StarNet Empire

Chapter 51 Star Network on the Front Stage

Internet broadband operators such as Longguo Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and Railcom were shocked.

Originally, they had some opinions on the Star Media system's ability to increase their bandwidth limit and give users a better network experience.

After all, as broadband operators, they can charge different fees for providing different bandwidth services to users, but the appearance of the star network company's star media system has destroyed this balance.

Although Longguo issued a document not long ago, requiring major broadband operators to reduce broadband tariffs and at the same time improve user bandwidth services, making them earn a lot less, but in general, the profits brought by broadband operations are still amazing .

Several major operators were already prepared to put pressure on Starnet. Of course, they did not covet Starnet. It was just the joining of two major international venture capital companies. Let those asset crocodiles and giants simply be overwhelmed.

It will not be so easy to think of ways to embezzle Xingwang Company.

Next, the National Network and Information Security Department paid more attention to Xingwang Company, and Minister Fang Qianjin went to Baoyang City in person to pay a friendly visit to Xingwang Company, a new Internet company.

Let everyone's unexpected changes take a sudden turn.

Several major broadband operators saw with their own eyes that a country's ministerial-level senior officials were sacked like this, and several higher-level leaders were even implicated, and they were all beaten out of their posts by the country.

The explosive power of Xingwang company has shocked several major broadband operators, and they no longer dare to underestimate Xingwang company, and have stopped coveting Xingwang company.

However, they still underestimated Xingwang Company. It turns out that Xingwang is actually a big crocodile who wants to replace the Internet. Its naked ambition has deeply hurt several major broadband operators.

Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, Railcom, Radio and Television, several listed companies with broadband operating licenses, their share prices fell by more than ten percentage points almost instantly.

Hundreds of millions of market value evaporated in a few minutes, and when the market closed, the losses of each company were more than tens of billions.

They were angry, and jointly filed a complaint with the National Network Information Security Department, and told the heads of more relevant departments.

Unfortunately, no one dared to stand up for them.

Xingwang has clearly obtained the support of the state's policies, and has been issued the operating license of Xingwang Longguo. If they want to find a reason to cause trouble for Xingwang, it is purely the birthday man who hanged himself and seeks death.

It is impossible to prohibit the operation of the star network. Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and other operators have made another plan, looking for supporters among senior national officials, hoping to obtain the right to operate star network broadband services similar to the Internet.

Not to mention, there are really senior state-level officials who don't know the star-network connection model, and issued instructions to the Ministry of National Network Information Security, hoping that the star-network will learn from the Internet model of operation, prevent erroneous progress, and not engage in monopoly.

As a result, it didn't take long for the complacent senior official to receive a warning call from the central core, and because he exceeded his functional authority and was instigated by others, he made instructions that were not in line with his authority, which brought bad influence to the lower-level departments , to give punishment.

This state-level senior official was directly evacuated from his position with considerable real power, and transferred to Qingshui Yamen in advance to retire.

State-level senior officials said they regretted as much as they regretted, but it was too late.

This is just a small microcosm. The large-scale press conference held by Star Network and the news it released caused a sensation all over the world.

In fact, it is not that many countries around the world are not researching newer Internet networks in order to increase the bandwidth limit and improve a better network experience.

From ADSL dial-up connection technology at the beginning, to network connection technology, and to the latest optical fiber network technology, the Internet is actually trying to improve users' network experience, and connection technology is also improving and changing step by step.

Perhaps, the Internet connection technology will eventually reach the waveguide signal connection processing capability similar to the star network,

But that may take many, many years of technical accumulation.

Now, the emergence of the star network has directly raised the network connection technology to the extreme.

No need for wired connection, only need to use the resonant series connection of waveguide signals to realize signal reception and radiation in wireless mode.

In front of Xingwang, the Internet has no advantage at all, and it will be a matter of time before it is abandoned.

Operators such as China Telecom, China Mobile, and China Unicom really panicked, but hundreds of millions of Internet users were overjoyed, hoping that the domestic star network would soon enter thousands of households.

The number of applications for Internet broadband suddenly decreased by 70% to 80%. Many broadband expired, and they didn't even think about renewing their subscriptions, but went through the shutdown procedures directly.

In order to recover from the decline, operators such as China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and Radio and Television have introduced preferential policies one after another. Not only have broadband tariffs been greatly reduced, but bandwidth has also been improved for users as much as possible.

2M users directly upgrade to 10M, 10M users upgrade to 50M, and 50M users upgrade to 100M.

