At the same time, strong winds rose in the sky…

“Tevalin came again just after I let him go?”Xinghe turned his head and looked outside. Because of the sudden strong wind, people in the city were running around.

“…”Wendy didn’t speak, but stood up:”Xinghe-chan, I’ll come find you later. I have some things to do now! Let’s leave first~”

After saying that, Wendy ran away, leaving Xinghe sitting alone..

After Wendy left, Charles came up…Holding a plate in hand:”…Please use cider and apple wine with caution!”

Although Wendy left, Charles still recognized Xinghe, placed two bottles of wine in front of Xinghe, and then stood in front of Xinghe…

“A total of 600 molas!”

“…”Xinghe was stunned for a moment, and then he held his forehead helplessly:”Hey, when the mistake happened, I forgot to bring money. Can this thing be worth a meal?”

Xinghe took out a blue bead, which looked very valuable. gems

“this…”Charles was stunned for a moment and hesitated.

“Charles, go down, he’s free of charge…”At this time Diluc came over and said calmly

“Good boss.”After seeing what Diluc said, Charles nodded slightly and went down. Xinghe glanced at Diluc. Diluc just looked at Xinghe with a critical look and did not say anything to Xinghe. Something.

Xinghe didn’t say much, but sat there and started tasting wine. About half an hour later, the sky cleared and Tewarin ran away.

===Dividing line===

Knights of the West Wind, Commander’s Office.

Acting Captain Qin, Librarian Lisa, Cavalry Captain Kaia, and Scout Knight Amber gathered together. In addition, there is Ying as a traveler, and Paimon, an emergency food and guide floating beside her. These people can be regarded as more than half of Mondstadt City’s current combat strength.

In addition to these people, the only remaining ones are Yula, the spray knight who does not often return to Mondstadt on missions, and Keli, the spark knight who is a regular visitor to the solitary room. We also have to add Grandpa Lu, the hero of the night and the righteous man. Barbara, the sister of the Chancellor of the Cathedral of the West Wind, and Sister Rosalia.

Finally, Fischer, the second girl in the Adventurers Association, Bennett, the six-star god of war, and Lei Ze who is in the Running Wolf Territory…Albedo, the android whose combat power is not certain to be counted in Mondstadt.

The long expedition of the large group took away most of Mondstadt’s elites at once, leaving Mondstadt with only a few and threes and twos of combat power left. With a shortage of manpower, the Fools’ attitude became more and more arrogant, and now they encountered the Wind Demon Dragon attacking Mondstadt. , Captain Qin is very worried right now.

“Since being resurrected by the Wind Demon Dragon, it has been moving around the city and causing chaos. Now Mondstadt’s elemental flow and earth vein circulation have become like a ball of thread that has been scratched by a cat. For a magician, this is the worst possible situation…Your skin and mood will both get worse!”

As a librarian, Lisa also sorted out the current situation clearly while complaining, but her lazy attitude made it hard to believe that she was currently anxious.

Kaia held her chin:” I think it’s better to make a battle plan first?”

“The situation is indeed very bad!”Captain Qin was silent for a moment, and then said:”But it is precisely because of the attack of the Wind Demon Dragon that we saw the opportunity to end the source of the disaster.”

“But judging from the current situation…”

“Is it because of lack of manpower or other reasons? Kaiya narrowed his eyes slightly:”Then, the answer is…”

“It’s the abandoned [Guardian of the Four Winds] temple!”Sister Lisa whispered the answer:”The reason why the Wind Demon Dragon was able to set off such a storm was with the help of the remaining power.”

“Um!”Captain Qin nodded slightly:”Our goal is to choose three of these four. As for the reason why we chose three,…Everyone should understand!”

“that…”Paimon looked at the girl Ying next to him with a question mark on his face:”But I don’t understand!”

The girl Ying said quietly:”It should be a tacit understanding among the locals, right?”

