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Chapter 16 ?

Chapter 16 Novice Area

The shape of a half-blood elf obtained after swallowing, with a silver crown inlaid with engraved sapphires on its head.

Ouyang Xiu looked left and right at the DIY mirror with satisfaction, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

This figure, this appearance, almost catch up with my heroic appearance in the previous life.

“Ready perfectly.”

Let's go, we can go out now.

Ouyang Xiu pushed open the door of the cabin and formally entered the novice area.

The first thing that caught his eyes was the densely packed cabins with no end in sight. Based on the number of cabins that Ouyang Xiu has seen so far, it can be known that the number of reincarnations in the novice area of ​​No. 007 is definitely not small.

Combined with her own situation, Ouyang Xiu boldly guessed that not all reincarnated people are human beings.

At the same time, Ouyang Xiu saw that two buildings with unique shapes would appear in the center of every large wooden house.

The appearance of the first building looks like a black cube, the whole body is wrapped in colorful ribbons, and there is a colorful ball on the top of the building that continuously emits neon lights.

The second building is a white cylinder, and a bright sign is hung on the top of the building, with four big characters "Trading Center" written on it. Obviously, this is for reincarnators without noble authority to trade with each other.

As the only two buildings in the novice area, and they look so interesting, Ouyang Xiu naturally wants to visit.

The first thing he went to was the trading center, wanting to see the market price of the items he had bought.

"Don't miss it when you pass by, the pistol with unlimited bullets only costs 1,000 Paradise Coins."

"The bronze sword, the bronze axe, and the red-tasseled spear are all 100 Paradise Coins, and the child's sister-in-law is innocent, all 100."

"Hemostatic bandage, 50 Paradise Coins for each piece, will give you a second life!"


Before entering the trading center, all kinds of exaggerated cries of selling came into Ouyang Xiu's ears, as if she was in a vegetable market in her previous life.

Although the hemostatic bandage sold for 50 Paradise Coins is more than five times more expensive than the auction house, the price is quite reasonable in the novice area. Even if you are wandering around in novice missions, the basic exploration rewards you get should be affordable of.

Sure enough, after entering the center, Ouyang Xiu saw that the bandage seller was surrounded by reincarnated people. But looking at the products on his booth, Ouyang Xiu understood that this is a marketing method to attract popularity.

However, compared to this bandage dealer with small profits but high sales, the other one selling infinite bullet pistols is actually a bit deceitful.

Many newcomers who entered the reincarnation for the first time are obsessed with pistols. In addition, when he heard the infinite bullets, his eyes immediately burst into stars.

But in fact, not to mention in all kinds of fantasy worlds, most people with guns can't beat those with knives.

Even in reality, if it is an ordinary pistol with a smaller caliber, it cannot kill a well-trained muscular man unless it hits the head.

Of course, even if Ouyang Xiu knew that this was a scam product, she didn't say much, after all, newcomers should have the consciousness of being slaughtered.

He came here to look at the prices, just like shopping in the mall, seeing the clothes he likes and then buying them online is cheaper. That kind of pleasure is not just as simple as a few dollars cheaper, but also a feeling of "I made money this time".

Ouyang Xiu, with such a grandpa mentality, looked around, and when he saw something interesting, he walked over to pick it up and play with it, which was very pleasant.

By asking Dreamland, Ouyang Xiu learned that there is no charge for setting up a stall in the trading center, and the stall will be protected by the park. Items cannot be taken away without being auctioned, otherwise they will be punished by the park.

Setting up stalls for free and providing protection, Dreamland is so conscientious?

Or is it that the poor ghosts in the novice area can't squeeze out oil and water?

It should be mostly the latter.

Ouyang Xiu scrubbed her chin, getting information and insights while shopping.

You can't stay in the novice area for a long time. It's a group of poor ghosts who are unwilling to be squeezed by the park. There is no future here.

"Dreamland, how to enter the outer city."

Ouyang Xiu asked Paradise in her mind.

[Paradise Reply: After completing the novice task, you will enter the novice area. After completing the two quest worlds in the novice area, you will automatically enter the promotion task. After the promotion task is completed, you can enter the outer city. 】

"Then what if the promotion task fails?"

[You will be punished accordingly, and the punishment result will be adjusted according to the difficulty of the promotion task. 】

It's not a good result when you hear it, it seems that you need to be better prepared.

Afterwards, she continued to stroll casually, and Ouyang Xiu left the noisy and bustling trading center, turned around and went to the black cube building.

Pushing open a falsely concealed black door, the mixed air is filled with the fragrance of cocktails.

The dynamic DJ dance music makes people excited when listening to it. Both men and women are frantically twisting their waists and buttocks on the dance floor, and the coolly dressed women are laughing and joking among the men, teasing those who cannot control themselves with frivolous words. Live your own man.

On the pink sofas, the women curled up in the arms of the men charmingly and chirped me, and the men flirted with the women while drinking.

This is the most exciting life in the novice area. In the middle of the dance floor, all kinds of seductive girls are stepping on the beat of DJ dance music, twisting their bodies crazily, and their white bodies are particularly eye-catching under the swaying neon lights. The hair is swinging back and forth from side to side and up and down. Suddenly, an ambiguous atmosphere enveloped the entire bar.

That's right, this is a small bar, a place for novice reincarnators to relax and entertain after intense and exciting battles.

There is a small bar like this every other cabin, which is as important as the trading center. It can be seen that Dreamland takes care of the novice reincarnation, and even considers entertainment.

Ouyang Xiu was an ordinary college student in her previous life, so she rarely went to this place. But it's not like I haven't been there. I used to be a wingman for my good brother in a bar and played assists.

He himself didn't like this kind of atmosphere, because in his previous life he was an otaku who played games, watched anime and read novels, so he didn't like this kind of feasting and feasting.

Secondly, although the women in the bar are all sexy and enchanting, each has their own charm, but Ouyang Xiu doesn't like "a pair of jade arms that thousands of people can sleep on, and some red lips that thousands of people can taste".

That's exactly what a bar is.

Many men think that by wearing green water ghosts, polishing black leather shoes, and renting a small sports car, they can return to the bar to hunt for beauty, but they don't know that they are either a money-worshiping girl with heavy makeup or a bartender hired by the bar.

It's really hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey.

(Suggestion from Mr. Brown Sugar: Children should not go to bars!)

. . . . . .

(end of this chapter)

Second update~

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