Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 416 There is an old friend in the East who wants to meet

A letter of good news written by Wu Yi himself was placed on the courier's chest, and the brocade bag carefully sealed by Wu Yi was also tied in a tight knot on the courier's back.

The speed of the pony is not very fast, but it is just right for running on the mountain trails in Nanzhong.

Accompanied by more than a dozen guards, the group galloped across the land of Nanzhong on ponies.

They were all Wu Yi's personal soldiers. They followed their own generals and Duke Xuande to send troops to seize Nanzhong. They also witnessed with their own eyes the transformation of Nanzhong from a chaotic hilltop to now listening to Chengdu's orders.

Now, on the way back, we can run as we please without having to worry about being ambushed by the natives and common people in South China. This alone is comforting enough.

General Wu Yi was able to live up to Duke Xuande's trust and pacify the entire Nanzhong, but at this time, he seemed serious because of a small brocade bag. It was impossible not to be curious in his heart.

But as Wu Yi's subordinates, they understood that they did not need to worry about these things. They only needed to complete what the general said and hand over the object to Zhang Song, the prefect of Chengdu.

Although Shu Ma is short, its endurance is actually more outstanding. After running around non-stop for more than ten days, after passing Zhu Ti and passing through Nanguang, the group finally left Nanzhong and could rest in Bo Dao County. A rest.

This is the last stop entering Nanzhong and the first stop for Nanzhong people after leaving the mountains.

Standing here and looking north, although you can't see Chengdu, you can see the rolling river to the north and the dense forest-like sugar cane growing on the fertile land to the east of the river.

In the meantime, a knight remembered the sweet taste, couldn't help but licked it and muttered:

"Why does this sugar cane field seem to have doubled in size..."

The Bodao defender who led them turned back and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty has good eyesight. Last year, the governor of Jiangyang issued an order, and the people followed it to reclaim the wasteland and plant sugar cane to make a living."

The messengers remained silent, but their eyes were full of curiosity. Those who had asked before simply continued the conversation:

"But I remember that the population of Bodao is not large. How can we cultivate so many sugar cane fields? And growing sugar cane is quite painful, but no one disobeys the order?"

"Ha, your Majesty is really good at joking." The defender turned around and said with a smile:

“No matter how hard it is to grow sugar cane, it’s not as hard as going hungry.”

This actually made the knight blush a bit. Wu Yi was one of the richest people in Chengdu. As personal guards, they had not known what they were hungry for for a long time.

"Besides, even if it's a bit bitter, aren't all the barbarians living in the south of our Bo Road?"

The knight raised his eyebrows, hesitated a little and said:

"Capturing slaves is against the prohibition of Duke Xuande..."

The defender waved his hand and interrupted the knight's tangled words:

"What did your Majesty say?"

"Now we Bo Tao people can make money by growing sugar cane. These barbarians were subdued by Xuande Gong. Now they have become Han people and they need money to live their lives."

"Then come over and work for us to grow sugar cane. Why don't you do it?"

This is true, the knight nodded in his heart and agreed.

They fought all the way through Nanzhong, so they could see clearly.

Although there are rare and rare things in Nanzhong, such as gold, silver, lacquerware, jade and other stones, these are basically exclusive to the chief surnames, and the lives of ordinary natives are far worse than those of beggars in Chengdu.

After all, there is no fertile land in the south, and everyone depends on the leader for survival, and the production of goods is crude. Even the art of making pottery is very crude, let alone the use of iron tools. The only one that can be praised is the homespun cloth, and the rest are not as good as others.

From this point of view, being employed to grow sugar cane can make you rich and you can buy all kinds of things, which can be regarded as a way for the natives of South China to make a living.

After resting for a day at Bo Road, the group of knights continued their journey north the next day.

After listening to the garrison's introduction yesterday, I paid careful attention today, and sure enough I could see many native people in the sugar cane fields by the river. Together with the people around them, they carefully cultivated the soil, irrigated the sugar cane, and broke the leaves.

