Just as Yingmei and Paimon quietly walked out, they took advantage of the Qianyan Army guard to turn around and quietly walked over.

But once a person is unlucky, his teeth will be blocked even if he drinks water, like now

“Click!”A branch broke under Ying’s feet.

Qian Yanjun also looked back. Paimeng suddenly started to panic, while Yingmei looked serious and rushed over.

Qian Yanjun shouted on the spot when he saw this :”They’re here! Catch them!”

And Yingmei relied on her agile body skills. She jumped down directly and hit the ground. Paimeng immediately followed him floating.

Upon seeing this, Yingmei started to sprint again. Unfortunately, the guards of Qianyan Army also came in front. There were also Qianyan soldiers from behind, pointing their spears at Ying and Paimon and saying,”Where to escape.”

Yingmei immediately summoned her weapon and prepared to fight. Although she said she didn’t want to take action, in the current situation it’s better not to be caught. Leave first and then wash away her grievances.

“Miss, be careful not to move.”Just when Yingmei was thinking this, a male voice came from an unknown corner.

Then, several water arrows suddenly shot out from behind Ying. Several Qianyan soldiers in front were hit and their weapons were shot down.. Then a handsome-looking young man jumped out from behind Ying Mei with a broken bow.

When he landed, he grabbed the bow with his other hand and pulled it. The bow immediately turned into two water blades, and then rushed directly towards the Qianyan Army. The

Qianyan Army suddenly panicked, but they quickly adjusted the situation, but the opponent was also very strong.

, he just quickly walked around several Qianyan Army, struck some Qianyan Army with a few swords, and arrived at the center of the group of Qianyan Army.

In an instant, a water circle burst out and dispersed.

The Qianyan Army was lying on the ground unable to get up, but it seemed that the other party did not kill them.

At the same time, the voice of the Qianyan Army came from above:”Follow up!

Young man, you turned around and glanced at Ying and Paimon, tilted your head and said,”Follow me.”

After saying that, he ran out. Paimon and Yingmei looked at each other doubtfully. Although they had all kinds of doubts in their hearts, they still followed.

Xinghe, who stayed on the Yujing Platform, was also interrogated, but was detained. After coming down, because Xinghe and Yingmei came together, Ningguang came over, shielded the Qianyan Army who came around, looked at Xinghe and asked:”I don’t know if it’s Mr. Xinghe”

“Well, it’s me…”Xinghe nodded.

“I am Tianquan Ningguang. I have been corresponding with Miss Qin, the acting leader of the West Wind Knights for a long time. I also know the identity of the traveler you left with, but there are so many things happening in Liyue now, so I want to ask you. Come with us and rest assured it’s just a routine check-up.”

Ningguang’s attitude toward Xinghe seemed to be very friendly, and Xinghe also smiled, did not refuse, and let Qianyanjun take him away. Xinghe could feel the anger from these Qianyanjun. Obviously Regarding the death of the emperor, their emotions fluctuated greatly. On the other hand ,

Ying and Paimeng ran away with the young man who saved him, but they reached the streets of Liyue Port and turned left and right in a small alley.

Meng panted and put his hands on his hips:”Huh…huh…I’m so tired from running…”

After Yingmei was sure that she was safe, she looked at Paimon sideways and said,”It seems that I am more tired. Are you tired of flying like this?. Paimon immediately became unhappy when he heard this. He stared at Ying and said,”Lack of sympathy, my phantom limb is obviously very tired from running!” correct! This little brother, who are you?”

After the complaint was over, Paimon also looked at the young man, that is, this little brother, and he waved his hands casually and said:”You can call me ‘Young Master’.’”

“?”Yingmei and Paimon looked at each other, and Paimon complained directly:”Wow… What a terrible personality, you saved us once and then treated us like servants?”

“Young Master?”Suddenly a male voice came from behind a few people, and Paimon also remembered:”Yes, we forgot to find Galaxy? Xinghe, come here…Huh! Where are people?”

Paimon obviously heard Xinghe’s voice, but he couldn’t see Xinghe at all.

“below, below…”After hearing the sound, the three of them looked down together and saw a pale golden slime on the ground.


“Huh!!!”After being surprised, Xinghe also explained that this is just a clone of him, and the real body is under investigation.

“What on earth do we do now? There is also this person who says his name is ‘Gongzi’. This person is so strange.”Paimon looked at the slime lying limply and being picked up by Yingmei. He curiously poked Xinghe’s slime body with your finger. Xinghe didn’t care.

