Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 507 What does brotherhood mean?

Ma Zhou, the champion, had expected the intensity of the court meeting.

But what I never expected was that His Majesty's performance at court meetings was not inferior to that in battle.

For some reason, all the ministers and ministers remained silent, and even Secretary Wei Zhengwei, who had been quite eloquent before, also stopped talking.

The remaining officials could be said to have no equal enemies in the court meeting.

After all, although the Land Equalization Order was inherited from the Sui Dynasty, this system was implemented in the Tang Dynasty from the seventh year of Wude, and it is still less than eight years ago.

His Majesty also politely said that the new land equalization order of Qinghai Road is also a trial implementation. If the public dissatisfaction is particularly great, it is still unclear whether the old system will be restored.

And during the verbal exchange, His Majesty did not forget to settle old scores: When I wanted to fight Tuyuhun, weren't the attitudes of the ministers like this now?

Seeing that His Majesty is either righteous or sarcastic, without the support of Prime Minister and Fu, all the officials have no choice but to ask Your Majesty not to risk the disdain of the world, to put the world's commonwealth as the most important thing and not to forget the importance of Yongye Field. .

The meeting ended hastily, but Ma Zhou was even more confused.

Relying on the past of entering the Manlu Palace and chatting and laughing with the ministers, he chose the simplest and most direct solution:

"Please ask Du Shangshu to help me clarify my doubts!"

After the two found a quiet room in Shangshu Province, seeing Du Ruhui making tea in an orderly manner, Ma Zhouxian couldn't hold himself back:

"Du Shangshu, the people in Chang'an said that Your Majesty does not care about people's livelihood. I don't think so, but what can I do..."

Before he finished speaking, Du Ruhui shook his head and said with a smile:

"Is it about livelihood? Is it about private households?"

Ma Zhou couldn't answer, but he seemed to have seen the core of the criticism clearly.

Du Ruhui didn't show off, and while making tea, he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"In the countryside, the people are weak but the powerful are strong. The powerful can seize the land in a variety of ways, so they cannot be eliminated."

"Therefore, if we want to preserve the country for a long time, we can only protect the people and suppress the strong."

Ma Zhou was silent. His parents died when he was young and he lived through troubled times. He had seen everything Du Shangshu said with his own eyes, and he could say he felt the same.

Du Ruhui poured the tea into the cup, shook off the foam a little, and handed it to Ma Zhou's hand.

With just a little mention, Ma Zhou had already figured out the joints.

In Qinghai's trial law, what your Majesty is trying is to make the common people become tenant farmers of the emperor. To make the powerful annex the common people's land is tantamount to seizing the emperor's land, so that they dare not act rashly.

This attempt has disadvantages that are visible to the naked eye. For example, if a faint emperor proclaims himself emperor, the disaster may come close to Emperor Yang.

For example, this heirloom field is no different from the Yongye field except that it cannot be sold, but it will definitely be disliked by the people.

Moreover, acting like this will definitely make the wealthy family worry that Your Majesty will seize their ten thousand acres of permanent land... But such considerations are far-fetched.

When Ma Zhou came to his senses, Du Ruhui in the quiet room had long disappeared, and even the tea in his hand had turned cold.

Smiling to himself, after drinking the herbal tea, Ma Zhou pressed his legs and stood up again. He still had official business to deal with.

The door of the quiet room was opened, and the afternoon sunlight poured in without any hindrance.

In the heavily guarded side hall of the Bianliang Palace, Zhao Kuangyin was the first to arrive.

He asked the chamberlain to hold the lamp and spread some memorials brought from the Chui Gong Hall on the stone table that was incompatible with this side hall. Zhao Kuangyin squinted and read each word, then after careful consideration, he gave the instructions he thought were appropriate. .

Just like this, I don’t know how long it took, but a happy greeting woke Zhao Kuangyin up from his office state:

"If Chizhou is defeated, it should be congratulated by the officials. If we build a bridge across the river by quarrying like this, then the south of the Yangtze River can be secured and the ruler of the country can be eliminated."

