Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 9: I surrender to a hot guy

[Wei Xi is another blind spot in the novel.

Historical records record that Wei Xi had the "talent to confuse people." This is obviously an evaluation of a loser. At the same time, because Cao Wei himself was very secretive about this period of history, we can only guess based on the obvious.

Wei Xi was born in Pei County, which determined that even if he was not a member of the Qiao Pei Group, he would naturally be close to the Qiao Pei Group. In the late Han Dynasty, the feud between clans was particularly serious. When Ru Ying, a scholar, saw that you were born in Pei County, it would be a good thing if he didn't spit on you.

Wei Tie's rebellion came at a very delicate time. Starting in 217 AD, the competition between Liu Bei and Cao Cao for Hanzhong became intense. At this time, Cao Cao did not have a few years left to live.

In 218, Hou Yin, the defender of Wancheng, joined forces with Guan Yu to launch a rebellion, but was defeated and died. 】

Hou Yin, Guan Yu secretly remembered this name in his heart.

[In 219, in the battle of Dingjunshan in the first month of the year, Huang Zhong's formation defeated Xia Houyuan. In May, Cao Cao's troops led Chang'an, and the battle of Hanzhong was completely defeated. In July of the same year, Guan Yu besieged Fancheng. In August, the seven armies were flooded and captured, imprisoned and beheaded Pang De. 】

At this time, there was a joyful atmosphere in the side hall. If a servant passed by and saw it, he would definitely think that the generals celebrated the New Year early.

The light screen was just one line, but it was a shocking battle report. Huang Zhong had an unbelievable look on his face. Guan Yu's face was red, but he could tell from his slightly raised eyebrows and corners of his mouth that he was in a good mood.

"General Huang is old and strong, and he played an important role in helping my lord win the battle of Hanzhong. General Guan fought one against three, encircled, captured and beheaded. He is truly a famous general in the world." Zhao Yun said with a smile.

Guan Yu bowed his hand, and no one was surprised. Everyone knew that Guan Yu never said polite words.

Huang Zhong was a little at a loss, but Zhang Fei came over and patted him on the back and said:

"Brother Huang, don't be afraid. What this light curtain says is basically true. Since you can kill Xia Houyuan in the military formation ten years later, wouldn't you be able to fight Zilong now?"

Huang Zhong didn't dare again and again, but a different kind of expectation sprouted in his heart: It turns out that I am really not old yet!

Among the crowd, only Kong Ming was silently counting the time.

[And at this delicate moment, Wei Xi teamed up with the two sons of Wang Can, Liu Wei's brother Liu Wei, Zhang Xiu's son Zhang Quan, and the son of Song Zhong, a famous scholar in Jingzhou, to collude with Changle guard Chen Yi to attack Yecheng, the capital of Wei. , Chen Yi betrayed Wei Xi and chose to inform Cao Pi. Cao Pi, who was still the prince at the time, launched a purge, killing thousands of people. 】

"Why didn't this succeed?" Zhang Fei sighed.

Liu Bei instinctively smelled the atmosphere of conspiracy in it. The timing of Wei Xi's surrender was understandable and precise, but the subsequent series of operations such as informing, purging, and sitting down went too smoothly, and At that time, Cao Pi was only the heir apparent, and it also took into account the time when Cao Pi got this right.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you have dug a hole waiting for someone to jump in!

[It doesn’t matter which faction Wei Xi belongs to, what’s important is who is the big winner among them?

After the purge, the Qiao Pei faction collapsed. Cao Cao died of illness in March of the following year. Cao Pi became king of Wei and established the Wei Kingdom in the same year. In the same year, he ordered Chen Qun to formulate the nine-level Zhongzheng system.

To put it into perspective, just the nine-grade Zhongzheng system makes the Ruying noble clan lose money. From now on, there will be no poor families in the upper ranks and no noble families in the lower ranks.

Therefore, it doesn't matter which faction Wei Xi belongs to. If the Ruying Group says he is from Qiao Pei, he is from Qiao Pei. 】

There is no such thing as a poor family! Liu Bei also suddenly grasped the key point, and then his second thought was: How can this be played?

