Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 154 Inviting Zhang Yide alone

Lu Meng stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the hazy night with high spirits: We should teach Liu Bei, who doesn't know who he is, a lesson!

I have been reading a lot recently, and my bravery has been hidden a lot.

Lu Meng has always been very serious about his identity: he must serve his benefactor to the death.

He was not Sun Bofu's old general, nor was he a powerful right-hand man from Jiangdong. The only person he could rely on was his benefactor, Sun Hou.

Relying on Jiangyi soldiers to gain Sun Quan's appreciation is a deal that Lu Meng still thinks is a good deal.

Therefore, Marquis Sun ordered him to obey Zhou Yu's orders, and he obeyed; Marquis Sun ordered him to study, and he obeyed;

Sun Hou secretly ordered to "find" the method of smelting iron in order to lure Jiangdong Haoyou. He also obeyed the order and told Lu Su that he was sending troops without authorization.

Of course, what Lu Su said about the general trend of the world was not difficult to understand, but Lu Meng didn't care.

He is not a minister of Jiangdong, but a general of Sun Hou.

So what if Guan Yu is brave and Zhang Fei is powerful? Lu Meng still remembers what he said to his mother when he was young:

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?

"Enter the Hudu River ahead and hold the boat silently." Lu Meng ordered.

The speed of the boat slowed down, someone put away the conspicuous sail, and someone found bamboo poles from the cabin to quietly punt the boat.

After seeing several boats entering the tributary of the Hudu River as he expected, Lu Meng nodded with satisfaction.

What Lu Meng can be proud of, besides Jiangyi's "earning" Sun Hou, is his method of training soldiers.

No one spoke during the whole process just now, and orders and prohibitions were followed. This is the personal soldier trained by oneself.

I wonder if there is anyone under Liu Bei who can train troops as well as himself?

After thinking for a while, Lu Meng waved his hand, and two hundred soldiers quietly rowed the boat close to the south of Gong'an County.

How to obtain the method of smelting iron? The craftsmen must live near the blacksmith shop, so they can just grab some survivors and retreat.

It's just some craftsmen, where are they not smelting iron?

With this idea in mind, Lu Meng targeted the blacksmith shop next to Nanhudu River in Gongan County.

Lü Meng thought very clearly about approaching in a boat, setting fire and killing to create a disturbance, and then taking advantage of the chaos to rob the craftsmen, and then follow the wind and the current downstream.


Before Lu Meng finished speaking, his ears suddenly caught the sound of a bow string being pulled apart.

In the silent night, the sound of the river covered up Lu Meng's whereabouts, but it also covered up the sound of the Eight Ox Crossbow slowly being drawn.

Although he had never seen it before, Lu Meng's fear of bows and arrows made him immediately lie down and roll into the water.

Different from Leng Jian's "whoosh" sound, Lu Meng heard a clear and sharp sound breaking through the air.

Then there was a "bang" sound, like an arrow piercing flesh, but Lu Meng could see clearly in the water that a crossbow arrow as thick as his arm was nailed to the boat.

This crossbow arrow also had a rotating blade extending out. Lu Meng didn't dare to think what would happen if he was hit by an arrow.

"Back off!" Lu Meng shouted.

Even if there were no such terrifying crossbows, the sneak attack itself would be unstoppable if discovered.

Lu Meng's soldiers jumped into the river one after another, carefully hiding on the sides of the boat, and then worked together to push the boat down the river.

It was only 600 meters from Gong'an County to the downstream river mouth, but for the first time Lu Meng felt that 600 meters was so difficult to walk.

The terrifying winding sound, the sharp sound of crossbow arrows piercing the air, seemed to be the sound amplification machine adjusting the angle, thus forming the three sounds that Lu Meng heard the most tonight.

There was also a hustle and bustle of people on the shore, seemingly following the boat and shooting arrows into the water.

After it finally merged into the river, Lu Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

After counting the losses, Lu Meng looked back at Gong'an County. For a moment, Lu Meng felt that his defeat was inexplicable and aggrieved.

