"You guy, are you really going to participate in that imperial competition?"

Shi'er held a cigarette in his mouth, but did not light it, and looked at Long Yi on the sofa with disdain.

"No way, eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade, I have to get it. "

Long Yi was lying lazily on the sofa, obviously the people in the major families now, in order to show their faces at this grand event after a hundred years, they had already gone to the scene of the competition, but this guy was still wearing pajamas, and he didn't wake up.

"Cut, whatever you want, but the royal competition, life and death, if you die, this house of all things is mine, recently because of that black and white impermanence of the strange talk, we have earned a lot. "

Shil took a large stack of bills in a drawer and slapped it a few times.

As everyone knows, the so-called black and white impermanence is the ghost created by the nominal boss in front of him. "Zero Eighty-Three"

"Dead?hehe~ That's going to disappoint you, do you want to make a bet. "

"I'm just betting with you, has Lao Tzu won once in so long?" Shi'er rolled his eyes.

It's been a few months since I lost to Long Yi, and Shier, who has always been addicted to gambling, often bets with Long Yi, but never won once, the worst one, but he was stripped naked and ran around Sugisawa naked.

Since then, Shir has vowed never to bet with this pervert again.

Long Yi stretched a big lazy waist, and the whole body was in full bloom, and the divine machine burst out with a burst of strong light, and the next second. Long Yi was already neatly dressed, and the highest masterpiece of dignified nerves had actually become a tool for dressing.

"It's really clear that I'm in a hurry, why are there always bugs coming to the door at this time?"

Long Yi looked out the door, his tone was a little dissatisfied and complaining, like a teenager who was bored because his breakfast was not delicious.

But the whole body did exude bursts of terrifying power.

Shi'er glanced at the door playfully, opened a can of beer, and posed as if he was watching a play.

"Boss, a little warm-up before the game, do you like it?"


Long Yi was just about to say something, when suddenly, the precious wooden door of the room suddenly exploded, and a figure like a cheetah pounced directly on Long Yi.

The long knife in his hand carried an astonishing momentum.

Targets up to Ryuichi's head.

In the face of the sudden attack, Long Yi stood unhurriedly, looking at the wooden door that was flying away, his brows furrowed slightly.

"!! liar!!"

The black shadow roared, concentrating all the strength of his body on this point, just asking for a single blow.



Long Gen's fingers quickly raised, and at the moment when the blade was about to touch, the two fingers clamped the tip of the knife tightly, and no shadow force could pull the tip of the knife out of Long Yi's hand.

"It's hard to buy my door. ".. Long Yi's voice was a little angry.

There was a hint of blush in those eyes that looked like a bright moon.

The dark shadow felt a little bad in his heart.

His hands withdrew directly, and he abandoned the knife, and his figure instantly took a few steps back.

Hands quickly seal.

The shadows beneath his feet fluctuated, as if some monster was about to break through the ground.

"Zenin Ryuichi, do you remember me! My brother died in your hands, because of you, my qualification for the competition was replaced by an inexplicable guy, everything about me was messed up by you, you actually want to participate in the imperial competition, why are you!!"

"You've been a waste since you were a kid! You've lied to everyone, you can't fool me. "

"What's the use of being physically strong, Spellcaster, you're a trash without spells!!"

The man who roared was none other than Shadow One, and now his whole body was emitting a terrifying black mist, and among the shadows under his feet, there were constant ripples, and his eyes were blood-red, as if he hadn't slept in days.

"Are you?" Long Yi looked at this man with a puzzled face, but he didn't have any impression of him.

"You don't know who I am? Hehehehe!!! it doesn't matter, you just need to know that I'm the one who killed you!"

Shadow laughed angrily, and the shadow under his feet quickly floated.

Wow whoa!!!


With a roar, a huge black cheetah, burst out of the shadows, with unrivaled strength, roared and rushed towards Ryuichi.

"Ten shadow methods?"

The black cheetah arrived in an instant, wielding its sharp claws, intent on tearing Ryuichi's body in half.

But Long Yi's is like a feather, under the terrifying claws, flickering and moving, with a bit of banter between his demeanor.

His brows furrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about the other party's abilities.....

"Bullshit!!Ten Shadow Methods!What is the great thing about the ten shadow methods of the Zen Academy, tell you, Lao Tzu's technique is called, the shadow magic, which can fabricate all powerful beasts, and will increase his strength, and at the same time, the shadow is immortal, so go to the death !!"

Eichi screamed frantically, like a sick madman, dancing with his hands.

"The shadow is immortal?"

His words seemed to intrigue Ryuichi, who brought up a trademark smile on the corner of his mouth.

The figure stopped flickering in an instant.

Stand still, motionless.

The black panther's huge claws, with terrifying wind pressure, slammed into Long Yi's face.

Titicaca !!

The strength was so strong that it tore the floor into cracks just by relying on the wind pressure.

"Idiot!! go die!!" Kageichi laughed maniacally, as if he had seen Ryuichi's blood splattered on the spot.

The smug on his face can't be hidden anyway. 、

But the next moment, his smile seemed to freeze, and a trace of panic began to appear in his crazy eyes, and then, like a tidal wave, endless fear did not pour out from the depths of his heart, almost completely swallowing his mind.

He saw.

Long Yi raised his fist high, and on that fist, with the power of subversing heaven and earth, the moment it erupted, his black panther that he did not hesitate to trade with the devil in exchange for it collapsed in an instant.

"No 1.5 maybe, no!!impossible!!"

Keichi sat on the ground in horror.

"Don't look at me like that!!Don't look at me!!Don't look at me!!" Kageichi looked at Ryuichi, his disdainful eyes, and hugged his head like crazy,

But countless figures suddenly appeared in all directions, staring at Ying Yi with deep disdain, without saying a word.

"Don't look at me!!Don't look at me!! ahhhhhhhh!!h

His screams echoed through the room.

"Eh~ What's wrong with this guy?" Shi'er looked at Keichi, who was talking to himself like a madman after rushing in, and scratched his head suspiciously.

Long Yi didn't even look at the guy, and waved his palm casually.


In an instant, Shadow fell to the ground, and the black mist filled his body, engulfing his body in an instant. _

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