Li Shimin swore that he really had no prejudice against the Song Dynasty.

It's just that as an emperor who conquers the world on horseback, he cannot accept this kind of stupid behavior from the bottom of his heart:

"Isn't there some kind of New Confucianism in Song Dynasty?"

"Confucian scholars can be approached but not forced, and they can be killed but not humiliated."

"Could it be that this so-called New Confucianism teaches people to submit to humiliation and live in peace?"

"But in the old days, Gou Jian also led the Yue army to devour Wu. Can the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty only learn from his grandson, Shiwan, and live in peace?"

Keeping looking at the light screen, Li Shimin was inevitably a little affected.

Empress Changsun pulled Li Shimin's sleeve and made him sit down angrily.

There is almost nothing to discuss about this matter, and Zhenguan ministers also thought:

"Suffering these three humiliations is a shame for a country!"

"If we don't avenge this shame, how can our country's trust be established? Where can we be loyal ministers and righteous men?"

There is almost no need to express a position on this issue. After all, Jieli Khan was captured and presented to the Ancestral Temple just two months ago.

Therefore, Li Shi𪟝 was very puzzled:

"Where are the loyal and brave generals? Where are the soldiers who fought to the death for their country?"

Wei Zheng also couldn't understand:

"Does this Song Dynasty have no loyal and honest ministers?!"

These questions are destined to be answered by no one, so they can only be put aside temporarily.

"This Jingkang disaster, the people suffered even more than the Wuhu Rebellion." Du Ruhui said in a low voice.

The other ministers were silent. Of course they understood the names of old and thin men, women and young men, children, etc.

It is especially unacceptable because of understanding. If this court is of some use, it is not of no use at all!

However, Fang Xuanling still found a problem in the words:

"Jin Di? Not Khitan?"

Everyone was a little confused for a while, and they all remembered that the one who signed the Tanyuan Alliance was the Khitan Liao Kingdom.

So it is logical to speculate: "The war in the north is not over yet? Why not gather troops to regain the old Yanyun land?"

Everyone present is familiar with the art of war, but they are even more confused at this moment.

"Perhaps the enemies of Song Dynasty are extremely powerful..."

Everyone could only comfort themselves and make amends for the Song Dynasty.

As for the subsequent title Kong, Li Shimin scoffed directly:

"It is absolutely impossible for me to seal the Kong clan as the Holy Duke of Yan."

During the Wude period, there was an edict to confer Confucius the title of Xushenghou, but it only followed the titles of Zongsheng, Prince Gong, Duke Zou, etc. given to Confucius by the previous dynasty.

Moreover, the title granted during the Wude period can only be regarded as a false name and a statement.

Fang Xuanling didn’t think it mattered:

"The reason why the title of Yanshenggong can be passed down to later generations is probably not because of his honorable name."

After all, the previous dynasty had a lot of titles, and no one took this title seriously.

As for why, Fang Xuanling couldn't figure it out for a while.

The Chengdu government office was silent again.

Liu Bei looked at the names that made people's hair stand on end and even made him feel a little uncomfortable in his stomach, and he remembered them one by one.

These are the sufferings suffered by the people of later generations. Now that we know them, we must work hard to avoid them.

And how to avoid it? Liu Bei doesn't know yet.

But he felt that his military advisor should know about it, and... it was always right to eliminate the thieves and restore Han rule first.

Zhang Fei on the other side couldn’t wait:

"Brother! When will we kidnap Brother Shiwan and let him see his record?"

"When are we going to bring the traitor Cao to see the trouble his good sons and grandsons and his Sima Yi have caused to the family?"

"Hurry up and revive the Han Dynasty, I, Lao Zhang, want to fight against the Yi Di!"

Zhang Fei's statement was applauded by others, especially Zhang Song's voice.

Dechuan! Contribution! Repay your benefactor and make your name known! Let those who judge people by their appearance know his talent Zhang Song!

Liu Ba's idea was relatively simple: At that time, he wanted to obey the weather and believed that Cao Cao could conquer the world, so he wanted to go there and lie down.

But now it seems that Guangmu likes the lord, and with this auspiciousness, he will win the world, so naturally he has to use his talents by his side.

He, Liu Ba, still has to follow the weather, but now he knows what the weather is.

Besides, he is also from the Liu family. Although he, Liu Ba, would not say that he is a sworn enemy of the powerful, he can't stand it. Now it seems that it is good not to suffer from Cao's thieves.

