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Chapter 69 Human Longevity Project

Zhang Ran frowned: "Professor Tang, what subject are you researching? You should write a report and go to the Ministry of Science and Technology to declare the relevant funds, instead of directly applying to me."

"After all, academic issues are too complicated, and I can't understand a lot of professional knowledge, so I can't respond to your needs."

"What physics, chemistry, biology, how can I understand all of them?"

His tone slowed down: "However, don't spend too much energy on 'spiritual energy'. Our previous research has spent a lot of manpower and material resources. Except for an inexplicable 'Ether Theory' with many loopholes, there is nothing. Research it out. It shows that this thing is not something we can understand in this era."

"It's better to find some jobs that are easier to produce results, Professor Tang, we need your intelligence to do more things with immediate results."

It's not that Zhang Ran is too utilitarian, nor is he short-sighted, but...his creation ability does have a limit.

Now to build a Kunlun Mountain, more than 80% of the cost has been spent, and there is nothing to add!

He is more anxious than anyone else!

Controlled nuclear fusion has not been worked out either.

Poverty is the biggest problem!

After the end of the Third World War, the laboratories of various countries divided up the brain of the psychic "Yuri", and spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources, such as cloning and organ cultivation.

But the truth is, nothing has been researched... really nothing has been researched.

Although the current technology has developed a bit, compared with the entire planet in the past, the scientific research capabilities have not been greatly improved.

On the contrary, due to the lack of industrial chain, it has dropped a lot.

Therefore, human beings can only be short-sighted and eager for quick success!

Allocating a huge amount of funds to the nuclear fusion project is the limit of Zhang Ran's generosity at present.

Nuclear fusion engineering is indeed urgently needed.

Tang Ze is naturally not the kind of person who sticks to the horns. He explained with a smile: "Your Highness, the girl next to me stronger and smarter than ordinary people. Although she doesn't look strong on the surface, she It's really powerful."

"She was born in a poor family and wandered the streets when she was young. Later, I discovered her strangeness and have been raising her until now."

"She's worked in government offices, she's practiced in the military..."

Zhang Ran frowned.

Is this... let me start a small stove? No, not even psykers.

There may be a recommendation mechanism in your place, but I really don't want to engage in this specialization here. Once an opening is made, follow-up troubles will continue.

So Zhang Ran said, "If she wants to join the system, let her take the civil service exam. Those who are capable will always stand out."

"No, no, I mean... she may be an evolutionary form of humanity in the future."

Sakurai's head lowered, and a blush appeared on the whole face as if scalded by boiling water.

"Evolutionary form?" Zhang Ran was a little surprised.

Tang Ze said unhurriedly: "Yes, you should know that one of my inventions, the active calcium nanoparticles, was not created for no reason, but has a template in reality, that is Sakurai."

"She will not have muscle atrophy in the space environment."

"Her abilities, specifically, are triggered by a complex product called factor D association template. Factor D is a collection of thousands of complex proteins, including telomerase, reverse transcriptase, certain special stem cells, And some special mechanisms that haven't been clarified yet."

"Simply put, the D factor is also effective for ordinary humans."

Professor Tang's voice slowed down slightly: "Transferring Sakurai's blood to ordinary people will also give people a short-term regenerative ability. At the same time, there will be signs of returning to youth, and the brain will become smarter, and the muscle density will increase. It has been greatly improved, the immune ability has been improved, and even intractable diseases such as Alzheimer's can be alleviated."

"Sakurai's life expectancy is estimated to be about 800 years, comparable to that of the legendary Pengzu."

"The average life expectancy of ordinary people will be greatly improved after long-term transfusion of her blood. It is expected to exceed 200 years old, and may even reach 300 years old."

"Ah?" Zhang Ran was really shocked this time, his eyes widened.

what is this? !

This is a big news, no less than the big news of the nuclear fusion project!

Speaking of this, Professor Tang's voice lowered: "On the other hand, we found that her ability can be cloned..."

"In the past, psychic users did not have the feasibility of cloning."

"She can be cloned!"

"You know what that means?"

Zhang Ran's pupils dilated, he held his breath, and tapped the table lightly.

There seemed to be a voice shouting in my mind: Come on, clone a million Sakurai brand super soldiers for me, bloodletting, and longevity!

Ling, who was hiding aside and listening, was slightly suspended, a little shocked by the news.

Physical ability sounds a bit stupid, and it doesn't seem to be very useful.

It's a bit stronger, but it's not as good as an excavator. Regenerative ability, a bullet in the head will still kill you. With a smarter mind, he can't compare with Lin Qiuyue, or even the top scientist.

But if you delve deeper into its mechanism, you will find that... this is the real treasure!

The future of all mankind...

Zhang Ran looked at the short-haired girl sitting on the sofa.

Since she became the focus of everyone's discussion, her face was always flushed, even to the base of her neck.

Moreover, words such as "cloning" appeared, causing her to keep holding the water glass and drinking in small sips, appearing very restrained.

Who wants to be cloned a million times? ! That future is too scary.

Professor Tang said with emotion: "I can't imagine that those powerful people cloned a 'Sakurai' by hand as a means of prolonging their life. It is also unbearable. They dug out the cloned heart and liver and transplanted it into themselves."

"The world is already very dark. If the lifespan of the rich and powerful is extended to two or three hundred years, it will be a real abyss."

"So for a long time in the past, after thinking twice, I gave up research in this area, and even forcibly blocked the news in this area. Only a few people know about this research result."

"These are all my former assistants, and they kept the secret very well."

Tang Ze pointed to those bald professors, "They are all excellent talents, but they have wasted their time to a certain extent."

"So, why did you tell me this secret?" Zhang Ran couldn't help laughing, "This secret is really amazing, amazing, and weighs as much as a thousand pounds. It shocked me."

One person's blood and internal organs can actually make another person live two hundred years longer!

If this power is not used well, it is definitely the ultimate evil in the world.

But if used well...


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