Although he was very curious about the slime in front of him. What kind of existence it is, but the young master in front of me still explained it, haha, I don’t mean that kind of thing. It’s just a code name. just like…You must have seen ‘Ms.’ in Mondstadt, right?

Paimon thought for a moment and then looked at the young master in front of him with wide eyes in surprise,”‘ Ms.’…‘Young Master’…are you the executive officer of ‘The Fools’?!”

When Yingmei was in Mondstadt, she wasn’t with Xinghe every day. Sometimes she would go on missions, but there was no plot about robbing the heart of God. Originally, Xinghe thought that the other party should not touch Yingmei. In the end

, they still met, but there was no big conflict, just a fight.

On the day the fight ended, Xinghe felt from Wendy that the heart of God in his body disappeared.

You were surprised by the two people in front of you.

The young master also knew that the arrogant and domineering woman would not leave a good impression, so he immediately waved his hands and explained quickly:”Don’t be nervous.

I’m not here to fight with you.

Did ‘ma’am’ leave a bad impression on you? Alas, that woman…

I don’t like her either.

Young Master also knew that he shouldn’t speak ill of his teammates. He coughed lightly and said,”Okay, let’s all forget what that woman did! I’m here to help you.

Ying did not relax her vigilance:”Help?””

“Yes, help. The young master said sincerely:”I’m not a bad person…well, I may be a bad person, but I’m not here to cause trouble for you.” So can you please stop thinking about ‘knocking this person down immediately’?”

Yingmei looked down at the slime Xinghe in her arms, and an arm grew out of Xinghe’s slime body. After giving a thumbs up, Yingmei relaxed. The young master still saw this. He smiled happily:”Haha, thank you for your grace, Ying Knight. I have heard about your deeds in Mondstadt, so I paid a little attention to you during the ceremony just now. Because of this, I know you didn’t do anything suspicious. There must be someone else who is trying to harm the gods.”

“but…Fools are all envoys of the Winter Kingdom… they must not be trusted after such a big event. The Seven Stars who rule Liyue always have too much doubts about us…” Upon seeing this, Paimon complained:”I think this should be the fault of the fools.”

After all, the Fools are just mess-makers who go around making trouble. Everyone will feel bad about them.

The young master smiled helplessly, he has gotten used to it, and this kind of thing is relatively indifferent.

“Ha ha ha ha! Should I deny it? Forget it, it’s also a good thing to keep distance between strangers. Anyway, I’m very used to this kind of wary look. But now, if you want to clear the suspicion of ‘assassin’ – please move to ‘Northland Bank’. We can’t stay here any longer.”

Yingmei looked at Xinghe, who had completely spread out. Seeing this, Yingmei knew that she had to think about it herself, and then nodded.

Putting the slime-turned Xinghe on her shoulders, everyone came to the North Kingdom In front of the bank, the young master was also very confident when he was introduced:”This is the bank opened by Zhidong Kingdom in Liyue. Although Liyue is the most important commercial center in Teyvat, our country is also very wealthy. Paimon looked disdainful when he heard this:”Yes, poor countries can’t afford the kind of diplomats who are so offensive to the Knights of the West Wind.””

The young master was a little embarrassed to be provoked by Paimeng like this:”Hehehe. It’s no longer possible. I don’t know why Winter Kingdom is particularly friendly to Mondstadt’s diplomacy now, and to some extent, it can be said to be selfless. Really, I can’t find out.”

As he spoke, the young master stretched out his hand, holding something in his hand and handed it to Yingmei:”Here, here I give you this. (This is a super bracelet (wrong!))”

Ying reached out and took it. It was something like a talisman.

“This is…”

“Who knows? Sometimes money can buy ‘things’ but not ‘name’. Simply put, this thing is a token. Let the ‘Three Eyes and Five Manifestations Immortal’ not harm your token.

Paimon looked at this talisman curiously and his eyes widened slightly:”You mean…immortal?””

After hearing this, the young master smiled and raised a finger to point:”Going out of the city to the north, to the west of Guiliyuan, there is a stone forest. Its name is ‘Jueyunjian’. The people of Liyue believe that this is where the Immortal Cave is.”

“When you say ‘believe’, it’s not just a legend, right?”

“That’s right, they believe in the legend, so they only worship the immortals on the outside of Jueyunjian and don’t dare to go deeper. But I don’t need to believe it. Because I know that the immortals among the clouds really exist.”

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