Whistling north, after passing Wuyang County, Chengdu is already in sight.

Deliberately going around to the east of the city and stepping onto the Wanli Bridge again to enter the city, the knights suddenly felt a little more at peace in their hearts: they were going home.

The rows of Sichuan embroidered houses along the river, the sugar-making workshops with endless fires in the south of the city, mixed with the debates over dyeing paper in the paper-making workshops, and the endless stream of coal-carrying boats in the river, all of which make people wonder. The knights, who have been away from home for a year, feel very close to each other.

Some knights even saw acquaintances at a glance:

"Erlang of the Li family!"

After a brief exchange of greetings, the knight hurried towards the Chengdu government office and muttered briefly to his colleagues:

"The second son of the Li family is lucky. He married the little widow from Fan County, so he has no worries about food and clothing."

"I've heard about him. His whole family escaped from Moling with Duke Xuande a few years ago. His father was able to establish some friendship with the general."

"I also know about this matter. After all, I fled south from Yanzhou in my early years, and I am from the same hometown as the general."

"Is this family so famous for marrying a young widow with a lot of money?"

"That's not true, but he has a daughter who is said to be quite talented and has been praised by Zhuge's military advisor."

"That's amazing, I don't know if there is a marriage..."

"Silence!" The leading knight turned his head and glared dissatisfied, reminding them that they had arrived at the government office.

They duly verified their identity and handed the two items to the prefect Zhang Song after showing the talisman. The group of knights finally breathed a sigh of relief and left one after another after receiving the approval.

Wu Yi's good news is easy to handle. He can write an official document and post it outside to make people publicize it. At the same time, he can make another copy and forward it to Chang'an to announce the good news to his lord. This is a routine process.

Zhang Song held his beard and looked at the cotton with interest again.

Is this something that later generations would say can be used in battle formations to withstand severe cold and benefit the people?

The handling of this object is still simple, and Kong Ming left sufficient arrangements when he left Chengdu.

In addition to opening up the southwestern Yi Road and paying a lot of money to obtain cotton seeds, planting methods, and the other party's classics, it also contains regulations on how to deal with these things.

Zhang Song has a very good memory, and he remembered it after just a few moments of recollection.

The seeds were divided into three parts, one part was sent to Chang'an, one part was sent to Jiangling, and the other part was kept in Chengdu for trial planting.

And even the candidates for trial planting in Chengdu have been decided early.

"Go and ask Zichu to come over."

Liu Ba was Kong Ming's designated candidate, and Zhang Song had no objections.

Now, in addition to being in charge of Yizhou affairs and Xiao Taixue, Zhang Song also had to take time to study arithmetic with Liu Ba, and write letters to communicate with Kong Ming from afar.

Liu Ba was in charge of the official market and many workshops. He also had to find time to go to Xiao Taixue to teach on behalf of Kong Ming.

But now the busy Zi seems to have another thing to worry about.

But...he shouldn't have any complaints about this, right? Zhang Song is sure.

Tang Chang'an and Li Shimin also had no time to spare, and once again lamented that these ten days of rest had nothing to do with themselves.

On the third day of the first lunar month, after viewing the light, he took the champion Ma Zhou and had a good chat with him. In the evening, he once again summoned Hou Junji to the palace for a meal. The maid briefly describes what she has seen and heard, and wants to consolidate her relationship with her sons and daughters.

The next day, he was still waiting to see Yan Lide's pressure well, but another piece of news was delivered to him first.

Du Ruhui even came to the palace personally to deliver this news.

And this message is also extremely simple, it can even be said that there are only a few words:

"There is an envoy from the Japanese country who wants to pay homage to the Emperor of Chang'an."

The keyboard is completely ruined by water. I will go see if there is any remedy tomorrow. The Shuangfeiyan keyboard I bought temporarily is really not suitable for it.

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