As for why three of the four were chosen, although Ying didn’t know, But I won’t ask questions at this time. It’s better to let this tacit understanding continue. Even if you really want to know, just wait until the matter is over before asking.

“That’s it, okay then!”Paimon crossed his arms and stomped his feet lightly, with an expression on his face that said he understood. But did Pamon really understand?

“Everyone, without further ado, the storm is raging, and the situation in Mondstadt no longer allows us to continue passive defense. Before the dragon disaster continues to expand, it is up to us to take the lead and attack the abandoned temple!”Qin said with a serious expression. After the words fell, Captain Qin’s gentle eyes immediately looked at the girl Ying:

“Traveler, on this occasion, I would like to thank you for your willingness to lend a helping hand on behalf of Mond. As the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you.”

“nothing!”The girl shook her head indifferently.

Paimon on the other side said proudly:”Humph, by the way….Is there any reward?”

“Of course, after the dragon disaster is over, the Knights will send corresponding rewards as a thank you!”

“Really?”Paimon’s eyes lit up, and there was even some saliva left in the corner of his mouth, as if he saw a grand table of delicious food in front of him.

“Paimon~” The girl immediately raised her hand to her forehead!

“Of course!”Captain Qin smiled:”Everyone, let’s set off now. Kaia, you are in charge of the Wolf Temple of the North Wind, Lisa, the Lion of the South Wind is entrusted to you, Amber, you and the traveler go to the Eagle Temple of the West Wind!”

“Leave it to me!”Kesha nodded slightly.

“Sigh~” Lisa raised her hands and stretched, revealing her perfect curves. She sighed helplessly and said,”There’s really nothing I can do about you, so just take a walk!”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely complete the task successfully! Amber put her hands on her hips and said confidently:”I am the best scout knight in Mondstadt!””

“Oh ~ Are you very confident! Paimon also followed suit and said,”Our travelers are not weak either!””

“I’ll help!”The girl said calmly.

“Thank you so much!”Captain Qin nodded slightly:”Everyone, let the wind blow and let’s go!”

After Captain Qin finished speaking, Amber couldn’t wait to drag Ying and ran towards the outside of the knights:”Ying, come with me, I’ll take you there!”

“Eh…Slower!”Ying, who was being dragged by Amber, was a little dazed.

“Hey, wait for me!”Seeing Amber and Ying running away, Paimon quickly followed!

“Then, Captain Qin, let’s go!”Kaia nodded slightly towards Captain Qin, then turned around and walked out of the Captain’s office, followed by Lisa with elegant steps.

“Hope everything goes well!”Seeing everyone leaving, Qin’s suppressed fatigue suddenly came to mind, and then she shook her head and returned to her seat to sit down.

“Wind Demon Dragon…Really~” Looking up at Mondstadt shrouded in the strong wind outside the window, Captain Qin fell into deep thought again.

As a child of Gunnhild, Qin has received an excellent education since she was a child.

This part of Mondstadt’s history, Qin naturally She knew in her heart that the dragon that caused the wind disaster was not the Wind Demon Dragon, but the Dragon of the East Wind, one of the guardians of the four winds.

But for various reasons, even if she knew it well, she could not say it, otherwise it would only cause trouble.

The greater the panic, the various uneasy elements lurking in the dark will also take the opportunity to cause trouble, so…

Even if he knew it, he couldn’t say it. He could only acquiesce in the ridiculous title of Wind Demon Dragon.

The mind is full but the strength is not enough!

At the same time, Kaia paused slightly when he reached the city gate, turned around, and walked into a narrow and dark alley.

“Oops, I’m a rare visitor, I wonder what my brother wants to see me for!”With a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaia’s one eye looked at the red figure hidden in the shadows with complicated emotions.

“You should take her to the second floor of the tavern before he leaves!”Grandpa Lu glanced at Kaiya with an indifferent look, left a riddle, and then turned around and left!

“Eh…”Looking at the direction in which Diluc disappeared, Kaia scratched his head helplessly:”Do you want to do it?”

“What a hassle!”

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