Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 455 The longest nematode in the world

Customs vary from place to place.

For example, in some tribes, young women can "find boyfriends" without being condemned, because they have a greater chance of conceiving the next generation, and of course the spread of AIDS is also wider.

Another example is that some women will put a plate on their lower lip. The bigger the plate and the bigger the lips, the more beautiful the woman will be.

This is actually a deformed aesthetic concept, just like the rings on the necks of the old Burmese.

For another example, many women in African tribes are not shy about exposing their bodies. No matter young or old, they don’t wear clothes. You can watch them if you want. But the only thing is that you can't let people touch your hair, thinking that this is "Xin harassment", and your father, brother or husband will beat you to death.

Specific to the tribal group where Nguema is located, one of their strange customs is to pay special attention to the "valley road".

I even feel that the "valley road" is far heavier than the "shade road".

For example, the vagina is broken or old, and it does not affect normal life, so it is not a big deal for familiar and unfamiliar men to come and go.

But if the valley road is broken, it will not be able to defecate, and people will die.

The diet of the primitive people is quite unbalanced, especially the Africans. You said that there are wild meat and wild pork, and even soil, but there is a lack of vegetables, because they don’t know how to grow them.

Long-term lack of green leafy vegetables and fruits will lead to dry stool and constipation. Europeans and Americans in the Middle Ages could buy "rhubarb", but how could Africans have money to trade?

In Nguema's tribe, many people die every year because they can't defecate.

Some wild animals, such as jackals, like to attack the anus of their prey, and the rectum falls out, causing the prey to lose their ability to resist due to severe pain. These African black uncles can see it in their eyes.

Another thing is that there are many wild animals in Africa, such as rhino horns, elephant horns, wild tusks, etc., which are very dangerous. When you go hunting, if you are hit by these animals on the valley road, you will die when you go back.

So I don't know when it started, there was a custom in the ancient African tribes.

It is believed that the valley road is the most important part of the human body, and it must not be damaged in any way, and should not be easily touched by others, otherwise life will be lost.

Nguema couldn't imagine that his unmarried daughter's "gu road" would be stabbed twice with such a long pipe. It would be scary to think about whether it would come out of her mouth.

So the African chief chattered for a long time. In a word, he opposed colonoscopy.

This made Chen Qi numb.

After all, the training before going abroad is to ask the team members to respect the local customs and customs. The principle is that the treatment should not be insisted on if the patient disagrees.

But you can’t do it if you don’t insist, because you don’t know how to operate for any disease? Moreover, intestinal obstruction does not necessarily require surgery, maybe conservative treatment is also possible? Why bother to take this knife.

The problem is that the premise of all this is to do a good job of examination, and the doctor has a good idea, so that the most correct treatment plan can be formulated.

Chen Qi kindly persuaded him for a long time, but Nguema just refused to listen and insisted on the customs of his own tribe.

Chen Qi had no choice but to turn around and say to the little girl on the hospital bed:

"Luciana, what should we do? Your father doesn't allow us to do the examination, which means we can't perform surgery on you. What do you think?"

Luciana was already in so much pain that he was dying, and now he wanted to stop the pain quickly, whether it was a knife or a stab, it didn't matter.

So tears flowed out in a blink of an eye, rubbing his hands together, and crying out in the usual local begging gesture:

"Dad, I don't want to die. Please listen to the doctor. Besides, people from other countries can have this colonoscopy. There is no reason why we Africans can't do it."

Chen Qi nodded after hearing this, thinking that if a country wants to develop, it really needs to vigorously develop education, because young people are open-minded, more likely to accept new things, and better able to lead the country to progress.

On the contrary, an old-fashioned person like Nguema, conservative in thinking and particularly stubborn, can easily become a stumbling block to the rolling torrent of history.

Sure enough, the little padded jacket's plea was different, and Nguema finally had to stomp his feet and agree.

Chen Qi couldn't say a word. After the nurse made the preoperative preparations, he quickly stabbed the "gastroenteroscope" into the valley, racing against time to save time for rescue, and ignored Director Hu who was looking at him with murderous eyes.