The introduction of various preferential policies has indeed restored some popularity a little bit, and the business volume of several major operators has increased, but it must not be compared with before.

The third production line of the Xingwang waveguide factory has also been installed. The 1 million kilograms of waveguide source materials brought by Wu Xiang from the Sims game world last time can theoretically manufacture 100 million waveguides.

However, the monthly production volume is only more than 10 million units at most, nearly 20 million units. Unless Wu Xiang installs more production lines, purchases more waveguide source materials, and opens a few more waveguide factories, maybe there will be It is possible that the star network signal will cover the entire Dragon Kingdom within one year.

In the past, even if Wu Xiang had such an idea, he didn't have so much money to support him to complete it. It wasn't that there was a shortage of funds in the real world, but that in the Sims game world, he must have a strong source of funds. Only then can he buy more production lines and buy more waveguide source materials.

Otherwise, just because the real world has strong funds, it is impossible to use them in the Sims game world.

However, Wu Xiang inadvertently used the power of the system to complete the VRmanager, a virtual reality manager, and mastered mature virtual reality technology. After founding a VR company, the Sims game world is not afraid of any shortage of funds. .

Now Wu Xiang owns personal assets, even if he buys a hundred waveguide production lines, and buys waveguide source materials that can make ten billion waveguides, it is more than enough.

In the real world, as August 1st is approaching, more and more people's hearts are tense. Those who have opened the Star Network to join the Internet cafes and the areas covered by the Star Network signal are originally due to the community and Star Catalyst online shopping. The three-dimensional platform has brought a lot of new popularity to local real businesses. Now, Xingwang has officially announced its identity to the world. Super Internet, Supernova Network, Alien Network, and various titles have become netizens' evaluation of Xingwang.

If you want to seize the opportunity on August 1, when the star network network section opens, you must first have a computer that can connect to the star network.

Joining Internet cafes with Starnet has naturally become the first choice of netizens.

Where there are Internet cafes joined by Starnet, there is an unimaginable flow of people. Every Internet cafe joined by Starnet is overcrowded, and there are even more people who cannot buy a computer from Starnet.

Although Xingwang Company had expected this, it had already worked overtime and dispatched all the installation teams to various cities to quickly install computers for the Internet cafes that passed the franchise application, and even hired a group of people temporarily to form several The installation team is led by the company's engineers.

But even if two or three million more machines were hastily installed in just a few days, it is still difficult to meet the huge demand of netizens who want to start a website on Xingwang and seek gold in the first place.

When Xingwang Company was extremely busy, Wu Xiang had already handed over the work to the company's CEO, Cai Zhongqi, and returned to the villa by himself, lay down in the survival cabin, and hurriedly entered the Sims game world.

The VR company was newly established, and the pace would be too big if it changed its pace. It was the busiest time. As the founder, Wu Xiang, who had mastered the most core technology, naturally couldn't leave for too long, otherwise those who hadn't set up The VR parts factory cannot work.

In reality, on August 1st, shortly after the large-scale press conference of Xingwang, those savvy Internet giants, such as Ma Yundong, such as Lin Cuiping of Giant Company, such as Ding Shi.

There are also those Internet giants who have conducted corresponding investigations and understandings of Xingwang before. They are all as shrewd as monkeys. If you join an Internet cafe, you can buy it directly. If you can't buy it, you can also pay a lot of money for at least ten days and a half months.

If you have money, you can be willful, and if you have money, you will have more opportunities than those ordinary online netizens, and you will be more able to actively create and grasp opportunities.

So on August 1st, when many ambitious netizens who wanted to start their own websites on Xingwang searched hard, but failed to find a computer available on Xingwang, those Internet giants with huge assets Crocodile, but they are all leisurely in the star network franchise Internet cafe they bought or contracted. When the star network network section opened, they clicked to open the network section at the first time.

Among the six sections of server, community, network, program, life, and writing integrated in the star media system, the one with the largest number of online users is no longer the community, but the network section.

Click on the network section, and there will be three integrated subdirectories of browsing the Internet, webcasting, and embedded network.

Click on the embedded network, and after opening, the source code writing appears, and the source code is embedded with two sub-sections.

Move the mouse over the source code writing or source code embedding, and the application description of this section will appear.

Without the instructions of those giants and crocodiles, the engineers who had been waiting for each star network joined the Internet cafes and quickly selected the source code embedding section, and pasted the source code that had been prepared long ago to the computer.

It caused those engineers and the giants and predators who were watching by the old god to react at almost the same time, and the same kind of startled reaction happened.

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