Among them, only Zhuge Liang can be regarded as a serious nobleman, Zhang Fei can be regarded as a poor family, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Huang Zhong, and Zhao Yun can't even be called a poor family! If this method is implemented, won't people like them never get ahead?

[After Wei Xi's rebellion, the Xiahou family of the Qiao Pei Group almost faded out. This group was entirely supported by the Cao family. After all, Cao Pi himself was also named Cao, and he would also play tricks after becoming emperor. He did not want the Ru Ying family to dominate.

So thirty years later, the new boss of the Ruying Group, the Sima family, looked at the Cao family and had an idea: Since the Cao family can usurp the Han, why can't we, the Sima family, usurp the Wei? So he brazenly launched the Gaopingling Revolution and changed from Wei to Jin. The Cao family and Xiahou family were lost to the Yi tribe, and Cao Cao's power also came to an end. 】

"The Yi tribe is good!" Zhang Fei clapped his hands and applauded.

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang looked at each other speechless.

The light screen summarizes Cao Wei's thirty-year power struggle in just a few lines. In this struggle, there is no right or wrong, only sides, and everything is filled with power and conspiracy, but... it's still a bit exciting!

Liu Bei finally laughed out loud: "Cao Cao must have never imagined that all the things he did to the Han Dynasty would eventually befall his descendants."

Kong Ming shook his head and said: "I remember someone in the light curtain ten days ago said that Sima Yi was Liang's old enemy. I didn't expect that he would be such a wolfish and ambitious person."

"Is this Wei Xi..." Guan Yu asked. Although he had not captured Yizhou yet, Guan Yu remembered clearly that Guangmu mentioned that he was the one who guarded Jingzhou for a long time.

Huang Zhong also took the initiative to express his opinion for the first time: "If the factions are divided like this as Guangmu said, the people Wei Xi wanted to defect to the Han were all from the Jingzhou faction. Wang Can and Zhang Xiu both defected to Liu Jingsheng, and Liu Miao was from the Jingzhou faction. Song Zhong, who was promoted by Liu Jingsheng, is also an authentic Jingzhou celebrity."

Huang Zhong provided additional information and Kong Ming quickly guessed:

"These people may be dissatisfied with Cao Cao. After all, the Jingzhou people are neither the Qiao Pei sect nor the Ru Ying sect, just like Xu Yuanzhi, who is still idle now."

"But this Wei Xi himself may also be ambitious. Although his banner is to surrender to the Han, he directly attacks Yecheng. Internally, he is still like a Cao thief. He only wants to gain power once."

Liu Bei agreed very much and gave a silent thumbs up.

[Is the analysis finished here? Of course not. After all, what we are talking about is why Cao Wei did not have the ability to unify.

Being busy with internal fighting seems to be the right answer, but the most fundamental reason is still unpopularity.

Whether it is the Ruying Group or the Qiaopei Group, both groups are out-and-out aristocratic groups. The difference is that Ruying is an established aristocrat, while Qiaopei is an upstart with military merit. The common point is that they cannot represent the interests and voices of the people.

Just like why can Wei Tie inspire people to rebel? Although not being reused is one reason, another more important reason is that Liu Bei has been running Jingzhou carefully for seven years. Everyone can see who is really doing things.

Just like the later evaluation of Jingzhou locals: I cherish the kindness of Liu Bei and fear the power of Sun Quan. But most people who said this didn't see how embarrassing Xiaoyaojin Sun Quan was.

The same goes for Chengdu. The Wuhou Temple still stands today and is still popular. People in Chengdu still visit it when they have nothing to do. They treat Brother Liang and Beibina like family members.

Another example is that Meng Da rebelled first against Liu Bei and then against Cao Wei. Although he failed, it can be regarded as a recognition of Liu Bei. 】

Liu Bei: We don’t need this kind of duplicitous recognition, right?

Today’s update is here, please pay attention to the cute new ones.

In addition, although Zhang Fei and the Xiahou family are theoretically in-laws, considering the status of the woman at that time...

Moreover, there are records in history books that Zhang Fei's method of marrying Xiahou was "shortly", which is never a compliment in history books.

Later, Liu Chan mentioned that his queen and the Xiahou family were related by marriage. In fact, it was just to appease Xiahou Ba.

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