Start a Subspace

Chapter 115 Exploration team, let's go!



"The gift is over!"

On the seventh day after the victory in this war, an important hero commemoration ceremony was held without spending too much money, not even a salute.

The process is grand.

Almost all high-level government officials, high-level military officials, and famous scientists and engineers attended the funeral.

CCTV broadcast the memorial ceremony live to all the people in Kunlun Mountain.

Just like Zhang Ran's short speech: "The living should live well; but the dead should not be easily forgotten."

No tirade.

People know their merits, no matter how much they praise, it is meaningless to the dead.

The immediate family members of the 10 heroes will receive special care from the government. The elderly will receive special pensions, and their children will receive extra points in the college entrance examination. These are all necessary.

In addition, in Shelter No. 1, a special "Human Heroes Memorial Hall" was set up to tell the life stories of these heroes.

This time the war will be compiled into primary and secondary school textbooks for the next generation to learn.

In addition, the Propaganda Department invited some talented directors to make special documentaries.

The production speed of these films will not be very fast, and the work must be slow and meticulous, and the effect must be perfect. Such a good opportunity for mass education should not be wasted.

These well-known directors are naturally dedicated to their duties. If such a good material is placed here, if it is not done well, it will bear a lifetime of infamy.

It was a serious memorial ceremony, so naturally there were not many people smiling on the Internet.

Many people were even a little bit at a loss, and even felt guilty, because in the past week, they were celebrating the great victory of the war, carnival, and joy, but they ignored the dead heroes.

It wasn't until later that Dr. Ding Qihang's wife posted a message on the Internet, which made the somewhat dull atmosphere relax again.

There are only four short words: "Long live mankind!"

Yeah, that's not a slogan.

The victory this time is just a small step in the rise of mankind.

More importantly, it is down-to-earth, pragmatic, hard-working, and the tireless struggle of all living beings.

Work hard, humans!


After finishing the most needed memorial ceremony, Zhang Ran started his busy work again.

Now there is one more thing to focus on: the loot research of the Void Amoeba!

This job is really painful and joyful. Many scientists, many, maybe tens of thousands, are applying for research.

The substances taken from the Void Amoeba are limited, and the military does not want to destroy its structure, so...there are many wolves and few porridge, and only a few laboratories have obtained corresponding samples.

These people are like hungry wolves who have been hungry for several days, impatient to a certain extent.

Watching the big guy with a diameter of 12 kilometers slowly spontaneously combust, or the "multi-quark matter decomposition" that hardly exists in the universe, but there is no way, can they not go crazy?

Yes, there is no way!

Even Lin Qiuyue, who has been in charge of nuclear fusion research, seemed very anxious.

"That's alien life... If it's not because I'm too busy to solve the problem of nuclear fusion..." Lin Qiuyue sighed, looking a little annoyed, and the parallel thinking in her mind was a mess.

"Why doesn't it decompose when it's alive, but it decomposes after it dies? Could it be that the living state can affect's unreasonable. It's like the survival and death of human beings. The atoms in a human body can't be changed... ...really weird."

"Is it something like a soul? Impossible."

No. 6 (creature), who has been doing nothing, was put in confinement for interfering with work.

All in all, from her few words, you can understand the general attitude of scientists.

But having said that, what should I do with this big guy who is still glowing white... It's really a headache.

Now a small-scale interstellar war was fought, and almost 200 of the creation energy was used, and the rest in hand is only a little over 1,200.

A war only consumes 200 creation energy, which is simply too little. After all, it was just throwing out a meteorite, and a lot of detectors, spaceships, etc. were built along the way, and the consumption was not much.

But this feeling of sitting and eating made Zhang Ran feel uneasy.

If you put this void amoeba into the subspace and slowly develop it, the cost of "opening the door" alone will cost 140 creation energy!

Zhang Ran is absolutely reluctant to pay this fee.

140 Creation energy, why not put it there.

"This is just a small-scale interstellar war, what if a big one comes?

Must save some points!

On the other hand, the wreckage of the Void Amoeba might explode!

God knows what's in its belly, and this possibility cannot be ruled out until the situation is figured out.

Therefore, Zhang Ran still decided to put it in the void of the universe, not into the subspace.


The next step is to explore and research for a long time. Since there is no way to enter the interior of the void amoeba, people can only find a way to cut a little "flagella" and then scrape a little epidermis.

These substances are composed of normal elements, and the parts that "spontaneously ignite" are very rare, so they can exist for a long time.

Performance...excellent! The tensile strength of flagella is comparable to the strongest human material, carbon nanotubes.

Even some places with high hardness are slightly higher than carbyne sulfide... I don't know why this thing is so hard, and it's no wonder that such a huge meteorite didn't make it fall apart.

It is roughly estimated that the number of flagella alone is as many as 1,600. The heaviest mass is 134.2 tons, and the lightest is only 44.2 kilograms, which is quite light.

In addition, the total mass of the entire void amoeba, excluding the meteorites that fell into it, is actually only 140 billion tons.

This mass is simply amazingly small!

There are too few.

You know, the volume of the void amoeba is much larger than that of the meteorite, why is it only 140 billion tons?

So, this turned into an unsolved mystery once again.

All in all, with so many high-end materials in front of us, many experts have gone crazy with excitement, so project teams to study "flagellate" have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

In every laboratory, in every university office, or in a quiet park, these scientists can be heard loudly arguing.

Some with a bad temper even blushed and roared loudly, as if the louder the voice, the more correct.

"Carbyne, a one-dimensional linear strip of carbon atoms, is harder and firmer than any other material, 40 times stronger than diamond, twice as strong as graphene...and this material, silikyne?"

"I thought of something..."

Behind this phenomenon, it seems that something is about to break through the ground.

That is……

New Physics!

At the end of the 19th century, the edifice of physics was initially established, but there were only two dark clouds, the zero results of Morley's experimental measurements and the problems in the theory of black body radiation.

In order to solve these two dark clouds, two major theoretical systems of physics in the twentieth century emerged: the birth of relativity and quantum mechanics.

But now, the sky is densely packed with dark clouds, and no theory is completely correct.

a week, two weeks...

After waiting for almost a month, the void amoeba, the white light at the gap hit by the meteorite, finally disappeared!

This means that the human exploration team members can pass through the gap and enter the void amoeba.

Due to the high appeal of the experts and the rapid speed of the military, after confirming that the internal temperature can be blocked by the spacesuit, a four-person expedition team was established.

There are not many people, but the elite is better!

These four people will personally enter its body and conduct investigations!



(That’s all for today’s update, it’s almost 8,000 words! By the way, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket!)

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