“Between the first row of stone pillars, there is wind blowing at different heights. The wind is strong enough to easily change the direction of your gliding when using the Wind Wings. There is an extremely fine line between the second row of stone pillars. If you bump into it rashly, although your body will not be cut directly, you will probably be seriously injured.”

Lisa and Ying looked at Xinghe with surprised expressions.

“How did you know? Paimon curiously floated in front of Xinghe and asked.

“have witnessed”


Ying looked a little curious, but she still tried to use her elemental vision ability to explore the front. She did find the strong flowing wind, but she couldn’t find the thin lines between the stone pillars further ahead.

Lisa looked at Ying’s reaction, I basically understood everything, so I didn’t look at it. I just smiled seductively at Xinghe.

“As expected of a little cutie, you are indeed different. Little cutie, what kind of ability do you have? Do you want to share it with your sister?”

“Shenlong’s eyes can see through some illusions and see many things.”Xinghe replied casually.

“Oh, Shenlong? The identity of this little cutie is really special.” Lisa’s eyes lit up slightly, but she didn’t ask anything. Everyone has their own secrets. Xinghe didn’t want to tell her. No matter how much Lisa loved teasing Xinghe, she wouldn’t go there. Exploring other people’s secrets, unless Xinghe is willing to tell him.

Paimon looked at the mechanism in front of him and asked curiously:”Since there are these mechanisms, how are we going to get past them?”

Lisa looked at Xinghe and said with a smile:”Since the little cutie discovered it first, let’s listen to the cutie’s opinion first.”

“…Impregnable!”Xinghe raised his hand slightly, and a Yuzhang shield appeared around everyone.

“It’s really a powerful ability.”While praising Xinghe, everyone put on the wings of wind and jumped down. The group of people went straight to the small platform.

When they arrived in front of the first stone pillar, Xinghe waved slightly and controlled the direction of the strong wind between the stone pillars.

The group of people easily passed through the first stone pillar, and it was even easier to get to the second stone pillar. No hands or feet were needed, and the group of people flew safely through the Yuzhang shield, without even letting the Yuzhang shield have any impact. Ripples.

After landing on the small platform, several people found that the platform coin was more shabby than they thought. The stone bricks on the ground were uneven, and even if someone stepped on it, they would directly create a hole and fall off the cliff with the stone bricks. In the front corner, a large hole has been broken into the ground. The traces on the edge of the hole are the falling stone bricks.

What is worth noting is that strong winds are blowing from below in this hole, causing a small wind field to be formed at this location. After landing on this platform, Xinghe and the others could see clearly that the buildings further ahead were not pointing downwards. The small platform seemed to be just a pedal in the middle for people to rest. The buildings further ahead were the same as the one they were on at the beginning. The cliff is at the same height or even higher.

Originally, Xinghe planned to be the ‘Liuyun Borrowing Wind Lord’ to give everyone the ‘wind’. After all, the Wings of Wind would have no choice but to fly downwards without the help of the wind field. Now that there is such a small wind field, there is no need to be so troublesome.

With the help of the wind field, this distance is longer than before, about forty meters. Fortunately, there is more than one wind field in this distance. With the help of divine sense, Xinghe led Lisa and the others to find the location of the next wind field accurately, and flew smoothly to the opposite side.

After landing, Xinghe and the others were on a high platform, with an elemental stone door in front of them.

“Where is the strange opening?”Paimon and Ying have also seen a lot of elemental gates, but they didn’t see the familiar three-dimensional element induction stones around.

Just when Ying and Paimon were confused, Lisa took the initiative to come out and take a look. Behind the stone door and around, without saying a word, Lisa walked towards the compartment with a large hole next to it.

Several people followed and saw a flickering stick on the ground in the middle of the compartment. A small stone with purple light. The stone is rectangular and fits the ground. It stands in the middle of the ground and is about the size of a hand. There is also a small stone pillar in the corner. After seeing the small stone pillar, Ying was still thinking, Lisa had already sent it. A beam of purple lightning accurately landed on the small stone pillar

“Eh!”Paimon exclaimed, startled.

But before they could ask any more questions, the small stone pillar hit by the purple lightning suddenly became bright.

While the whole body was covered with purple lightning, another purple lightning shot out and fell on it.

On the stone pillar in the corner, the stone pillar in the corner had the same reaction after being hit by the purple lightning, sending out a purple lightning bolt and rushing towards a certain location on the wall.

Only then did they notice that it was somewhere on the wall.

There are also such small stone pillars, and there are more than one.

In this way, Zidian continues to grow. Following Zidian’s movement, Xinghe and others have returned to the stone platform with the element gate, and the end point of Zidian is the element gate. There is a stone pillar as thick as an arm standing on it. The purple electricity no longer generates after hitting the stone pillar. At the same time, the stone door also changes, retracting and opening in three directions: left, right and down.