Kong Ming and Pang Tong were studying the Kong family on the side.

"Shi Xiu surrenders?"

"Aristocratic kneeling clan?"

The two heads that Liu Bei relied on looked at each other:

"It seems that future generations have a lot of opinions about the Kong family... No, the Yansheng family is too kind and favored. This Kong family is only a descendant of Confucius and not the real person of Confucius. How can he be treated so kindly?"

"The purpose of selling horse bones for a thousand gold is to win people's hearts. I'm afraid that all the Confucians in the world will only look to the Confucian family."

"After the Tang Dynasty, the imperial examination was instituted, and Confucianism was eliminated in the examination?"

I guess it can only go so far, there is no need for more, because Song Dynasty is too far away from them, and now everyone just wants to find a way to catch up with the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

The other is because we need to know more information about the Song Dynasty in order to know its specific situation.

[So now we look back, are the powerful families really useless?

This is of course negative. As the saying goes, the development of things has its pros and cons, and the same goes for powerful families.

Due to the imperfect local grassroots organizations of the Han Empire, the development and growth of local powerful families was an inevitable trend, filling the power vacancies and forming the basic social unit.

Such power has indeed brought local power together. For the benefit of the family, the children of powerful families will pass on technology, conduct academic research, manage wealth, and even stabilize their villages.

At this time, the powerful families were the hematopoietic pump of the empire. They had no worries about food and clothing and were able to pursue fame with all their strength. Therefore, they were also the backbone of the empire's foreign wars.

But as the aristocratic families grew stronger, they changed from the blood-forming pumps of the empire to the blood-sucking insects of the empire, not only allowing half of the empire's wealth to flow into their families, but also blocking the creations of the common people.

An aristocratic family with no worries about food and clothing can only create artistic value, but cannot produce other effects. For example, Wang Xizhi, the author of "Lanting Preface" that Erfeng took to his grave when he died, is the Wang family of "the old Wang Xietang Qianyan".

Our historical annals can clearly record the names of all the rice bugs of the powerful noble families in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, but those craftsmen who really improved the lives of the people and allowed the rice bugs to live a better life have never left their names.

For example, under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu in the Han Dynasty, there were thousands of people in the east and west weaving rooms and tens of thousands of craftsmen of all kinds. They contributed various wonderful and far-reaching inventions to the Han Dynasty:

Note the drum cart, keel waterwheel, waterwheel, columbine cart, silk machine, escapement, thirsty bird, hook and so on.

But none of them left a name.

The only person in the Han Dynasty whose name was left behind because of his invention was Chen Baoguang's wife.

Historical records record that she invented the jacquard loom, and Huo Xian was summoned as her first envoy to make it. A piece of brocade could be woven in sixty days. A piece of brocade could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. Its economic utility is needless to say.

But the record left behind by such a woman was that she was Chen Baoguang's wife. She didn't even know her last name or whether she was rewarded, so she remained anonymous.

But none of us should know about the Western spinning jenny now.

This is the limitation of the aristocratic family. The progressive children of the aristocratic family learn and study in order to seize power, while the mediocre children of the aristocratic family either pursue pleasure or study art.

In fact, our ancestors explored science very early, such as mathematics, which is known as the mother of science and the king of science.

"Zhou Bi Suan Jing" and "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" are both at the forefront of the world.

However, in order to spread his research and works, the author of "Zhou Bi Suan Jing" needed to fictionalize Shang Gao and Chen Zi to name this masterpiece.

Even the name of the author of "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" is unknown. "Sun Tzu's Arithmetic Classic" was also written by a sage under the pretense of Sun Tzu's name, just to allow this sage's classic to be passed down.

Although there are such achievements in the past, from the Han Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the development of mathematics can almost be said to be lackluster.

The few sages who have contributed to mathematics, such as Liu Hui, Zhao Shuang, Zu Chongzhi, Zhen Luan, etc., either have nothing to do with the aristocratic family, or are marginal figures in the aristocratic family.

It was not until the Sui Dynasty that the aristocratic family fell completely, and mathematics ushered in a wave of development that connected the past and the future.

In the Song Dynasty, as the aristocratic families disappeared completely, the wisdom of the common people began to appear on the stage of history, creating the brilliant scientific and cultural development of the Song Dynasty. 】

Everyone was dazzled by the sight of Ganlu Hall and Chengdu Government Office.

The relationship here has been going on for a long time, and whatever is missing will be made up for tomorrow.

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