Zhao Kuangyin rubbed his eyes and realized that it was already bright and it was Zhao Pu who was speaking.

Waving his hand to signal the chamberlain to put out the oil lamp, Zhao Kuangyin yawned, sorted out the memorials in front of him, and then said with a smile:

"Li Yu is a voluptuous man who likes to be ostentatious. He talks loudly every day but does not care about political affairs. He is no match for a general like Cao Guohua who is good at fighting."

Zhao Pu complimented:

"As we look to the south of the Yangtze River, the officialdom will take another step towards unifying the world. We may be able to report this success to Marquis Zhuge Wu later."

Zhao Kuangyin refused without thinking. To be honest, even if he captured Li Yu now, he didn't think there was anything to show off.

After he captured Prince Xing's Mansion three years ago and forced Liu Xiang to surrender, Li Yu surrendered and took the title of Lord of Jiangnan.

At that time, Zhao Kuangyin knew in his heart that it was only a matter of time before Jiangnan was pacified. Now that Cao Bin and Cao Guohua are in unstoppable power, it can only be said that his judgment at the time was not wrong at all.

Signaling Zhao Pu to say no more, Zhao Kuangyin called the servant over to fetch water and wash up, and then asked:

"What time is it?"

Zhao Pu smiled: "It's almost time, I think the King of Jin will be here soon."

Zhao Kuangyin nodded. The light curtain had always fallen at this moment before, and today would be no exception.

Zhao Pu's judgment was correct. Almost at the same time that the chamberlain outside announced that it was time, Zhao Guangyi also entered the palace.

Three months later, Zhao Guangyi looked a little haggard.

Zhao Pu compared it from the side and felt that even if the Jin king looked more haggard, he was still better than the official.

He could see clearly that although the officials were quite disdainful of Li Yu, they had not had a peaceful sleep since Cao Bin and Pan Mei were ordered to lead an army of 100,000 out of Jingnan last month, and they were always paying attention to the military situation on the front line.

However, Chizhou was defeated yesterday. Once the quarry is occupied and a bridge is built to cross the river according to the plan, the decision in the south of the Yangtze River can be said to be finalized. In this way, the officials should be able to relax and have a good sleep and look better.

The reason why I am thinking about this is because Zhao Pu joked with his colleagues last month, asking him what Wuhou, Taizong, and the Guan family had in common.

At that time, colleagues jokingly said that they might all be sick from overwork. This casual remark made Zhao Pu a little frightened.

After all, his honor and disgrace are all tied to the official family, there is no doubt about this.

Zhao Guangyi greeted his brother according to the courtesy, and Zhao Kuangyin's smile became even brighter, and he pulled his brother to greet him with a warm look.

After Zhao Pu returned to Beijing, with his help, he was quite effective in cutting off his younger brother's wings.

The war that started last month could be regarded as the final word. Seeing that his brother was able to live in Bianliang and direct the war effort, Zhao Guangyi temporarily ignored other thoughts and worked hard to play the role of a good brother to the leader of the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, from Zhao Pu's perspective, they can be called brothers and sisters.

Wait, Zhao Pu scratched his cheek and felt a little uneasy.

A few days ago I was worried that the officials would fall ill due to overwork, but today I thought of these unlucky words of respect between brothers and sisters, and at this time I was still waiting for the light to come...

Although he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, Zhao Pu is now starting to become a little suspicious.

And at this moment, the light on the stone table turned, and the waiters closed the doors and windows with a hint of eye. The dim environment made the light curtain on the roof more conspicuous, and the voices of the juniors became more prominent.

[Hi hi hi, here is Wen Mang who is trying to recover after the Spring Festival!

What we have said in the previous preview today is just four words: the shadow of candles and the sound of axes!

The key words of this issue are still the same four words: brothers, friends and brothers. 】

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