"how so?"

"Does anyone in this world really have such a powerful ability?"

The voice of Guan Hongfeng in the darkness reached Song Ye and Qin Feng's ears through the channel.

Qin Feng looked at him with a smile on his face and didn't speak, and Song Ye didn't speak either.

At this time, a call from the prison guard came from outside the door.

"Mr. Song, it's time for dinner."

Song Ye closed the contact channel and replied: "Okay, I'll be here soon."

After speaking, Song Ye opened the door and went out.

After hearing the movement, the prison guard walked forward and deliberately slowed down. When he reached Song Ye's side, he whispered:

"Mr. Song, did you study criminal investigation before?"

Song Ye shook his head: "No."

"Then how do you solve the case would be so superb mind? Now in prison brothers all in the discussion you say you are decades we Jiangzhou prison the first person to do."

"Uh, this is too ridiculous, right?"

"Where is Mizan, as long as the people in our Jiangzhou Prison have not completed their sentence, don't even think about going out. Although Mr. Song insists on staying, I have never heard of such a person who can solve the case."

"That's what everyone sees."

"Hey, Mr. Song is too polite. If you have time to teach us in the future? Although we are prison guards, the police are not divided into families!"

"Okay, I have time to chat with my brothers!"

Song Ye said, go to the cafeteria, have been set on a table at the moment more than a dozen dishes.

The dozen or so dishes attracted the coveted eyes of the prisoners in the whole cafeteria.

Braised pork elbow!

Steamed sea bass!

Hairy crabs!


The most annoying thing is that there is a stove in the middle of the table, and the smell of hot pot is constantly wafting from the stove.

The warden Li Zhongkang sat at the table and smiled when he saw Song Ye.

"Mr. Song, here!"

Song Ye looked at the battle on the table and said in surprise: "Warden Li, are you really afraid of people rioting here?"

"What are you going to do? In which month did I not withdraw any money from other special funds to give them meals? If this is all going to violent me, then it's really all hacked!"

Song Ye smiled bitterly and thought: "There are already a group of criminals, can my heart not be dark?"

Sitting at the table, Li Zhongkang glanced at the other prisoners and said with a smile: "Mr. Song doesn't notice any difference today?"

Song Ye looked around, shook his head and said, "I didn't see it."

"Then it seems that Mr. Song really doesn't know how many people in Jiangzhou Prison have risen in awe of you in this short hour or two."

"Respect, the guards in the prison. Those who are afraid are them. After all, you were caught out of even those who were already in jail. Not surprisingly, Lai Pei, who was originally out of prison in two years, must Was executed."

Song Ye understood, and at this time he finally noticed the difference in the eyes of the criminals looking at him.

"They have already committed a crime, so as long as they don't hide it, why are they afraid of me?"

"The shadows of people's famous trees, even if their crimes have been investigated, they will still be afraid as long as they see you."

Song Ye looked at Li Zhongkang with deep meaning, and said, "Warden Li, why do I sound like driving me away?"

"There's no such thing, I just think it is too condescending for Mr. Song to stay in our Jiangzhou Prison while making great contributions."

Song Ye was speechless. Li Zhongkang saw that he didn't speak, so he could only smile bitterly: "Mr. Song for help. At first, I asked you because of Xiaojun's pressure. But now, I am also under a lot of pressure."

"Where is the pressure from Warden Li?"

"Where there is no pressure! Think about it, the case of Zhang Yao's family of three has been investigated, and you have solved the case. Now you have solved the 927 case that occurred in 1995, and the police will definitely make an announcement when it is announced. NS."

"At that time, everyone will say that it must be our prison not letting people go. Even the upper side is expected to come and ask me, why not release you!"

Hearing this, Song Ye also felt a little pressure on Li Zhongkang.

But Song Ye can't go out no matter what. According to the process, Song Ye still has to stay in prison.

The case of Zhang Yao's family of three deaths cannot really be closed unless the motive for the crime is indicated.

So whether it is the program or Song Ye's psychology, he can only smile at Li Zhongkang and shook his head:

"It's really not possible. Warden Li, I know that no matter it is you, the Korean team or even the severe situation, they are wholeheartedly trying to help me out. But we all understand the rules. I can't let people who want to help me become tainted on their career paths. "

Li Zhongkang was stunned, and then said: "Mr. Song, we are all Changliang people. There is no need to say such official words, right?"

"Guardian Li wants to listen to my official words? Well, I come innocently, I must go out innocently. I can't let the yellow mud fall off my crotch and wipe it off by myself. People still have to say it's shit!"

Li Zhongkang stared at Song Ye blankly, and quickly said: "Yes, Mr. Song, come wherever you want, come... let's eat today or talk about getting out of prison!"

"Okay, Warden Li, you eat too..."

Song Ye ate happily, and all the prisoners around him swallowed desperately with such a feasting look.

It's just that the meal hasn't been finished yet, and two more prison guards brought a prisoner to the cafeteria.

"No. 63255, there is your place, sit down and eat!"

As the prison guard said, the man who seemed to have lost his soul sat on the stool with empty eyes.

It's just that he hasn't eaten, and has been sitting blankly.

Song Ye took a second look, and Li Zhongkang reminded: "Mr. Song is here for a short period of time. This is the case for those who just came in, and there is no way to accept it for a while."

"It looks pretty honest." Song Ye whispered softly.

Li Zhongkang replied indifferently: "There shouldn't be too many people looking at the honest here, and the more honest the face, the more fierce the crime is."

Song Ye nodded deeply in agreement, but what he didn't expect was that the man actually started to cry.

Although there was no crying, the tears couldn't stop falling.

Slowly, the man covered his chest and laughed again.

Song Ye frowned and asked more, "How did you get in?"

Of course Li Zhongkang didn't know what each new prisoner committed, unless that new prisoner committed a terrible crime.

Called a prison guard, Li Zhongkang asked Song Ye about it.

But Song Ye has already obtained all the information of the man through the sanctions field.

Criminal name: Cao Mian.

Age: 31.

Native place: Changmingtan Town, Longpo County, Jiangzhou City.

Crime: On the evening of July 16, Cao Mian and a late-night snack stall in Longpo County killed three young men with a bone-cutting knife.

Sentence: Cao Mian was sentenced to death because of his extremely vicious methods of murder and extremely bad social influence!

It turned out to be a death row prisoner! .

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