Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 404 Europe and America follow suit

On June 15, 1868, the Parliament of the Kingdom of Belgium took the lead in passing two bills. It followed the Netherlands and passed the "New Education Law", confirming that Belgium would also implement compulsory secondary education. At the same time, it passed the Belgian "Company Share Self-Law". It caused shock in Europe.

Originally, everyone chose to wait and see the effect of the Dutch reform before moving on to the next move. However, Belgium's move undoubtedly set off the fuse, like an exploding bomb, hitting the entire Europe and America.

Then on June 20, 1868, Denmark, Sweden, and Greece joined the ranks. Obviously, these countries, regardless of their economic size and population pattern, strongly agreed that their countries should keep up with the Netherlands, which was of the same size and had advanced science. This saves a lot of Dutch diplomatic resources.

In a nutshell, it increased He Lai's international influence.

On June 25, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru, which are pro-Dutch countries in South America, chose to promote primary education in their countries based on their national conditions, with the intention of narrowing the educational gap with the Netherlands.

Accompanying them was the Tsarist Empire, a major European power. At this time, the Russian Empire had just ended serfdom a few years ago. Elementary education undoubtedly provided Alexander II with the vision to abolish serfdom. When the local nobles were dissatisfied, they looked for ways to improve relations with them. After all, qualified labor was important to the nobles and capitalists of the Tsarist Russian Empire. It is not necessary that serfdom brought little benefit, so primary education was approved by the country's parliament that day.

This became the fifth country among the six major European countries, the British Empire, the French Empire, the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, and the Ottoman Empire, to implement primary education. With the addition of the Tsarist Russian Empire, primary education became a constitution.

At present, all the six major countries except the Ottoman Empire have joined the education bill initiated by the Netherlands. Invisibly, it has increased the influence of the Netherlands in being associated with "international" among many people in the world. It seems that as long as it is a policy introduced by the Netherlands, it will Basically, countries in the world are following suit or joining in. This has led many international politicians to secretly praise the Netherlands' international status. It seems to be no less than the six major countries, and even surpasses the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and even the Netherlands. The influential position of the Russian Empire in the world. Enough to enter the top five most influential countries in the world.

On June 30, 1868, on this last day, in the Commonwealth of America on the other side of the Atlantic, the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Belgium passed the "Secondary Education Act" and the "Limited Stock Company" bill one after another. After it is passed, as long as it is approved by the Senate five days later on July 5, it can be sent to President Andrew Johnson to form the national executive law of the American Commonwealth. The executive branch and private enterprises will act in accordance with this law." communicate".

Many people originally thought that Senator Whip Thomas Hendricks, the third-ranking figure in the Democratic Party, would obstruct it. After all, a few days ago he criticized the influence of Dutch Americans and Dutch multinational companies in the Commonwealth of America.

But unexpectedly, he chose to be quiet this time. Many people even noticed that he actually voted in favor of both cases.

This is puzzling. Of course, if you are familiar with it, you will understand what he and the people behind him are planning.

France, Paris,

"Damn it, the Netherlands actually made such a move. As a result, countries seem to be turning to support their small domestic companies to merge into large companies, and slowly the rope is transformed into a large international company. Father, the Netherlands is so good at playing it. It's really It’s too slippery”

Although Emond Rothschild was very angry that the Netherlands introduced the "Limited Company Limited Shareholding System" at this time, which shocked him, the negative impact it would have on the Rothschild family would have a major impact.

"Yes, the Rothschild family relies on cross-regional and cross-border mobility to maintain our position in various countries. However, as soon as the Dutch shareholding system came out, companies in various countries merged, and even small companies merged with the capital they owned. , undoubtedly put the Rothschild family's transnational monopoly position in danger. The Dutch government's move was quick, ruthless and accurate, and it really focused the Rothschild family's vital points.

Although James Rothschild sighed like this, he still maintained the gentlemanly demeanor he always had on his face.

"Father, this time the Morgan family didn't even let out a single fart and just chose to remain silent. What does the Morgan family mean?"

"The company's shares are also a good thing that has more advantages than disadvantages for the Morgan family. The people of the Morgan family will naturally not become an obstacle to their own direction. My son, you know, there is no capitalist. It will be a roadblock that prevents you from making a lot of money, not to mention the American legislation that can give you more control over your family's destiny."

Edmond was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Yes, although the Morgan family is a Rothschild family, the Lincoln government strongly resented their establishment of hegemony in the American financial industry, and single-handedly supported the Morgan family and Kuhn Lebo Company in the financial industry.

One of the theories about the alliance between the Morgan family and the Rothschild family is that in 1865, the Commonwealth of America almost ran out of gold due to the Civil War. In the end, the American government not only provided a new currency, but also gave the Morgan Company 30 In 2006, the right to issue American Treasury bonds was exchanged for 3.5 million ounces of gold to restore the government's surplus. Many people actually understood that the source of the Morgan family's gold came from the Rothschild family.

“So in summary, the Morgan family is not actually a subsidiary of our Rothschild family, but more like allies who use each other.

His opponent is the Randy family from the Dutch-American Commonwealth of America. As long as we grasp the idea, we can carry out more operations on the Morgan family."

James Rothschild said.

Edmund Rothschild: "Father, now that the Randy family and the Morgan family are colliding financially, should we ask the Mellon family to also participate?"

The Mellon family is also a newly emerging family in America. Like the Morgan family, it has a British background.

However, relatively speaking, the Mellon family is even more low-key than the Morgan family. Even many people in the United States have heard of the Randy family and the Morgan family, but they have never heard of the Mellon family, the third largest financial family.

James Rothschild shook his head, "That guy is more difficult to deal with, and more unpredictable. I can only warn you that Thomas Meilong is a very scheming person. This person is not even better than the Morgan family. John Morgan is bad.

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