live broadcast (2)


“What, what?”

The first bombardment pierced the chest of the half-elf, who was being pushed the most.

The ax blade was inserted exactly over the shoulder of the half-elf, who was in danger as if the sword would fly away at any moment.

With a huge explosion, both were pushed back at the same time.

‘Combination skill disclosure Well, if you want to follow it, try it.’

It was a tremendous power that could not be easily believed even in the name of a combination skill.

It was released live, but Lokan didn't care. It's not a skill that can be analyzed by knowing it, and it's a skill that can't even imitate similar power even if you tell me the recipe.

Therefore, it was possible to shoot into a deeper battlefield without any inspiration.

‘There is no need to take a bad image.’

Any help from others is probably a good Lokan.

However, it is less troublesome afterward if you give the recognition that Milli has “helped” the opponent by killing them.

He's been slacking off, so he won't be talking about steel.

For that reason, Lokan quickly scanned the battlefield and started helping the one who had the most difficulty.

“Dash, strike!”


In one shot, the head of an orc knight shattered like a dried apple.

Although he was conscious of the newly appeared Rokhan, he did not expect that he would join in so quickly, so his response was delayed.

‘Then you must die.’

It's really that simple.

Lokan indifferently moved towards the next enemy, and this time, the guy in a one-on-one battle was caught by his opponent and could not defend against Lokan's attack.

One shot one kill!

The critical hit set shone. However, before turning on the broadcast, all notification settings were turned off, so neither the critical mark nor the mark related to the merit points appeared.

The truth is something only Lokan knows.

There was a real uproar in the chat window that did not know such a situation.

Arming: One Shot One Kill Is this a real story?

Koren: You weren't a dead tank.

└Hinox: Not a tank, but still a melee type. I think it's level 120, but this damage makes sense

Ruhide: What's the alternate level of this crazy streamer?

└Tannoy: View at least level 140. or it doesn't make sense

└Kadum: Is it equipment or is it a first-person view, so I can't see the equipment well, but at first glance it looks similar to what I use ;;

└Rachmanikov: Damn it. can it be What is your level?

Wingo: Lokan was a Berserker, and there is no information on who the Berserker is. Is this a scam?

└Ghost Dragon: My friend went to Lokan play and raised a new Berserker, but there was no answer. Deal seems to come out a bit more than other jobs, but his skills are poor. It's a condo con, but this seems like a crazy temper, is it a unique weapon?

Since the base critical chance is 0%, I never thought that everyone would do critical damage.

Of course, even if it wasn't, one shot at a time could inflict fatal wounds, but since he was only a 'human' race, Lokan, it is speculated that it would be 'equipment feet' rather than his own abilities.

What is certain is that it has overwhelming fighting power!

“I will kill that bastard!”

“What are you doing, George!”

Perhaps it was because they still had a numerical advantage, but the enemies were not as fierce as the first ones they had faced.

Although it was burdensome for the half elves, who were gradually gaining strength thanks to Rokhan's performance, they began to pour out their attacks with the intention of killing at least one Rokhan.

“Annihilation Strike!”

“Weapon Break!”“One hundred blows!”

Combination skills pouring out at once toward Lokan.

Although the name was grand, in reality, it was at a level that could be classified as a low-class.

‘Stupid bastards.’

The ability of a combination skill is affected by the name. Even if they use the same combination formula, their characteristics and power can be different depending on how they are named.

However, if they were given a name that did not even become like them, their power was rather reduced.

“Wheel Wind!”


And the difference was now evident.

“Wow… … !”

"mad… … .”


What happened next could be summed up in one word.

As if grinding with a blender, the power of the combination skill that grinds everything in contact with the body as well as the combination skill was ripped apart.

"What is that "

“I can do that”

“It’s not a top, but rather… … .”

Even those who were thinking of escaping were bound by its overwhelming power. The scene in front of him was so absurd that he could not think of anything else.

And Lokan did not miss the gap.

“Leaf Attack!”