“Wow, there is such a mechanism!” Paimon was amazed.

Lisa finally said at this time:”This is nothing, some of the mechanisms in the game are much more complicated than this.”

“The library management has books specifically recording these institutions. If you are interested, you can read them when you go back.”

The difficult puzzle-solving mechanisms,” said Xinghe, the mechanisms of Daozhu appeared in his mind. If Zhongli hadn’t gone to college, it would take a long time to solve the puzzle.

And behind the element door is the secret room, this The ruins have more mechanisms than Xinghe imagined.

After all, it has been too long since I played Genshin Impact, and in the early stage, I only wanted to do tasks and upgrade to get the original stones.

Even if Xinghe had absolute memory, it would be useless.

There was only a piece of ground near the door for a few people to stand in the secret room.

About ten meters away to their right, there was a closed iron door, which was the only entrance to the deeper passage in the room.

But there was an iron door there. There is no road within the ten meters distance between Xinghe and the others.

Except for the small area where Xinghe and the others are standing, there is a whole large pit. The pit is five to six meters deep, and the bottom of the pit is filled with countless bright red spikes. Sting, if a person falls, the result can be imagined.

With the skills of Xinghe and others, it is not difficult to pass the ten-meter distance, but the difficulty is that there is no place to stand on the other side except the iron door, and even if They passed by, but the iron door could not be opened. However ,

Paimon, who could fly, quickly noticed a row of stone slabs covering the spiked mechanism under the pit, near the outer wall.

If the stone slab won’t cause any problems when they step on it, they can easily reach the other side with the help of the stone slab and the skills of Galaxy and others.

However, there will still be an iron door blocking them, but it’s right at Paimon.

When they found the row of stone slabs, someone had already moved.

The mechanism here was actually not complicated.

I had the experience of opening the door before.

As long as I paid attention to the layout of the room, the mechanism they entered was right in front of them.

On the wall opposite the door, there is a row of small stone pillars staggered forward.

This stone pillar is exactly the same as the stone pillar that opens the door, so as soon as they entered the secret room, Xinghe, Ying and Lisa immediately noticed this kind of structure on the opposite wall. Mechanism.

Paimon, who was slow to respond, was still looking for other things.

After confirming that the mechanism was the same, Lisa decisively released the purple electricity. The stone pillars began to release purple electricity one after another, and then they felt the galaxy under their feet. Vibrating, the row of stone slabs discovered by Paimon in the trap next to them began to move upward, and stopped immediately after they were level with the ground beneath Xinghe and the others.

At the same time, the iron door on the opposite side also rose on its own, revealing the room for people. The entrance to the passage.

Without any extra stop, the mechanism was opened, and Xinghe and the others immediately passed through the secret room.

However, there was another layer of space behind the secret room, and an elemental door like before was blocked in front of them. Fortunately, the mechanism was the same. Lisa once again released purple electricity on the small stone pillar on the wall, and the door opened on its own.

However, this time, Xinghe and the others were no longer greeted by traps and traps waiting for them to unlock the door.

, is a larger secret room.

In the middle of the secret room is the elemental induction stone mechanism that Xinghe is familiar with, but there are also two large water slimes and dozens of small water slimes that he is familiar with.

The moment she arrived at the water slime group, Lisa immediately began to condense thunder elements in her palms.

However, unlike the previous times when lightning was released from her palms, although Lisa’s hands were condensed with thunder elements, no purple light was released.


But when the group of water slimes discovered them and attacked them, large purple thunderclouds formed out of thin air above their heads. And before we even wait for Paimon and the others,���Understand, that purple cloud released a large number of lightning attacks indiscriminately.

There is no need to think about the fate of the water slimes covered by thunderclouds. The small water slimes were hit and disintegrated on the spot. The big slimes were hit, half of them were destroyed once, and the two times were also the result of dissipation.

And because they are water elemental slimes, and because they are so close, lightning hitting them will have a chain reaction. Sometimes just one lightning bolt will hit the target, and most of the water slimes will die.

This is elemental restraint.

After easily destroying a group of water slimes, Lisa took back Thundercloud. Paimon and Ying applauded in time. Lisa smiled but didn’t say much. After eliminating the monsters, the four of them activated the elemental induction stone mechanism. However, this time the mechanism did not open the door, but created a wind field.

Several people began to look at the secret room, and then noticed that there was no ceiling at all, and there was only an incomplete platform on the other side.

There was no need to think too much. After unfolding the wings of the wind and floating in the air, they understood the function of the wind field.

It turns out that the platform is the road behind. After landing on it, there is an open door ahead, and inside the door is another secret room.

There are a similar number of water slimes in the secret room as before. The stone door should have been closed originally. The function of the induction stone is not only to open the wind field, but also to open the originally closed stone door.

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