Sinister Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 59: Substitute Lover (22)

In the ward, Xiao Jammo stood aside as a guardian, staring at Su Rui with disdain. Su Rui just looked at Su Wan with a blank expression.

"Fang Zimu."

Su Wan seemed to have stabilized her emotions before speaking slowly: "The driver who caused the accident was bribed by you, and the injuries on your body were also fake. You have been lying to me from the beginning, right?"

Su Wan's expression became sadder with every word she said, and by the end of the sentence, her eyes were already red.

The powerlessness and disappointment of being deeply deceived by the person you trust is deeply portrayed by her.

"Xiaowan, what are you talking about?"

Su Rui looked at Su Wan inexplicably, then turned to look at Jamel Xiao fiercely: "Jingmo Xiao! What on earth did you say to her?"

"I'm only telling the facts that I've found and seen."

Jamel Xiao's tone was very calm: "At this point, Fang Zimu, you should stop acting."

"Fact? Why are you telling the truth?"

Su Rui on the hospital bed smiled coldly: "Are the things you found out true? You said that the driver was bribed by me? I also said that he was bribed by you to frame me! Jamel Xiao, you and Su Wan have broken up , I am Su Wan’s boyfriend now, can you please stop being so involved, and can you, an outsider, stop meddling in the affairs between us?"


These two words seemed particularly harsh at this moment.

Therefore, after hearing Su Rui's words, Jamel Xiao's face became ugly: "Fang Zimu, you are just quibbling! If you really have a clear conscience, do you dare to open the bandage on your leg and let us see ?”

"I'll open it if you ask me to. Who do you think you are?"

Su Rui retorted mercilessly. At this time, Su Wan and Xiao Jammo were standing with their backs to the door, so the two of them did not notice that there was an additional figure outside the ward door at some point.

However, Su Rui saw Luo Chuchu's figure at a glance, and the sarcasm in his eyes became even stronger: "Xiao Jammo, have you forgotten that you have a girlfriend? Even if you want to go back and get back together with Su Wan now, at least You should also get rid of Luo Chuchu first, don’t you think you are shameless if you drag the family and take care of our affairs like this?"

"You are really shameless!"

Seeing Su Rui's quibbling, and then glancing aside, Su Wan seemed a little shaken. Xiao Jammo was so angry that he ignored the usual gentlemanly etiquette. He suddenly rushed to the hospital bed, lifted the quilt from Su Rui's body, and pointed his hands at His injured leg was torn violently, and the bandage on his leg was roughly torn open.

Blood continued to seep out, and the wound that had begun to heal was torn apart by the sudden contact. From the wound that kept pouring out blood, you could even see the white leg bones inside.

Real, bone-deep wounds!

Jamel Xiao froze on the spot.

Su Rui's expression on the hospital bed remained unchanged, and he stared at Jamel Xiao with a cold expression: "Who really has ulterior motives? Jamel Xiao, if I remember correctly, you were also at the scene on the day of the accident, right? Don't talk about you. I just happened to be passing by! What are you doing constantly pestering Xiao Wan? Does the Cinderella in your villa know that you are trying to do two things like this? "


For a moment, Jamel Xiao was speechless.

Su Wan, on the other hand, seemed shocked by the blood on Su Rui's leg. She turned around and ran out the door in a panic: "I'm going to call the doctor!"

The door to the ward was opened without warning, and Su Wan stared blankly at Luo Chuchu, who was standing at the door without saying a word.


Su Wan wanted to say something, but Luo Chuchu in front of her just smiled reluctantly: "I seem to have come at the wrong time, sorry to bother you."

With that said, Luo Chuchu quickly turned around and left, and Su Wan went out without hesitation to call Su Rui's attending doctor.

"Why don't you chase me?"

Su Rui's leg was still bleeding, but he acted as if nothing was wrong, looking at Jamel Xiao who was motionless with a mocking look: "If you don't chase her, your Cinderella will really run away."

"Did you ask her to come?"

