinling University's undergraduate entrance examination as a whole?

Gao Lan thought of it this way, "I am also a member of Jinling University. If Jinling University is banned because it is at the bottom, then what should I do?"

Gao Lan was trained by Jinling University.

University, postgraduate, Gao Lan all spent at Jinling University.

After graduating from Jinling University, Gao Lan resolutely chose to stay in school as a teacher.

If Jinling University was disqualified from running a school by the Education Department at that time, wouldn't her job also be lost?

If so...

Gao Lan was thoughtful, the Civic was constantly circulating, thinking about something.

just a few seconds...

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