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Chapter 1163: Dreaming of becoming (riding a bicycle every day and walking with sore thighs)

Chapter 1163: Dreaming of becoming... (My thighs are sore from riding a bicycle every day and I can’t walk on the road)

“…Why should I sign a contract with you?”

The witch in front of her stared at Duanmuhuai coldly.

By the way, now she has completely lost her original petrified shell. Judging from her appearance, she is just a cute girl about the same age as Qian Shu, with long pink hair and bright red eyes. Of course, this witch The lady was not wearing any clothes, but Duanmuhuai didn't care.

 After all, there’s nothing you can do now, right?

 “Haven’t you already driven so many powerful beings? There’s no shortage of me!”

Yes, although she has just woken up and has not yet figured out what is going on, the witch can be sure that the existence in front of her has power far beyond her own. Apart from anything else, every one of the things she summoned just now is It's enough to compete with very powerful demons. If they swarmed up, even they wouldn't be their opponents.

 What frightens the witch even more is that she doesn’t know what it is.

 If it is a demon, then it is easy to understand. But the witch can be sure that what the girl in front of her is driving is not a demon at all, but some kind of completely incomprehensible existence—could it really be some kind of mythical beast?

 “I have something to ask you.”


 “……just for this?”

 Duanmu Huai sighed silently, then reached out and took off his hood, and then looked at the witch in front of him. The latter's eyes widened in surprise at this moment, staring at the girl in front of him without blinking, with his mouth as wide as an egg, as if he had seen something incredible.

 “Then, I also have a condition.”

“It’s hard for me to recognize someone as my master if he doesn’t even want to reveal his true identity.”


  Listening to the request made by Mu Huai in front of her, the witch was completely speechless. Although she had been sealed for so long that she didn't understand what Duanmu Huai meant by "animation" or "COS", she could even guess that this person was probably because of his longing for a certain person. A character in a story, so I want to imitate the other person’s actions...

"Oh well."

Taking a deep breath, the witch stared at Duanmuhuai in front of her and spoke.

“…Well, that makes sense.”

 “What is COS?! Although I don’t know what you are talking about, I always feel that you definitely have nothing good to say!”

However, the three-axe cut by Duanmu Huai made the witch lose her temper at all... She had never seen such direct contract conditions.

Well, it is indeed suspicious.

“I can understand what you are saying. In fact, I have seen similar things.”

 “It’s too much trouble, I don’t want anything like that.”

"I have seen an animation before. The nun in it signed a contract with the devil. By consuming her own life, she drove the devil to destroy the enemy and protect mankind. And at the end of the animation, as you said, the young girl's life changed. At the end, she did not die calmly. Instead, when the sun went down, she cried and hugged the devil who had signed a contract with her, shouting that she did not want to die... To be honest, this scene gave me a It was a huge shock. After all, wouldn’t this kind of development lead to a calm death? However, even though the girl was mentally prepared, she still longed to live... But even in the face of death, Even to the point of fear, she still persisted until the end. I have to say that it was indeed very respectable. Oh, by the way, although the girl finally consumed her life and died, the demon who was her target still lived here leisurely. It’s really a very unconventional ending in the world.”

“Also, if the contract requires a token, can it be replaced by a watch? The kind that is carried to the chest will count down every time the lifespan is consumed. I think this will be more similar.”


 “Then, give me the contract.”

"The content of the contract is very simple. You must obey my orders completely and answer my questions truthfully."

“…Don’t you even know this? Signing a contract between humans and demons requires a concrete and detailed contract…”

 “What conditions?”

“…Is this really okay?”

  ……………What do you think signing a contract with the devil means…”

I have to say that the witch was speechless when faced with Duanmu Huai's extremely simple contract requirements. Generally speaking, signing a contract between humans and demons is a battle of wits and courage. Both parties will deliberately leave various traps and restraints in the contract in order to restrain the other party.

Hmm, the charm is working, it’s normal.

"But you are a devil, and I hate using my brain. To be honest, I don't like others to lie, and I don't like to find the truth in lies. As long as I sign a contract with you, then you can't lie, right? For me ,that's enough."

By the way, even though she has been sealed for so many years, the witch still wants to say, are you humans having such a good time now?

 What do you think signing a contract with the devil means?

I have to say that even the witch who had just woken up was very surprised when she heard the answer from the girl in front of her. But soon, she sneered.


"...It is indeed a very orthodox and classical way. Is it really okay? You don't look too old. Life is still long for you. Maybe you think it doesn't matter now, but when you know When that day comes, will we still be able to treat it so calmly?”

Duanmu Huai was not surprised by the witch's request. If he thought about it carefully, he had been wearing a cloak and hiding his face in the shadows. In the animation, he was simply the mastermind behind the scenes. He would appear in front of the protagonist after the final boss was killed. The kind that means the battle has just begun...