They are both brave and have recently learned the art of war. Without these giant crossbows, they would have just sailed away. How could they have suffered such losses?

Guan Yu was woken up, put on a single coat and went out, when he saw the corpse of the thief being carried over.

It seemed that there was no pain in death. The huge crossbow blade penetrated through the waist and abdomen, leaving only the upper body of the corpse.

Zhao Lei said softly:

"After checking, he is from Shanyue. His hands are heavily calloused. He should be an old pawn from Jiangdong."

"But there really isn't anything on him to prove his identity."

Guan Yu shook his head in disdain:

"Hmph, rat!"

Guan Yu moved all the family members of civil and military officials, old and young, to Jiangling City, and assigned heavy troops to guard the iron, paper, and medicine places in Gong'an County that were difficult to remove.

And now it really pays off.

"Behead him and hang him at the east gate of Gong'an County for public display for three days. He will be buried separately after three days."

"Ma deserter, are you afraid?"

Mi Fang asked with a smile.

They had followed Zhang Fei to Baishui Pass.

Zhang Fei didn't talk about attacking the city, but just set up camp under Baishui Pass. The rear has been cutting down trees these days, and the front of the formation seems to be waiting for something.

After arriving at Baishui Pass, Liu Feng Mi Fang keenly felt that the deserter on the horse was very nervous, so Mi Fang teased him like this.

"Since this is not your first time on the battlefield, why are you shaking like chaff?" Liu Feng was very surprised.

Ma Su swallowed a sip of saliva, held his trembling right hand with his left hand, and said with difficulty:

"I am joining the army under the lord's command, why should I fight in person?"

Liu Feng spat disdainfully and said:

"You don't know how to fight, so how can you join the army? It's ridiculous."

If it were in the past, Ma Su could talk in all kinds of long speeches to the point where Liu Feng couldn't stop talking.

But now, he just wants to try to suppress the fear in his heart and not become a deserter.

If he runs away again, he will definitely die.

Liu Feng was too lazy to care about the horse anymore. He stood on tiptoes and looked forward. There were several chairs placed in front of the formation, and he could see Zhang Fei sitting on them, bored and chatting with General Yan Yan.

Shao Qing, Baishui closed a hanging basket and lowered it. A man wearing simple armor and several soldiers each held a single sword and moved over hesitantly.

Zhang Fei laughed and Yan Yan, who was sitting next to him, laughed and said:

"Look what I said, they are here too!"

Then he loudly said:

"Which general is Yang Huai and Gao Pei?"

After hesitating for a long time, the guard finally moved to the chair, sat down relaxedly and said:

"I am Gao Pei."

Zhang Fei smiled kindly: "I am Zhang Fei, and this is General Yan Yan."

After several people met each other, Zhang Fei got straight to the point:

"Does General Gao want to join forces with national traitors like Zhang Lu?"

Gao Pei was furious and cursed:

"From what I see, Liu Jingzhou is a true national thief!"

"How can Liu Yizhou enter Yizhou privately without inviting him?"

Zhang Fei shook his head: "Zigui Wu County originally belonged to Jingzhou. When Li Yi was here, Liu Yizhou didn't make the decision to return it!"

"General Gao, I think you might as well confess a little more. Are you the defenders of Baishui Pass here to protect the country and the people?"

"That's natural. The White Water Army is different from the rebellious officials and thieves like you who take advantage of others!" Gao Pei raised his head.

Zhang Fei nodded and asked:

"Then what if Liu Yizhou wants you to turn the switch and let Zhang Lu enter Yizhou?"

Gao Pei didn't believe it: "It's impossible."

"Then let me put it another way." Zhang Fei seemed very patient:

"If General Yang Huai, who led the Baishui army to attack Langzhong, cannot capture Langzhong, what will happen to Liu Yizhou?"

"I think either General Yang Huai should be ordered to return to Baishuiguan to garrison, but then everyone will know that Liu Yizhou has nothing to do with Pang Xi."

"Or we can order General Gao to send the defenders to support us. Wouldn't this mean that the gate of Baishui Pass will be opened wide?"