When the examination started, the diagnosis room became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on the TV screen.

The colonoscope was only a few centimeters in, and everyone moved closer to the picture tube, and then each of them made a questioning sound of "Huh".

Yi Zewen asked strangely: "Dean Chen, what is this? Why is there a thick white thread in this patient's intestine?"

Chen Qi also found it strange. At first he suspected it was a parasite, and thought that even the scene he saw should be densely packed with small bugs, just like the roundworm intestinal obstruction he did in Hengluli Commune back then.

When you fish out a basin of roundworms, I will ask you if you are sick or not.

As a result, the African patient did not see roundworms or other worms in his intestines, just a white "thick thread" that could not be seen at a glance, which made Chen Qi wonder if his previous diagnosis was correct?

As the colonoscope moved towards the colon bit by bit, Director Hu suddenly reminded:

"Dean Chen, wait, look here, there is a second thick white line here, it's not right."

Before Chen Qi could answer, Chen Li who was next to her screamed:

"No, no, this rope can move, it can move, you see, it is twisting slowly."

The gastroscope had been moving forward before, so no one noticed this situation. Now that the camera has stopped, if you look carefully, you can see that the thick white line is actually slowly wriggling.

Chen Qi and Director Hu glanced at each other and said in unison: "This is a parasite."

But what kind of parasite grows into a long thread?

After all, Chen Qi is not a professional and can't figure it out. Maybe his wife Lan Lijuan knows, after all, parasites are also infectious diseases, but he is not in front of him.

"Xiao Yi, hurry up, go to the book and find out what parasites are very long? The color is still white."

"how long?"

"At least more than 1 meter."


Many doctors in the consulting room gasped, only Nguema was a little puzzled, what are these doctors screaming?

The patient Luciana was already in a cold sweat due to the colonoscopy plus abdominal pain, and did not pay attention to the sudden situation here.

Yi Zewen quickly found Parasitology, then quickly browsed the catalog, and finally clicked on "tapeworm".

The book says: Tapeworms are huge intestinal parasites. The body length of ordinary adults can reach several meters. Adults parasitize vertebrates, and larvae mainly parasitize invertebrates or use vertebrates as intermediate hosts.

Appearance of tapeworms, adult body dorsally and ventrally flat, left and right symmetrical, mostly segmented, long like a belt, without mouth and digestive tract, lack of body cavity, except for a few, are hermaphroditic, often self-fertilization.

Tapeworms can enter the human body when people eat pork, beef, or fish that has not been cooked properly. Once the tapeworm enters the intestine, it embeds its head into the intestinal wall. Then absorb nutrients on the intestinal wall and grow long enough.

This kind of parasite is terrible. Adults can generally grow to one or two meters, and 4 meters to 5 meters are also very common.

In a parasite museum in Japan, the tapeworms on display are 8.8 meters long.

In the world record, the longest tapeworm can reach 22 meters, which can scare people to death. I don't know why this kind of insect can grow so long.

At first glance, the long worms in Luciana's stomach look a bit like tapeworms.

Chen Qi was relieved now, his diagnosis was correct, but the bugs were not the roundworms he imagined.

The colonoscope continued to push in, and finally, the obstruction was found at the bend of the transverse colon and descending colon, an anatomically called "left flexure of the colon".

At this time, everyone staring at the screen felt chills, and Chen Li and Yang Xiuxiu felt that all the muscles and skin of her body were coming.

I saw countless long worms on the screen, just like knotted balls of wool, tightly blocking the intestines.

Especially after the camera is fixed, these long worms slowly start to squirm collectively. That scene is as desperate as the creaking sound when fingernails slide across the glass.

Director Hu slapped his thigh excitedly:

"Ah, here, stop it, darling, there are so many parasites, did this little girl grow up eating insects?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at the black girl lying on the side of the hospital bed again, with sympathy in their eyes.

Chen Qi pouted:

"You don't know, but I have been to their village. They eat raw meat, drink raw water, live in thatched huts, and sleep on hard mud. It's no wonder that such conditions are free from parasitic diseases, so It is said that the life expectancy of people in this place is short, and they don’t pay attention to hygiene at all.”