 “Life span.”


Duanmuhuai silently put on his hood again. After a while, the witch seemed to shudder suddenly and come back to her senses.

Hearing the witch's question, Duanmu Huai thought for a moment and flipped through the ancient books again.

"Is it really possible? The nun just said it. You may think you can drive the devil, but in the end the devil will eat you up. Moreover, signing a contract with the devil requires paying a price, so you plan to pay At what cost?”

 “Contract? What is that?”

 “Show me your true face.”

“…What is the animation? But it turns out that you are here to avenge that girl…”

However, the witch's explanation was interrupted impatiently by Duanmu Huai.

“So I think it’s a rare opportunity, so I might as well do COS.”

 “That’ll be no problem.”

 “Ah, um…”

"Then sign the contract quickly. I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't waste my time here."

"ok, I get it."

While answering Duanmu Huai's words, the witch looked at the girl in front of her - the scene just now was unforgettable for her. At that moment, it seemed that all the bright colors in the world had gathered here, making her completely fascinated. , so that when the other person put on the hood again, the witch even had a strong impulse, as if she had lost everything, as if she was in love.

 Whew...what a pity.

Staring at the girl in front of her, the witch began to think. Originally, she wanted to solve the problem by completely taking away the other person's lifespan during the process of signing the contract. You can't blame her, after all, who asked the other party's contract conditions to be so rough? Even the required lifespan was not specified when signing the contract, so it would be no problem to take it all for myself.

 After all, this is a devil's contract. But after witnessing the existence before her own eyes, the witch suddenly changed her mind. No matter what, letting such a beautiful existence disappear would feel like a crime even to myself... By the way.

Thinking of this, a dark smile appeared in the witch's eyes.

Take away most of her lifespan and make her completely his own, turning her into a doll that can't move without him... Huhhuh, as a demon, this is more serious than simply taking away the other person's lifespan and soul. Interesting things!

“Well, let’s follow the steps first. Since you want to make a contract with the devil, you should at least know how to do it, right?”

“…It’s really troublesome to come up with a name, isn’t it? At times like this, don’t demons usually have real names?”

Duanmu Huai complained silently. Of course, complaints are complaints. Strictly speaking, in his opinion, this contract method is much better than the contract between Faerun and the devil, because the real names of the devils are longer than the last, and it is easy to memorize them just by memorizing them. It feels like a lot of brain cells are dying.

Of course, the reason why the devils made their real names so long is also very simple - once you write a wrong word, the entire contract will be immediately invalid.

 In comparison, the devil’s contract in this world seems a bit young.

 Forget it, come to your senses, name, name... it’s so troublesome.

Duanmu Huai glanced at the ancient books and randomly found a name.

 “Let’s call it Mu Geng.”

 “Is this enough?”

“That’s right, Demon Mu Geng, make a contract with me at the cost of my life.”

As he opened the ancient book and looked at the words on it, Duanmu Huai opened his mouth and spoke according to the lines described above.

 “Then what happens next…woo…!”

However, Duanmu Huai's words were not finished, because at this moment, the witch suddenly stretched out her hand and placed it on Duanmu Huai's cheek. The next moment, the girl's soft lips pressed tightly against hers. .


To be honest, Duanmuhuai was quite surprised by the witch's sudden attack. But he didn't panic. Although the body was that of a woman, the other person was also a woman, and she looked like a beautiful girl from the outside. It wasn't a loss at all, it was even a gain!

 The soft existence came in like a dexterous little snake, stirring constantly. At the same time, Duanmuhuai could feel that some kind of power was gradually passing away in his body...

 After a few dozen seconds, the two parties slowly separated, while Mu Geng stared at Duanmuhuai with wide eyes.

"How is it strong is your vitality?"

“It’s true, but only a little bit...well, it’s no exception.”

 In response to Mu Geng's question, Duanmu Huai did not answer, but glanced at his HP first.

 It must be explained that although Duanmu Huai’s clone, the original game character, looks like a weak and beautiful girl, in fact, this character follows the same career path as Duan Muhuai. Although there is no priesthood bonus, it still follows the path of a thick-skinned and high-attack blood cow.

 Otherwise, why would the ID be called "Little Punch to Hit Your Skull"?

So of course, the HP value of the game character Duanmu Huai is already over one million, and the HP that Mu Geng took just now...well, it's only about a thousand.

In addition, what Mu Geng takes is not the HP limit, but the HP value, which means that Duanmu Huai only needs to draw holy water or something to make up for it.

 “How is that possible? Aren’t you human?”

At this moment, Mu Geng widened his eyes and looked at Duanmu Huai in surprise. You must know that the lifespan of the person she just absorbed would be eighty or ninety years in human terms. Even if the lifespan of the girl in front of her could reach a hundred years, she would definitely be alive now. Already very weak.

