"I heard that the patient came from a different place, and hospitals in places like Imperial Capital and Magic Capital said they couldn't treat it. I heard that the director of our hospital is a national expert, so I came here." Lu Chenxi said.

Zhou Yuan was even more puzzled.

At this time, Dean Fang, who was sitting in the obstetric conference room, looked blank.

He wondered if he was an expert in hand surgery, why would a baby with a head connected to him also ask him for help?

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and seeing Zhou Yuan outside the door, Dean Fang looked a little excited with the expression that rescue has arrived.

"Sit down quickly." Dean Fang patted the seat next to him.

"It's like this..." Seeing Zhou Yuan's arrival, Wei Lili, deputy director of the First Obstetrics Department, opened her eyes and began to introduce the patient's condition.

This is a Siamese baby with connected skulls.

Conjoined twins occur on the basis of identical twins and are caused by the incomplete division of the fertilized egg. This situation generally occurs in the first two weeks of pregnancy. It stands to reason that it can be found during the birth check.

"Their parents couldn't bear it, so they gave birth by undergoing a caesarean section."

"We began to think that the two babies were only connected by the occipital bones, sharing brains, sagittal sinuses, etc. This is a relatively common situation. However, after inspection, we found that these two children have independent brains and it is possible to undergo separation surgery. Sex, but..." At this point, Wei Lili fell silent.

"But what?" Zhou Yuan couldn't help asking.

"But... the baby is too young, it is not long after birth, and it is very likely that there will be excessive blood loss and death during the operation!"

Zhou Yuan frowned.

Excessive blood loss is an important reason for the low success rate of skull separation surgery. There is not much blood in the adult's head, and the baby has less blood in the skull. Once there is a little more bleeding, neither child can keep it.

No wonder other hospitals dare not do it.

The director of brain surgery said: "The chance of excessive blood loss is too great. This operation is almost impossible to succeed!"

"This is not a problem that can be solved by fine manipulation..." Having said that, Wei Lili gave Zhou Yuan a subconscious glance.

Nowadays, good technology is actually of little significance. Bleeding will inevitably occur in skull separation surgery, and this conjoined head baby is most afraid of blood loss!

"Do you have a good way?" Dean Fang asked.

"I think this operation is almost impossible to succeed! My suggestion is not to perform the operation for now." said a director of thoracic surgery.

The director of brain surgery said: "If they don't undergo surgery, they will face life-threatening when they grow up to about two years old. At that time, with these two people, it is basically impossible to survive..."

Dean Fang fell silent.

"I looked at some cases of head separation. There were 21 cases in total. Almost every case had heavy bleeding. However, because the patients were older, they just managed to survive through blood transfusions." Dean Fang looked at his hand. data of.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Head separation surgery requires delicate brain separation, vascular repair, skull repair, etc., and the severe bleeding during the operation is excusable.

"It really doesn't work, save one!" the director of brain surgery said.

All those present were taken aback.

"Since there is no way to guarantee that both people will survive, then, give all the blood flow, etc., to one of them, so that he can survive!"

Wei Lili smiled helplessly: "You haven't had a baby yet, so you don't know that this plan will never work."

"I'm going to talk to them! Either they are connected together, both of them are in danger of life at around two years old, or just let one of them survive!"

With that, the director of brain surgery was about to leave the conference room.

Within a few minutes, the director of brain surgery ran back surreptitiously, and the parents of the Siamese baby also cried into the conference room.

"Doctor! I beg you, don't ask which one should we keep!" The baby mother cried.

The baby's father's eyes were red, and he bowed to everyone in the hospital like an apology, and said solemnly: "Please don't ask us which child we choose to keep! We are their parents, and we can't wait to give them our lives. How could it be possible? Take away..."

The people present were a bit at a loss and retreated, but when they saw the earnest and painful parents looking at them with expectant eyes, no one had the heart to refuse.

"We will discuss how to save your children, so please wait outside first." Dean Fang said.

The baby's parents repeatedly thanked, and then reluctantly retired.

Looking at the couple who were helping each other to leave, everyone present felt sympathy.

"But... the head separation operation was originally the most difficult in the separation of conjoined babies, and it is still a newly born baby. This is a sophisticated and complicated operation in itself, and it is necessary to overcome the almost inevitable excessive bleeding..." Brain The director of surgery was a little embarrassed.

"I haven't seen such a successful operation... There is no better way. Save one, or give up the operation." Someone said.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly his eyes lit up.

"I have an idea."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Zhou Yuan.

Dean Fang's eyes rekindled hope: "Say!"

"Blood is constantly flowing out of the heart. Since intraoperative bleeding will occur, is it enough to close the heart?" Zhou Yuan stood up and said slowly.

The meeting room was silent.

The possibilities are quickly simulated in everyone's mind.

Temporarily stopping the blood pump function of the heart, this surgical method has been used in cardiac surgery for many years, but it has never been used in a complicated operation such as a skull separation.

It can be said...this is the first time!

Therefore, no one present dared to be sure that this plan was correct.

However, no one dared to say that it is not feasible!

"It stands to reason that your method is feasible...Which document did you see it in?" Dean Fang asked.

After he heard Zhou Yuan's surgical method, he felt a new feeling, which was a technique that had never been used in head separation surgery.

"I just thought of it." Zhou Yuan said silently.

"I just thought of it?!"

Several directors looked at each other and all showed shocked expressions.

"Even if the plan you said is feasible, the head separation operation is very difficult, and it is not something ordinary people can control. I really can't do it alone!" The director of brain surgery shook his head.

Separation of conjoined head infants is a super-large operation in the true sense. It often requires the close cooperation of a dozen or even dozens of medical staff.

The general operation requires six people, four doctors, one anesthesiologist, and one nurse, but a conjoined head baby may need more than twice the number of personnel to assist.

The number of people alone is enough to see the complexity of the operation. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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