StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 610: Plan change

The first battle between the Second Purgatory Army and the main Zerg forces under the command of Ipnos finally came to an end after more than two hours of fighting.

If you really want to say who loses and who wins, Alia must have won the first game.

The first is the loss of the bottom forces. The Purgatory Legion lost about 4%, while the Zerg’s loss is probably not even 1%.

The second is the loss of high-level combat power. Because the king worms of the Zerg are in the center of the army with Alia, they have not yet reached Chelsi, so there is no high-level loss.

The Second Legion of Purgatory was different. There were only twenty or so Tier 7 boss-level creatures in the entire Legion, and one was directly damaged, and the commander-in-chief Ipnos was hit hard.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing wrong with saying that the Zerg successfully won the first game.

It's just that the reason why the Zerg can win this round so easily, the fundamental reason is because of Lin Yu's hands and feet.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the time and place are in harmony with the insects.


Just after the battle between the two sides ended, it was not easy at all in the bridge of the Merlos, which was more than 100 million light years away.

The more than one hundred people in the entire bridge were directly divided into two teams. Some of them were analyzing the data in the special area in front of the fleet, while the other was analyzing all the data returned by Chelsea.

At this moment, Lin Yu was staring at a group of images in front of him, his eyes were extremely solemn.

In the image is a bug, a bug that has no record in the federal database.

In fact, at the very beginning, Lin Yu and others didn’t notice the bug, and even the various monitoring instruments didn’t even notice it, until Bolt was controlled by the Void Marauder and suddenly attacked Ipno. After that, all the talents found something wrong.

However, even if it was found to be wrong, from the various data returned by Chelsea, the problem was still not found until...

After finding no problems, another biological expert asked to check the image data, about all the image records of Bolt's location ten minutes before the problem occurred.

In the end, the expert really found the problem. After magnifying the image hundreds of times and spending a lot of time checking it little by little, it was finally discovered that this bug is even smaller than the ant. The bug named by Alia the Void Marauder!

It was after the void marauders invaded Bolt's body that Bolt had an abnormality.

So, the biologist made a bold hypothesis...

This is a bug that can parasitize a biological individual and completely control this individual!

And when this hypothesis was put forward, everyone was suddenly terrified.

You know, this bug is smaller than an ant!

If this assumption is correct, it means that this new bug can not only invade and control these purgatory creatures, but it is very likely that even humans will be parasitized and manipulated by them.

If the Zerg tribe has a large number of such insects, invades the human realm unknowingly, and parasitizes the higher level of human beings, what will be the result?

It would definitely be a disaster, even...

Thus leading to the destruction of the entire human civilization!

"Can we distinguish between people controlled by parasites?"

"Commander, the current intelligence is too lacking to be judged unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless the purgatory life parasitized by the zerg is captured, so that we can learn about its parasitism through this creature, and develop targeted detection equipment!"

Capture a seventh-order purgatory creature without exposing yourself?

Lin Yu frowned slightly.

This difficulty is not ordinary!

However, compared to capturing a parasite for research and developing a technology that can detect its existence and distinguish whether human beings are parasitized, it seems less important to expose it?

After weighing it up, Lin Fan decided to risk exposure and capture a parasite or a creature that had already been parasitized.

The planned time is set in a week later.

It’s not that I can’t act now, but Lin Yu still wants to work hard. If Alia’s secrets in the hollow central area of ​​the Bove seat are solved within a week, the parasite capture operation will be carried out...

That is undoubtedly the most perfect!

Of course, if Alia’s secret cannot be found within a week, then abandon the current mission and switch directly to the parasite capture operation.

Soon, a report was sent to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was also quite surprised by this very sudden situation, and Dang even approached Emil for inquiries.

However, it is clear that Emil knows nothing about this kind of bug, and has the same look of bewilderment.

In the end, Lin Fan, who couldn't find the answer on Emir's side, UU reading had to give Lin Yu a top secret order without telling everyone...

At all costs, capture a parasite and return to the Federation!

Why is it a top-secret order without even reporting the matter to the big federal giants?

After all, the parasitic control has come out. Before he has obtained the technology that can detect this parasite, Lin Fan must be careful and careful, even his father Lin Zhen can't easily believe it.

Of course, when Lin Fan issued this order, he also very much agreed with Lin Yu's decision to further investigate the secrets in the hollow center of the Shepherd's Seat. If there is no result within a week, then it will directly switch to the parasite capture operation!

And when Lin Yu received Lin Fan's order, he was equally cautious, first restricted the movement of all personnel in the bridge, and then arranged a detailed physical examination of everyone on the bridge.

After all, the ghost knows whether these people in the bridge will have been parasitized?

Although there is no technology that can clearly distinguish it, maybe it is possible to find this kind of bug lurking in the human body by scanning the whole body alone?

Therefore, although I don't know if it is useful, there is always nothing wrong with trying!

Regarding Lin Yu's decision, everyone in the bridge who knew about the Void Predator did not raise any objections or dissatisfaction.

In the end, all the officers and experts in the command team here are all very clear about the necessity of Lin Yu's decision.

Thus, an inexplicable physical examination began.

Not only the people in the bridge, but even the crews on other warships, have to undergo a physical examination, but the purpose of the examination is completely unexplained!

At this moment, all the warships in the entire fleet are filled with a weird atmosphere.

:. :

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