 In the end, the truth was that Kisara almost burst his belly, but the latter still didn’t react at all, as calm as if he had been bitten by a mosquito!

 “Anyway, now the contract is complete.”

Facing Mu Geng’s horrified gaze, Duanmu Huai just sneered.

 Are you kidding? Make a contract?

 Okay, Duanmu Huai admitted that he has no ability as a lawyer, and he is not like those rat-like devils in the nine hells of Faerûn, who get in whenever they can. But there’s no need to drill it yourself? What is a contract? The contract is just to guarantee and bind the credit of both parties. And if you don't keep your word, you are violating the contract and you will be punished.

But if I am so powerful that I don’t even care about punishment, your broken contract will be of no use to me!

Just like those Fortune 500 companies, I just infringed on your patent, what can you do? If you have the ability, you can litigate with me in 200 countries around the world. I have thousands of lawyers, let’s see if you, a poor guy, can afford it. In the end, are you going to fight the lawsuit until you go bankrupt or are you going to sign a settlement agreement and get out of here? Think about it for yourself!

It can be seen that contracts and credit are of no use at all, and strength is the absolute rule!

 Contracts without power are bullshit!

The same is true for Duanmu Huai. His lifespan is nothing, and his avatar's HP is far higher than that of a human being. Even if you give me a punishment for violating the contract, it won't hurt me. So I will abide by this contract if I like it. If I don’t comply, I won’t comply. What can you do to me?

rule? What are rules? I can't beat you in chess, but I can smash you to death with the chessboard. That's the rule!

Spirit of Contract? Whoever has a big fist is energetic!

 You don’t have a gun in your hand, how dare you negotiate fairness with me?

Looking at Mu Geng who was kneeling on the ground in front of him and staring at him, Duanmu Huai showed a calm sneer.

 “Okay, answer my questions obediently.”

At this moment, Duanmu Huai felt that he was very stable. With his big tape and cute big breasts, everything was under control. There would be absolutely no problem with this kind of equipment, right?

 However, this “everything is under control” mentality only lasted five minutes.

“...So, you have nothing to do with witches at all, and you don’t know anything about magical girls or QB?”

 “I’ve never seen what you’re talking about!”

Hearing Mu Geng's angrily reply, Duanmu Huai was speechless.

According to Mu Geng, their family has always lived in the deep mountains and old forests, but at that time they were not called demons, but monsters by the people here. Later, hundreds of years ago, a man hunting monsters went up the mountain and was injured and fell into a coma. However, Kisara's mother fell in love with him, healed his injuries and took care of him.

 As a result, feelings developed between the two parties, and then Ki Geng was born.

Of course, the final ending is actually very mainstream. The demon-slaying organization where Kigeng's father belonged came here, killed Kigeng's parents, and sealed Kigeng. Good has triumphed over evil, and humanity has triumphed over evil.

  Well, it’s gratifying and congratulatory. It’s gratifying and congratulatory.

 But for Duanmuhuai...that's not the case at all!

Therefore, this witch is not the witch hiding in the barrier at all, it is just the comparison made by later recorders to Kisara, and Kisara himself is not the kind of magical girl transformed by QB MLM, but It's a mixture of humans and demons...

This is completely different from what I thought it would unfold. Didn’t I intuitively feel pretty good before? What on earth is this?

 Is there something wrong with my intuition?

"It seems you didn't get the information you needed."

Looking at Duanmu Huai who was holding his head in front of him in distress, Mu Geng showed a smile - well, at this moment offense and defense were exchanged, the smile didn't disappear, but shifted.

"...How? You made a pact with the devil so rashly and even sacrificed your own life. Do you regret it?"

“…Forget it, it’s actually not a loss.”

However, to Mu Geng's surprise, Duanmu Huai was very open-minded. He only felt distressed for a moment, and then stood up and made a decision.

 “Let’s go, let’s get out of here.”

Although he didn't get the information he wanted from Mu Geng, in Duanmu Huai's view, the contract was not in vain. What he lacks the most now is manpower, but with the condition of this clone, Duanmu Huai dare not call the big guys from the Tribunal to come and have fun.

Lumière is familiar with his form, and she has stayed with her in the world of Night City for a long time. But unfortunately, this time it seems to be entirely a matter of magic. But it is a pity that Lumière is completely scientific. side. As for this witch... although from the Inquisition's point of view, she is more like an illegal psyker, she does not fall within the scope of being expropriated.

 At least she is more familiar with this world than she is, and she is a witch, so she should have a certain understanding of magic.

 It would be perfect to use it as a subordinate!

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai also calmed down.

 Want to escape from me? Go ahead and dream!

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