If the skin temperature suddenly drops when the local skin temperature is tested, the difference is more than 3 degrees Celsius, venous thrombosis is likely to occur.

Little nurse Zhang Linghui reported: "I have just measured the temperature in degrees Celsius and it is in good condition."

Zhou Yuan checked the color, swelling and capillary return of the replanted limbs, and he was relieved after no problems were found.

"For three days after the operation, observe and record once every hour, and notify me immediately if there is a vascular crisis."

Vascular crises generally occur within 72 hours.

Arterial crisis can change the skin color from ruddy to pale, gray, wrinkles, and lower skin temperature. Venous crisis is manifested as dark purple skin, lighter skin texture or even disappearance, etc.

After a few more words, Zhou Yuan only left the ward and ran into the head nurse Tian Liang as soon as he went out.

"Zhou Yuan?" Tian Liang was like seeing a ghost.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Tian Liang shook his head: "It's not you on duty today, so go back and rest. It's not a matter of reluctance to act as a doctor. Every day is a tough battle. You must have a strong body!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yuan couldn't refuse any more. After checking a few more wards with Sun Meng, he was going to go back to rest.

After returning to the single dormitory, Zhou Yuan hurriedly closed the door.

During the ward round, the system that hadn't moved for a long time suddenly squeaked. At that time, I was busy checking the patients and I didn't have time to see what happened.

Zhou Yuan sat at the table full of chicken feet and turned on the system.

Presented in front of Zhou Yuan is a property panel.

Name: Zhou Yuan

Items: Vitality Potion*2, Intermediate Treasure Box*1, Elementary Treasure Box*2

Master the technology:

Master butt stitching method (+)

Perfect compression hemostasis (+)

Master-level replantation technique of severed limbs (+)

Not mastered:

Aortic dissecting aneurysm resection

Stereotactic thalamic ventrolateral nucleus lesion in Parkinson's disease(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Psychiatric amygdala mutilation


Among the technologies that have been mastered, there is a plus sign behind each item, which seems to be upgradeable.

Zhou Yuan clicked on the details.

Master butt stitching method (+)

Progress: 5/100000

Perfect compression hemostasis (+)

Progress: 3/0

Master-level replantation technique of severed limbs (+)

Progress: 1/5000

The improvement of technology requires the cure of patients with related technologies.

Zhou Yuan can only sigh with emotion. Fortunately, the replantation of the severed limb is not the same as the butt-suturing. It takes 100,000 proficiency to upgrade to a higher level. It seems that the difficulty and requirements of the upgrade will be adjusted accordingly according to the difficulty of the technology.

"It turns out that perfection is the top level. I still wanted to be better than perfection. Could it be that when I stop bleeding, I will explode the Holy Light?" Zhou Yuan said.

He returned his gaze to the system.

This time, the severed limb replantation operation resulted in one intermediate treasure chest and two junior treasure chests.

"Open the primary treasure chest and get! Vitality potion*1!"

"Open the primary treasure chest and get! Vitality potion*1!"

"Open the intermediate treasure chest and get it! Master aortic dissecting aneurysm resection!"

After opening the treasure chest this time, Zhou Yuan roughly confirmed what can be obtained from the primary treasure chest and the intermediate treasure chest.

The primary treasure chests are generally vitality potions, and there is a chance to obtain techniques, but even if they are obtained, they can only be performed by basic operations such as suturing and hemostasis.

In the middle-level treasure chest, there is a high probability of acquiring technology, and a small probability of acquiring master-level technology.

Aortic dissecting aneurysm is a relatively rare and fatal disease, and its occurrence is related to many diseases. Hypertension is an important cause of aortic dissection.

Although there is no clear explanation in medicine, it is generally believed that the aortic wall is stimulated by hyperdynamic blood pressure for a long time, making the tension of the aortic wall continue to be in a state of tension, which is easy to cause aortic dissecting aneurysm.

In addition to high blood pressure, pregnancy, severe trauma, long-term heavy physical labor, or drug stimulation are also causes of dissecting aneurysms.

Resection of aortic dissecting aneurysm is a major operation, and it is generally less difficult than replantation of a severed limb, but it does not rule out that the aneurysm is as large as eight or nine centimeters and compresses blood vessels and nerves.

After going through the knowledge about the aortic dissecting aneurysm and the details of the operation in his mind, Zhou Yuan started to dance on the chicken feet with the needle.

Although it is already a master-level butt stitching, there are many things that need to be felt by yourself.

It's like medical students sew on banana skin all day long, no matter how well they do it, there will always be a gap between when they actually sew up human skin.

Because of the vitality potion, Zhou Yuan's mental state is particularly good, and there is no sleepiness at all.

When your eyes are tired, practice barbells to ensure that your hand strength is the surgeon’s daily care and a prerequisite for holding the scalpel firmly.

This night just passed.

It wasn't until the alarm clock sounded that Zhou Yuan recovered. After a brief wash, he walked out of the single dormitory with a basin of chicken feet.

"The effect of this thing is so good, it's the same as having a full sleep, and I'm still full of energy now." Zhou Yuan muttered, touching the vitality potion in his pocket.

The ocean that saw Zhou Yuan's arrival from a distance immediately leaned over: "The little prince with chicken feet is here again! Everyone, come and grab it!"


Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, you give the data, I will try to update! .

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