Start as a Instructor and Build the Strongest Special Forces

Chapter 109 Chief Instructor, I want to practice with you

"Chief instructor, why do we need lung capacity training? We are not swimmers!" An Italian special forces soldier asked in confusion.

Chen Ming looked directly at him and asked, "Do you need to hold your breath when shooting?"

The Italian special forces soldier thought for a moment and nodded.

Although some professional military scholars do not advocate breath-holding shooting, most soldiers still choose to hold their breath in order to improve the shooting accuracy, because holding their breath can make the body more "still" and less likely to shake the muzzle.

In addition, holding your breath can also adjust the state of mind, let the whole person calm down and concentrate.

"When on the battlefield, will heavy breathing affect the action?" Chen Ming continued.

After hesitating for a moment, the Italian special forces also nodded.

When running on the battlefield, the more intense the exercise, the more intense the breathing will be. The rapid breathing will easily lead to a loss of mental concentration, and because the oxygen cannot be supplied to all parts of the human body in time, it will make people tired.

After Chen Ming asked two questions in a row, he continued: "Now do you understand why you need to perform lung capacity training?

The Italian special forces nodded.

The greater the lung capacity, the longer you can hold your breath while holding your breath, and the less likely you are to gasp during intense action on the battlefield.

After Chen Ming pointed it out, he finally understood the meaning of lung capacity training.

The rest of the special forces also understood Chen Ming's intention to let them perform lung capacity exercises, and all of them showed stunned expressions on their faces.

"Now, everyone does a push-up in the shallow water, and every push-up will sink the body to the bottom of the water!" Chen Ming commanded.

"Yes, Chief Instructor!" Everyone responded.

Five hundred people lined up in the shallow waters of the beach, each one supported the soft sea sand with their hands, and began to do push-ups.

When the arms are bent down, the head is just submerged in the water, only when the arms are straight, Fang Lian can take a deep breath.

The feeling of the sea water filling the nostrils, ears and eyes makes each of them very uncomfortable.


Push-ups are a very muscular endurance exercise. Now, with the condition of holding your breath in the water, the difficulty is undoubtedly greatly improved.

After doing more than a dozen push-ups in succession, several special forces were unable to hold their breath when their heads were immersed in sea water, resulting in draught and violent coughing.

Chen Ming walked up to the special forces, glanced at them coldly, and ordered: "Each of you should add twenty push-ups, and every time you eat water, add twenty more, do you understand? 22

These special forces looked at each other and nodded bitterly.

Under the supervision of Chen Ming, 500 special forces were doing breath-holding push-ups in shallow water.

This kind of training can effectively improve their lung capacity, but for them, this process is also extremely torturous.

When the time came to noon, 500 special forces Fang Ji finished a can of push-ups.

They were lying on the beach one by one, their eyes swollen from the sea, and their arms were extremely sore.

"Everyone, lie down like a dead pig for me, all get up, and now go to the restaurant for lunch!" Chen Ming shouted.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Chen Ming's words.

They looked at each other, and there was a hint of confusion in their eyes.

They couldn't figure out why Chen Ming suddenly became so kind today and let them go to the restaurant to eat.

Wasn't it used to be all about having people carry a bucket of tortillas and clear soup to kill them?

However, since they could go to the restaurant to eat, they were naturally quite excited, got up one by one, and followed Chen Ming to the restaurant.

Before long, they came to the restaurant.

In the spacious restaurant, there are dozens of long dining tables, each with dozens of seats, and a large iron bowl is placed in front of each seat.

"Everyone, find a seat and sit down!" Chen Ming ordered.


They sat down and looked at the table covered with white cloth in front of them. They were looking forward to each and every one of them. There was a sense of ceremony in a French restaurant waiting for the dishes to be served.

After everyone was seated, Chen Ming turned his head and said to the instructors, "Serve them!

The instructors nodded.

After a while, the instructors walked over from the kitchen pushing dining carts.

I saw that on the dining car, there were pieces of cut beef.

It's just that the beef was raw, with blood stains on it.

The instructors put a piece of raw beef in each bowl.

After all were distributed, Chen Ming said loudly: "This is the freshest and healthiest yellow beef from the local ranch, two kilograms per person, to supplement the protein your body needs, give you half an hour to eat it all.

Everyone looked at the raw beef in the bowl with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

They should have thought, how could Chen Ming, a hunter, be so kind to their prey.

The expected sumptuous food turned into the cold raw beef in front of them, which was a big disappointment to them.

Although the United States has the habit of eating undercooked beef, at least the outermost layer of the beef is fried and sprinkled with seasoning sauce.

But what was in front of them was whole raw beef without any seasoning, and they were not savages who drank blood. Naturally, they had no appetite for this kind of raw beef, and even the special police resisted.