Xiao Jammo finally regained his sense and calmness at this time, and he finally understood that he had fallen into Fang Zimu's trap from the beginning.

"I asked her to come."

When Su Rui heard what Jamel Xiao said, he admitted it simply: "Jamie Xiao, now that you are with Luo Chuchu, why don't you two live a good life? Although I don't know what Su Wan thinks, but I clearly know my Heart, I know what I want, and I also know that I love her. Since you gave up on her once eight years ago, what qualifications do you have to interfere in my relationship with her eight years later?"

What are the qualifications?

Jamel Xiao's eyes gradually darkened——

Yes, what qualifications does he have?

Now, he was not even qualified to ask Su Wan to forgive him.


Do you really want to watch Su Wan being deceived by Fang Zimu, a liar?

He could not be so indifferent.

That's Su Wan! The fool who had sacrificed everything for himself and always loved him deeply.

"Fang Zimu."

Finally, as if he had made up his mind, Jamel Xiao looked deeply at the person on the bed: "I will get Su Wan back, and I will never give her up to you!"

Whether he felt guilty or wanted to try his best to save, Xiao Jammo only thought of this method at this moment. He thought he could use this method to help Su Wan escape from Fang Zimu's gentle trap...

By the time Su Wan called the doctor over to rebandage Su Rui, Jamel Xiao had already left.

After wrapping the wound and changing the medicine, the doctors and nurses also left. Su Wan and Su Rui were the only two people left in the ward. Su Wan just sat quietly in front of the hospital bed, looking at Su Rui calmly.

Su Rui didn't say anything either. The atmosphere between the two was very strange, but also strangely harmonious.

It wasn't until the clock on the wall reached nine o'clock in the evening that Su Wan stood up without saying a word and was about to leave.

“Jamel Xiao said he wanted to get you back.”

Su Rui suddenly spoke in a low voice to Su Wan's back: "Who gave such a person such blind confidence?"

He thought he didn't want what he didn't want, he thought he could find a substitute if he wanted, and he thought he could get it back if he wanted it back?

Does he think the world revolves around him?

Well, okay, even if he is the male protagonist favored by the laws of this world, but so what?

Even though Su Rui has read more than a hundred TV series and novels, he still has no understanding of the emotional lives of the protagonists.

He doesn't think that a man who looks for a substitute for love will be an infatuated person. If he is really infatuated, he should always stay safe for the woman he loves.

He doesn't even understand those love stories in which they hurt each other and disliked each other, and in the end, they tortured each other and miraculously ended up with HE——

Love should be pure love, without any impurities, and without any deception or harm.

Because the word love is really too fragile.

Once there are too many scars between two people, even if they can fall in love for a while now, they are destined to never love each other forever.

Only a ghost can believe that a broken mirror can be reunited.

"Who gave such a person such blind confidence?"

Su Rui's words just now were still echoing in Su Wan's ears——

Yes, Jamel Xiao, who gave you the confidence?

Do you think you are saving your old lover?

So, where do you put Luo Chuchu at this time?

Do you think you are a lover by doing this? It was nothing more than hurting two women again.

Su Wan's face was expressionless, and the cruel look in her eyes flashed——

It's time to end this world.

She has spent a lot of time here.

After all, what are you waiting for?

Walking to the door of the ward, Su Wan paused for a moment: "Don't hurt Luo Chuchu."

After leaving these six words, Su Wan quickly opened the door and left.

"as you wish."

Su Rui stared at the closed door, with a strange smile in his dark eyes——

He knew that he was getting closer to Su Wanxin's edge.

This world is like a breakthrough.

Xiao Jingmo, Luo Chuchu.

I wonder what is so special about these two people that they deserve such gentle treatment from Su Wan.

Yes, Su Wan didn't stay in this world for long, but her methods were too gentle, which was not at all like the ruthless Destroyer No. 3 at the center of the legend.

Why should you show mercy to Luo Chuchu?

Why use such meek means to give Jamel Xiao a chance.

Only Su Wan knows that answer...

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