Soul Painter

Chapter 39 Diary

On the plane to Pengcheng.

The stewardess noticed Gao Fan in the economy cabin.

Because it is rare for Gao Fan to carry a stack of books, people seldom bring paper books with them when they travel. Even if they bring books, they only carry one or two books. It is really rare that it is related to ideology and politics, or it is written by a great man.

Noticing the stewardess' attention, Gao Fan smiled at her: "I like studying."

The director sitting next to Gao Fan shook his head, resisting the urge to sigh, he would never understand what was going on in Gao Fan's mind.

In fact, Gao Fan didn't have any ideas. He said that he never left his fists and tunes, and he just wanted to seize all the time to increase his SAN value.

Watching the stewardess leave and the director not paying attention to himself, Gao Fan picked up a calfskin diary.

Open the content for the second time.

This is something that Lin Senhaotuo Xinwei handed over to Gao Fan.

The time was the afternoon of the day before yesterday, before they decided to explore the old house of the Lin family.

Lin Senhao seems to have a premonition that no matter what, he will never return to this familiar world, so please Xin Wei, if you can see Gao Fan the next day but can't see him, give this diary to Gao Fan, if you can't see both of them, hand it over to the police.

Xin Wei didn't understand at the time what Lin Senhao meant by 'can't see'. Since Lin Senhao used voice messages to transmit information, she had no choice but to go to the place designated by Lin Senhao and get this book. Diary, and then when she heard the news of 'Lin Senhao fell to his death from a cliff', she understood it, and then she felt even more doubts in her heart.

Why does Lin Senhao have the premonition that he is about to leave this world?

The more Xin Wei thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.

Gao Fan couldn't tell her the truth.

Hearing the mystery, one will step into terror and go mad.

Yesterday Gao Fan hastily browsed through the diary.

Re-reading it now, still sad.

First of all, Lin Senhao said in his diary that it was Lin Senhao, not his father Lin Chengyi, who donated the painting "The Gate of Hell".


There is a passage in a diary six months ago:

"...I have a more outstanding talent than my father. I read the book of demons earlier than him. The evil of this book surprised me..."

five months ago:

"...I realized that my father wanted to be the priest of the 'great shapeless', but the book of demons described that the ritual required sacrifices to relatives..."

"...I had to do something, I tried to burn the painting, it was ritual, without it the father couldn't be a priest, but it didn't work, that was a blasphemy of the 'great shapeless', I couldn't do it, he Whispered in my ear, so I donated it anonymously, as long as it has a new owner, it will not come back..."

a month ago:

"...I made the seed of 'Great Amorphous' and gave it to a security guard in the school. His name is Wang Qiang. He is terminally ill and hopes to survive. I told him that this is a drug experiment. Promise to be responsible for all the expenses of his son from elementary school to adulthood..."

a week ago:

"...The experiment was very successful. I transformed Wang Qiang into a 'minion', but it was difficult to control him. It seems that I need rituals. My father's choice is correct. There must be rituals first, and then minions, but I listened to the 'great The message I heard was clearer when I was in the shapeless', even without rituals, I can control minions, although it is difficult, I have a more outstanding talent than my father..."

three days ago:

"...I drove the minions to destroy the painting. Gao Fan is too good. I was jealous of him. Xin Wei only had him in his eyes, but I didn't want to kill people. At the critical moment, I withdrew the minions, which made the minions angry. At night, he attacked his classmates in the cafeteria. I barely controlled him, but the news reached my father. He found out what I had done. He asked me to go home. I believe he would want to kill me..."

The diary ends here.

After Lin Senhao returned home, what happened, why the father and son fought for life and death, and what prompted Lin Senhao to make the decision to kill his father, are all unknown, but the reason for this cannot be escaped from the 'invisible son'. The world interferes.

The Lin family is favored by the "Son of the Invisible", or "cursed". Lin Senhao should be regarded as a genius in mysticism. He can study and understand "The Invisible Secret Collection" by himself, and he has not yet fallen into madness. He usually looks sane. Very rare, Gao Fan knew how difficult it was.

Lin Senhao's occult skills must be 20 or even 30 or above.

Unfortunately, he was born in the Lin family.

After closing the diary, Gao Fan completely closed Lin Senhao's past.

This genius, because of family tragedy, buried himself in the abyss leading to the 'great existence'.

Next, Gao Fan opened the great man's works in his hand again, and kept asking the director for advice.

"Director, what are the three basic forms of materialism?"

"Director, what are the three stages of development of materialism?"

"Director, what is the fundamental point of view of materialism?"


When he got off the plane, the only amount of hair on the director's shiny head seemed to be much thinner. He had to search his guts to deal with Gao Fan's questions. After all, he couldn't remember the content of the last ideological and political class. How many years ago.

Gao Fan was satisfied to see that his SAN value had increased a bit, to 81.

Because of the staring of the 'moose cat', the inspiration explodes from time to time. When the explosion explodes, 1 point of SAN value will be blown up. In the past two days, he has already blown up 4 points of SAN value. Fortunately, he has the reserves for completing the mission last time, but he can't just sit back and eat. , it really is a good choice to come to Pengcheng with the director... The director is really my good teacher!

But now the director has a headache when he hears Gao Fan talking, and when he arrived at the hotel, he left Gao Fan in a hurry and went to see the preparations for the Biennale. He has a VIP ticket. can enter.

"I'll go too, Director." Gao Fan looked at the Director with admiration, "I can ask you a few questions on the way."

Hearing the word "ask for advice", the director shuddered.

"Mr. Lu lives upstairs, you can ask him for advice." The director hurriedly evaded.

"Headmaster Lu is here too? On the same plane? Why didn't you see him?" Gao Fan was surprised. He hadn't seen Lu Guoying all this time, and he wanted to inquire about Lu Zhi's news through Lu Guoying.

"He's in the first class, we're in the economy class, so we didn't see each other. When we got off the plane, there was a special car to pick him up. One of his disciples opened a gallery in Pengcheng, and he has a good reputation." The director said, without any envy in his tone I mean, although they both paint oil paintings, Lu Guoying and him exist in two worlds.

"Oh, then I'll go find him." Gao Fan put away the ideological and political book in his hand, and picked up the drawing board, on which he typed the rough draft.

"Don't ask him about ideology and politics?" The director was surprised.

"Principal Lu hasn't studied this subject before, so of course he asked for drawing skills." Gao Fan said.

"Why don't you ask me for advice... Well, yes, there is no need to answer." The director only felt that the answer to his question must be asking for trouble.

But the director was wrong, Gao Fan has a sanity value of 81 now, so he wouldn't say something like 'I don't think you have anything to learn from you'.

Update~ Please recommend and collect~

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