However, Chen Ming has already issued an order, so they can't resist, and they have to eat if they don't want to.

One by one, they picked up the beef in the bowl with both hands, smelled the raw beef, and took a bite.

After taking a bite, the slightly bloody juice wrapped in the raw meat immediately splashed into the mouth, making them accustomed to eating cooked food, instantly feel a nauseating urge.


A special soldier from Baiguo couldn't hold back and spat out the half-chewed beef on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ming said indifferently: "Pick it up for me and eat it!

The Baiguo special soldier's face showed embarrassment, but under Chen Ming's stern gaze, he could only grab the spit out beef with his hands, put it into his mouth again, chew it a few times, and forcibly swallow it.

Huo Changhong and the others, as the down-to-earth people of the Dragon Kingdom, although they are not used to eating raw beef, they are better than eating worms. Therefore, they swallowed the raw beef one by one very smoothly.

Looking at the special forces who were raw beef, Edward asked Chen Ming: "Chief Instructor, although I know raw beef is used to supplement protein for them (biaj), why do they have to eat raw beef and eat it? It's easy to have diarrhea!

Chen Ming replied calmly: "How can there be cooked food for them to eat when fighting in the wild? I'm being generous this time. If I were more cruel, I would directly feed them insects for lunch."

"Special forces training is not only reflected in the daily training, but also in the basic necessities of life, eating raw meat, using tear gas to wake them up from time to time every day, and keeping their guns on their shoulders every day. The habit of being a special forces soldier.

His remarks made Edward Mouth pause, and immediately took out his notebook and wrote down what Chen Ming said.

Half an hour later, the special forces ate all the raw beef with difficulty, and they all felt their stomachs, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Everyone stand up, now go to the rainforest and start the afternoon training." Chen Ming shouted to them.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ming took them to a silt field in the tropical rain forest.

"This afternoon, we will have fighting training. Pick your own opponents and practice freely!" Chen Ming instructed: "Although it is free practice, if I find that someone is slacking off, then stay here to feed the mosquitoes at night! 5

Hearing this, everyone showed fear on their faces, and quickly picked their opponents and practiced against each other.

Fighting against each other is undoubtedly a relatively easy training for them.

-The Monte soldiers are all interested, and they compete for a high and low victory during the training process.

After two hours, almost everyone was fucked.

There were only two people left, still standing on the muddy ground, staring at each other.

The two policemen are Huo Changhong and a special soldier from the Eagle Country.

They have beaten all their opponents, and now it's time for the final match.

Whoever wins will be the strongest fighting force in this group of special forces.

As Huo Changhong's opponent, the special soldier of the Eagle Country was named Jie, and his student number was 44.

Jie waved his hand at Huo Changhong and said, "Small man, despite being diligent, I was the strongest Muay Thai master in the entire Ying Nation before enlisting in the army. I want to see if you can beat me."

Huo Changhong smiled coldly: "Okay, let's take it!"

After speaking, Huo Changhong charged towards Jack.


The sound of fists and feet colliding sounded, and the two of them fought each other diligently.

However, everyone onlookers could see that Huo Changhong had a slight advantage.

When the fight was fierce, Jie suddenly shouted: "Look, Xiaoying is behind you!

Huo Changhong's pupils shrank sharply, and he turned his head sharply, but saw nothing.

Taking advantage of Huo Changhong's flaws, Jie slammed his fist into the center of Huo Changhong's chest, smashing him with a flying hook and slamming him to the ground.

Huo Changhong wrapped his pain in his chest and shouted to Jie, "You're going to be rude! Besides, how did you know about Xiaoying?"

Jie laughed and said: "Don't you Longguo have a word called "Bing never tire of cheating?" Yan, is a special police important person.

He and Huo Changhong were next to each other in the dormitory, so Jie could hear Huo Changhong chanting "Xiaoying" in his dreams every night, so he naturally remembered the name.

Moving out Xiaoying's name today to divert Huo Changhong's attention really worked.

Jack glanced at the surrounding special forces who were all killed, and his heart burst with pride. He smiled and said: "It seems that no one can beat me, it's really a pity!"

At this time, his eyes suddenly noticed Chen Ming who was watching here not far away, and shouted loudly: "Chief instructor, do you want to practice against me, I want to see your Dragon Kingdom Kungfu!

Chen Ming raised his eyes slightly: "You really want to practice against me?"

"Of course!" Jack's eyes showed high fighting spirit.

He wanted to see if this chief instructor, who had always been strict with them, had real skills, or if he was just talking.

Chen Ming's eyes collided with Jie's. The former took off his military shirt, hung it on a tree, wore a white shirt, and walked towards Jie.

"Since you want to practice, then I'll practice with you!"

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