It didn't stop the combination skills either. As he rotated using the wheel wind, he leapt toward the place where the enemies were most concentrated.


Started grinding new enemies.

‘I’m still fine.’

I didn't know if the skill would have been canceled if the opponent evaded and only poured ranged attacks. Wheel Wind is an attack-oriented skill, and it has the disadvantage of lowering movement speed.

However, those who were overwhelmed by the ridiculous power had forgotten that it was an effective battle.


And before noticing it, Rokhan switched the offensive. Using the bombardment that has returned to the cooldown, the enemy exploded, and the enemy was cut through the armor with a fatal blow.

No one could resist, engulfed in fear of violence known only to those who had suffered.

John Doe: What are they all paying for?

Farytime: It's true that it's a crazy deal, but the enemies are assholes. I'm just frozen.

Poakan: They were the ones who believed in the pages and installed them. That's what I do too.

Hellfire Chosun: Even the kids on the Crossroads don't have an answer. What the hell are you robbing these guys?

However, it seemed that the fear was not felt on the screen.

Thanks to this, while acknowledging Lokan's fighting power, quite a few articles were posted saying, 'That's about me.'

Due to the nature of The Road, which plays by moving the body directly, it seems that it is difficult to feel it unless there is a real situation.

‘I made another 15.’

While mocking and cheering continued through the chat window, Lokan quickly checked the merit points.

There were others who spit on them, but either because the contribution was the highest, or because it was only one point, the merit points were accumulated without being deducted.

'Where there is no war'

But Lokan was still hungry.

Earning more than 10 points each time was satisfying, but the long period between battles makes it tantalizing.

Even now, reports and comments may be coming up steadily, but most of them were just local battles.

'Camera switch.'

For that reason, Lokan chose a different method. The reason I turned on the live broadcast in the first place is because I expected this to happen.

He changed his camera point of view from first person to third person, and took his face out as if he was doing an interview.

“This is cooler than I thought. Ash towns, is this just enough? It doesn't matter if ten or twenty come. I will give this to the one who holds me.”

What Lokan brought out was the long sword preferred by melee users.

When I made the item information visible with a simple operation, the comments exploded.

Azelkaz: Crazy lol I put a bounty around his neck lol

Azhun: Everyone, be still. That's what my brother eats.

Jungle Monkey: Wow, crazy, crazy. Look at the attack. That's not the current one

└Leslie Cheng: Unique weapons are available in the Crossroad Visitor Shop. It's not the best, but it's definitely top-notch. But, how good is the main weapon if you carry that kind of thing as a sub weapon?

└Jojoda: Are you being deceived again lol. I'm really going to give you something like that.

Rock Metal: But what are you really thinking? Look at the wide-area provocation.

Canister: Honey, just sell it to me; all fortune

It was worthwhile to take a crafting weapon from the shop for this.

The options are okay, but at a rare level, Dwarf Zera's attack power and durability were excellent, so at this point, it's not inferior to even calling it a 'supreme class'.

The eyes of those who saw it began to turn.

'I think a rice cake like this would suffice.'

I don't know if Lokan will really release it if he loses, but once you have it, you can expect a drop.

Maybe even the same faction could attack, but Lokan didn't care. If you hit it, it'll just be enough to destroy you.

As if he had said everything he had to say, Lokan turned and moved to another battlefield.

He summoned the black horse and began to climb north, north.

While crushing everything in sight and attacking.

‘I think the time has come sooner’

Since it was a one-on-one battle, it was important to quickly reduce the number of enemies, but Lokan wasn't overly hasty. Rather, as if waiting for the reinforcements of the enemy, as the number of enemies decreased, he entered the battle with more leeway.

Because those who watched the broadcast will deliver the news from mouth to mouth, there must be a message in Ash Town, the city of the Black Dragonflight that faces the crossroads.

In fact, Ashtown was in turmoil right now. There were those who watched the broadcast out of curiosity, some who came back from a distant hunting ground, and there were places where they called for personnel in units of guilds.

