The side hall was originally a happy place after a meal, but what the light screen said directly caused the indoor temperature to drop by more than ten degrees, and a cold wind seemed to have started.

"Jiangdong rats, you can't be trusted! Sun Quan! I swear to kill you!" Liu Bei was furious and was comforted by Kong Ming's gentle words.

"Lord, don't worry!"

After following him for more than two years, Kong Ming knew the feelings of the three sworn brothers very well.

"Since what this light curtain says is something that has not happened in the future! Isn't this the ancestor of the Han Dynasty warning the lord to let General Guan avoid this disaster?!"

After some kind words and persuasion, Liu Bei finally got his IQ online again. The second brother's handwritten letter on his chest also reminded him: The second brother is following Zhou Gongjin to attack Nanjun, and he is very alive now!

After calming down, Liu Bei became even more anxious:

"Kong Ming...are we going to be rebellious officials and traitors in the future?"

Kong Ming couldn't answer, the words on the light screen were still narrating at his own pace.

[We all know that Soochow was a political power established by external forces in Jianghuai and Jianghuai to suppress local forces in Jiangdong. To put it bluntly, it was to cut off the leeks of the local wealthy families and make room for their followers such as Cheng Puhandang. 】

[Historical books record that Sun Ce was killed by three disciples of Xu Gong, but how these three disciples sneaked into Jiangdong, how they accurately found Sun Ce who was alone, and who prepared the weapons for them, etc., are not clearly stated in the history books, but we have reason to believe it The wealthy Jiangdong family played a very disgraceful role. 】

[Sun Quan and Sun Ce are very different. They have neither determination nor perseverance, and their methods tend to be gentle. However, the Jiangdong wealthy family will not forget the blood debt with the Sun family, and Sun Quan will not quickly make the Jiangdong wealthy family his confidants. This is the source of the turmoil between Jiangdong and Sun Wu. 】

"Accurate!" Kong Ming praised while copying, feeling deeply about the internal conflicts of the Sun Wu Group.

Before the Battle of Chibi, the interior of Jiangdong was like a raging fire cooking oil. The grievances between the Jianghuai faction and Jiangdong's wealthy families were almost irreconcilable.

The wealthy families in Jiangdong don't care whether their lord's surname is Sun or Cao. Sun Quan, Zhou Yu and other foreign Jianghuai factions will fight to the end with the Cao thief.

In this situation, Ming Ming sent an envoy to Jiangdong, and the Confucian scholars temporarily tied the Jiangdong wealthy family to Sun Quan's chariot, and finally completed a great victory in Chibi.

[So how did the fragile balance between locals and outsiders in Jiangdong be broken? To understand this, we must first pay attention to a person who is often overlooked in Chibi: Fengxiao Pang Tong, who is as famous as Wolong Zhuge Liang. 】

[Everyone is familiar with Pang Tong, but the impression among theatergoers is that he offered a series of tricks to help Zhou Yu attack with fire, and later surrendered to Liu Bei, and finally died at Luofengpo, which can be called an untimely death. 】

Pang Tong voted for me? Liu Bei's face burst out with an unconcealable smile. He had always been thirsty for talents, and he often felt that there were not enough talents under his command.

I remember when I met Sima Hui, Sima Wei said, "There are dragons and phoenixes here." Unexpectedly, these two people ended up under his command!

As for dying young at Luofengpo in the doesn't matter at all! Wouldn't it be enough to strictly order him not to approach Luofengpo?

Luofengpo is not a good name at first glance. How could Shiyuan be so careless? Liu Bei had already begun to sigh for his future counselor in his heart.

[But when the story is revealed, Pang Tong is an authentic Jingzhou native. He is a son of Pang Degong, a member of the Xiangyang family in Jingzhou. He was later recruited as a meritorious official, and is strictly speaking a minister of Liu Biao. 】

[Later, Boss Cao’s 800,000-strong army came over, and several counties in Jingzhou became separatist states. Later, when Zhou Yu attacked Nan County, Pang Tong directly became Zhou Yu’s subordinate official. Can any of the grandpas in the audience tell you anything? 】

[That’s right, Pang Tong is so silky that he changed camps! Taking a closer look, this is actually a kind of loyalty from the local nobles in Jingzhou. After the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu's reputation was known all over the world, and his deterrence was directly boosted. What else could he do if he was not loyal? You must know that Zhou Yu and Sun Ce once killed a wealthy family in Jiangdong with many heads. Jingzhou and Jiangdong are neighbors, so they are very aware of this. 】

[But it was a pity that Zhou Yu died soon after. Pang Tong went all the way to Jiangdong to mourn Zhou Yu. After that, he directly surrendered to Liu Bei. 】

[It is not difficult to guess the inside story. Pang Tong was probably the one who negotiated terms on behalf of Jingzhou in the past, but they failed to reach an agreement in the end. 】

[I would like to interrupt here. In the novel, this paragraph also contains a story about Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. Of course, we all know now that it is a fabrication in the novel. Zhou Yu in history was magnificent and elegant. He was praised as "a heroic man in the world, a romantic and beautiful husband in Jiangzuo.\

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