"This..." Gao Pei hesitated, but then reacted:

"Why can't Langzhong be captured?"

"Why can we capture it?!" Zhang Fei stood up and kicked the stool away, causing Gao Pei and others to panic and draw their swords.

Zhang Fei thought to himself:

"My eldest brother returned to Jiangzhou from Zigui and did nothing wrong in Qiu! He taught the people how to farm and divide their property. Even General Yan Yan was convinced!"

Gao Pei's eyes moved to the veteran general. Thanks to Yan Yan's age, everyone in Yizhou knew this old general and his bad temper.

Someone among Gao Pei's soldiers whispered:

"I heard that General Yan's bones are not so hard, he actually fell down..."

Zhang Fei continued: "Pang Xi has been guarding Langzhong for more than ten years, and the people have no complaints, but Liu Yizhou has never been there personally. Who do you think the people of Langzhong are closer to?"

"General Gao, are you going to be loyal to the Han to protect the pass and the people, or are you going to surrender to Zhang Lu and join forces with others to live in Yizhou Township?"

"This..." Gao Pei was speechless, but he always felt that something was wrong. Why did he vote for Zhang Lu?

"Besides, does General Gao really think that I can't defeat Baishui Guan?"

Zhang Fei was excited:

"I just feel that General Gao is righteous and cannot bear to invade us!"

Gao Pei was almost furious:

"How can you defeat the White Water Pass? When the White Water Army no longer exists?!"

Zhang Fei sat down again and raised his eyebrows: "Then if I can conquer Baishui Pass, can General Gao surrender the Han Dynasty?"

Gao Pei was furious:

"How can a certain Han general say he will surrender to the Han Dynasty?"

In the flash of lightning, Zhang Fei grabbed Gao Pei's hands with both hands:

"That's the best thing! Then let's have a martial arts show. If I win, then let me also settle in Baishui Pass."

"If you win, I will defend Zhang Lu for you, how about that?"

Gao Pei was so horrified that he couldn't take out his hands to lift the knife for a moment.

Before he could react, Zhang Fei grabbed his shoulder with one hand and pointed at Gao Pei's soldiers with the other hand:

"Your general has agreed. You should go back quickly and tell us the news. We will conduct a siege exercise. Get ready quickly."

"I will watch and witness with your general here, and will never do any harm."

Several soldiers looked at Zhang Fei and then at their own generals, then hesitantly returned to Baishui Pass.

Gao Pei wants to cry but has no tears:

"General Zhang, you've done me a disservice."

Zhang Fei smiled easily: "That's hard to say, maybe you still want to thank me."

So no more than an hour later, Ma Su stood at the foot of Baishui Pass wearing a suit of Gebu and holding a wooden stick dipped in lime.

Gao Pei was still held in Zhang Fei's arms, and the two of them stood aside and watched.

At this time, several behemoths were pushed from the rear to the front. Zhang Fei enthusiastically introduced to Gao Pei:

"The one with the ladder is called a folding ladder. It was made by my military advisor. The two-layer ladder can be opened, and the grappling hook in the front can grab the city wall and cannot be pushed down at all. There is still space below to hide the soldiers, so that the soldiers can reach safely. Under the city wall.”

"The high one is called a well. It is pushed under the city wall. The soldiers can climb up and shoot kerosene or shoot arrows on the city wall from a high position."

"There is also a battering ram that I didn't bring. The military counselor is still making a wooden ox and a flowing horse. It is said that after sitting on it, you can climb the wall and walk on the ground! And..."

"General Zhang, I give up. What on earth do you want from Baishuiguan?" Gao Pei was helpless. Now Zhang Fei could strangle him to death with just one force. There is no shame in giving up.

Moreover, this siege equipment was obviously well prepared. Perhaps it was true as he said, the siege must be defeated.

Zhang Fei laughed loudly. What kind of ladder shaft can be made in a few days? But they are all based on the way they are made in the light curtain.

Who said you can't create doubts about ordnance? Isn't this useful?

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