Everyone nodded in unison. The medical staff are more or less a bit of a clean freak.

Even Nguema nodded, because he couldn't understand what these Chinese doctors were talking about, and he felt that he was right to nod in agreement.

Yi Zewen asked at this time: "Dean Chen, what shall we do next?"

"The only thing left is surgery. Let's take a look at the condition of the intestines. If the moths are not severe, just take out the parasites and sew them up. If the intestines are already in a mess, you can only cut off part of them and do an anastomosis. This operation is troublesome." gone."

Nguema, the all-powerful chief in the village, suddenly became a little submissive in the Friendship Hospital.

"Chen, Dr. Chen, how is my daughter's condition? Will she die?"

Chen Qi made a knife-cut movement on Luciana's stomach:

"The intestines are blocked by worms. Here, we need to cut them open, take out the worms, and let the intestines pass through. Only in this way can we save her life."

Nguema was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, and let the little aborigines in a certain place imagine cutting up people's stomachs.

"Cut the stomach, can you still live? Isn't that the same as killing a sheep? Woooooo~~~~"

Chen Qi really wanted to laugh, so he could only patiently explain:

"Don't worry, we will sew up the intestines and stomach, just like sewing clothes. After more than ten days, we will fully recover, and little Luciana will be alive and kicking again."


"Really, our Huaguo doctor is not a country guy, so we won't lie."

Nguema was excited when he heard that his daughter was saved, so he went all out:

"Well, do you want to cut open my daughter's stomach? Does it cost a lot of money? I don't have any money, but I have a lot of sheep. I'll go back and pull the sheep right away."

The African natives are quite straightforward, they don't hesitate to make a decision, and they don't have the habit of defaulting on medical expenses at all, which is much better than some people.

The family members agreed that the cause of the disease was found out, and it was an emergency operation, so everyone started to act immediately.

When the parasites in a full sterile basin were taken out, they were still alive, and they spread in the camp with a splash.

Doctors in Huaguo usually seldom entertain, so of course they wouldn't miss this kind of gossip now, so they surrounded them in a clattering circle.

There are quite a lot of parasite patients in Haidong Province, but the diseases are relatively few. The most common ones are schistosomiasis and ascariasis. It is the first time for many doctors to see such long parasites.

Mao Mingming from Wuzhou is an extroverted little girl. When others see the parasite, they lie down on one side in fright, but she doesn't.

Not only did not hide, but still greeted people:

"Come and come, don't run away, where are you going to hide, go get a circle ruler, let's measure how long this parasite is, obedient."

When a group of young doctors were still studying the "swine tapeworm", Piet happened to come to visit his village head friend.

He saw a group of people surrounding the operating room, Africans were also very gossip, so Piet also went up to see what was inside?

I don't know if I don't look at it, but when I look at it, he is frightened:

"Fack, where did such a long guinea worm come from?"

Mao Mingming doesn't know English, so he was very upset when he heard a black man standing next to him exaggerating and excitedly chattering:

"What's the noise? Do you want to eat? I'll cook a dish for you later, and you can have banana wine, just right."

Hahaha~~~~~ A group of people around laughed.

Piet couldn't understand what the Huaguo girl was talking about, but excitedly pointed at one of the longest worms that everyone was measuring and shouted:

"It's so long, so long, it's definitely a record-breaker. It's the longest guinea worm I've ever seen."

After the translator said this, a group of little doctors also looked at each other in blank dismay. Mao Mingming held a circle ruler and looked at Zaozi on the ground and shouted in surprise:

"It's terrible, it's terrible, we accidentally discovered the world's largest, hurry up, measure how long it is."

After a while, everyone cheered: "2 meters 6, 2 meters 6, Peter, how long is the longest guinea worm you know?"

"1.2 meters, the longest is gone, Faker, take a picture quickly, this one can apply for the Guinness World Record."

At this time, Chen Qi had already changed into the surgical gown and came out, but he shook his head when he heard what Piet said:

"NO, NO, NO, since we have broken the world record, we should make a project. Applying for a Guinness World Record will be useful."

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