Some guilds have even tried to post articles on local bulletin boards.

They took the picture, so if you touch it first, they won't let you go.

Of course, it was a story that would not be eaten by those who lost their eyes.

Even so, if you can only get the long sword that Lokan proposed, it would be only a matter of time before you hit it, so what are you afraid of?


Lokan sensed the movement of madness.

Users of the Golden Lion camp who wanted to serve as a spectator also followed him, but it was confirmed that a much larger number of enemies were rushing away in black.

Fifty, not twenty, seemed enough.

“Shall we sweep it all together?”

Facing them, Lokan smiled satisfied.

‘Yeah, you have to be at this level in order to have a taste for fighting.’

He took the offensive first, knowing that he would only be ambushed by stealthed enemies or exposed to ranged attacks if he waited patiently.

“Set number two.”

This time it wasn't a crit set.

In melee battles with a high probability of being hit by a blind attack, it was advantageous to use stable equipment.

I don't know if I can get high-level critical strike equipment later, but for now, it's better to have a high defense.

It was possible to cover any amount of attack power, and the probability of triggering a critical hit through the title effect was still there.


Quang!The power of Lokan, strengthened by equipment options, exploded at your fingertips.

He succeeded in hitting the one located on the edge of the incoming enemies and driving it to the center.


And he himself rushed towards the enemies.

Aiming at the center.

It was a moment of regret for the rush of destruction, but this was also not bad.


Pick it up!

Unless you cancel it, instead of having to deal with the incoming attack with your body, you can twist the battle ax to repel the enemy's attack.

“Oh, write!”

“Catch that bastard!”

Thanks to this, those who waited around Lokan in hiding were like dogs chasing chickens. When his gaze was sold, he tried to start the attack from behind, but Lokan had gone too far.

“What kind of cake is this?”

He tried to chase after him, but Lokan was not alone. Users who were waiting for a spectator released their hide and smashed those who appeared without mercy, and Lokan was able to jump into the enemy camp without difficulty.

“Heh heh heh heh heh!”

The beginning is also a cry of madness.

A voice imbued with the power of the Force cut off the nerves of the enemies. Losing control, dozens of personnel came to a standstill.

“Wheel Wind!”

'After all, this is the case when changing the majority!'

As Lokan began to rotate, surrounding enemies were sucked in like a tornado.

He consecrated merit points by lightly slicing out of the standard attack power.

“Get it out!”

But this time, the enemies did not suffer. He moved away from Rokhan in unison with a shout to see if there was anyone who gave the battle order.

“One point!”

And all at once, they launched a ranged attack.

Yes, the 3rd job advancement quest was difficult, so there were not many people who could do a proper long-distance attack, but arrows and magic baptisms that were difficult to ignore flew in.


He didn't even need to use an escape. Lokan quickly evaded using dashes and counterattacked.


towards the direction the magic flew.

It must be a place where magic-type users are soon. Rather, they bombarded them by exposing their location, and attacked them with a reef attack.

“Damn it! Get out of here!”

When the chaos broke out again, the impatient commander stood in front of Lokan proudly, biting the users around him who were breaking like a canteen.

“Lokan! Let's have a fight with me!"

Perhaps it was because he knew his will, and the enemy's offensive, which was rushing like a moth, stopped.


The situation has changed to a one-on-one battle rather than a many-to-one battle.

There was anger mixed in, but the face of the other person was confident. He thinks that he can defeat Lokan even after confirming that his allies have already been split by more than ten.

“I am the ranker Tide of Ashtown. Remember it. It is a name that you will be proud of when you hear it from now on.”


Although the ranking system has not been updated yet, he is confidently taking the top spot in the combat power evaluation rated by users and believing in his own power called a ranker.

'Look at this'

Perhaps he noticed that confidence, Rokhan also stopped the ax that was slashing like a dagger and turned towards him.

He replaced his answer by putting the battle ax over one of his shoulders and raising his left hand and flicking his finger.

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