Woo !!

Long Yi's voice did not fall.

Shi'er on the side had already been shot out like a bullet, and the long knife had already appeared at Di's throat.

A burst of force erupted from above the blade.

Exploding in the throat of the truth.

This time, there really was no more strength to resist Shier's attack.


The white knife did not enter, and the red knife did not come out.

The knife cut Di directly.

But Shi'er's expression was still not the slightest relaxed, his eyes were deeply vigilant, and at the moment when he penetrated the other party's body, his figure turned again, took a few steps back, and returned to Long Yi's side.

"What the hell is this?".

Shi'er's knife was not ruthless, almost completely cutting off Di's neck, if it weren't for the neck, there were two pieces of flesh and skin connected, I am afraid that the other party's head would have completely fallen to the ground.

S was attacked by this mortal attack, but Di seemed to have no feeling at all, and there was no blood splashing in his throat, and he was still standing in place.

With that pair of weird black eyes, he looked at Long Yi tightly.

"It's the first time I've seen a spell spirit that can communicate with people normally. "

The dark blue dagger quietly floated to Long Yi's hand.

Like a butterfly, it danced in Ryuichi's hands.

Beautiful yet murderous.

The atmosphere in the room became extremely oppressive.

A man whose neck has been cut off but still talks eloquently.

A teenager with a flying dagger in his hand who seems to be uninterested in anything.

A rebellious killer with a long knife in his hand, like a gambler.

Together, the three of them painted a strange scene with five strokes.

"How did you find out about me~".

The voice of the 'truth' became a little neutral, and it was difficult to distinguish between men and women, but it was certain that it was definitely not his original voice.

He seemed to be a little puzzled as to why Ryuichi was able to see through his identity.

"Isn't it suspicious that the body can't produce mana, but it can still use spells?"

The Liuku Immortal Thief gave Long Yi a near-perfect mastery of mana, and anyone who looked at him could almost see the flow of spells.

But this truth is the only one that appears.

Ryuichi was unable to discover the spells in his body.

In other words, whether it was facing the threat of death or the fear of the unknown, his heart did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Negative emotions produce mana, except for the outlier of Long Yi, this is the iron law of this world.

An absolute rule that no one can violate.

So Long Yi suddenly had doubts in his heart.

"You're right, human, you're very wise, think about it, work with me. "

'Di' thought for a long time, nodded deeply, and sent another invitation to Ryuichi.

"Hahaha!!Thank you for the compliment, I'm very smart, but you're stupid~!" the dragon stood up from the couch with a sarcastic look.

Finger slight movement, ''

Behind him, a terrifying spell condensed wildly.

A white-dressed, black-haired, wet woman appeared behind him out of thin air.

With an astonishing tyranny, the pair of resentful eyes hidden behind the long hair looked at the 'truth' tightly.

It seems that as long as the dragon gives an order, she will rush forward without hesitation and tear the man apart.

"Heavenly woman, you are revived~!!".

Seeing the appearance of this special grade, 'Di' was very surprised, and it seemed that the appearance of the Heavenly Lady made him very surprised.

"You're still asleep!!".

"You're the devil!!".

I don't know why, it seems that because of the appearance of the woman, the soul attached to the 'truth' became extremely angry.

Even the voice had a few trills.

And Long Yi looked at him with even more interest.

"Knowing the Celestial Woman, having enough wisdom, and even generating emotions, how long has this guy lived!".

Long glanced at Shi'er, who was ready to make a move at any time, and waved his hand, signaling the other party to calm down.

"Anyway, you're an 'old guy' too, don't get so excited, do you know that we have a saying in the human world?".

The originally angry spell spirit was interrupted by Long Yi, and his face was obviously stunned.

"What's that?".

"How can anyone come to the door empty-handed!!I accepted your gift!!".


Bang !!

Before the words fell, Long Yi's figure had already appeared in front of 'Di'.

In his hand, a black vortex formed by eternal night continued to twist and deform.



This palm directly grabbed the somewhat shaky neck of 'Di', and pulled it hard, only to hear a 'flutter' sound, and a big head was directly taken off by Long Yi and held it in his hand.

The black vortex erupted with great power, and the eternal night appeared like a ghost, engulfing the skull in an instant.

"Cut! "

Long Yi dropped the head in his hand in disappointment.

Sure enough, the other party did not come from the body, and what remained in this body was just a few filths.

However, although he did not succeed in detaining the spirit, Long Yi was not without gains.

The corners of his mouth unconsciously showed a meaningful smile.

It's so fun that a spell spirit hidden in the human world has actually formed an organization, and it has to get rid of Gojo as the goal.

But this is not important, the most important thing is that the other party actually put his mind on his heart.

"It's not going to be boring for a while. "

"Shier, I'm ready to move!".

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