Silver Overlord

Vol 2 Chapter 807: lively

Yuanping, July 11, 17 Pingxi City, near the Xi River, early in the morning, the river was full of people to see the crowd, especially near the Pingxi City Pier, crowded with crowds With all the places where people can stand on the edge of the pier, the children climbed up to the tree. The crowd gathered on both sides of the Xijiang River was almost as many as when racing dragon boats.

These people, of course, heard that the Manufacturing Bureau is going to experiment with new ships in the Xijiang River to see the excitement today. From a distance, the number of people gathered on both sides of the Xijiang River is not less than 70,000 or 80,000 people. Of course, except Qi Apart from the ordinary people in Yun County, many people who have flocked to Qiyun County in the past few days have gathered at the riverside to prepare to see this lively scene.

For today's experiment, the Xijiang River temporarily closed the river for a few kilometers. There were no boats on the river. All the boats docked at the dock or the river, leaving the river empty.

Ming Wang Zong and his team arrived in Pingxi City last night and stayed in Pingxi City. Today, the elder Fengqinghe sent someone to inquire, only to know that Qi Yun, the superintendent of Yan Liqiang, will come to Xijiang to watch the new ship experiment of the Manufacturing Bureau. So I brought my disciples here. To be honest, Elder Fengqinghe was also curious. I do n’t know what boat can run on the water without many people. Ready to see this lively ...


"Wow, there are so many people here, how can we squeeze in ..." As soon as Mo Ziling looked at the crowd in front of Xijiang Pier, he could not help yelling, then turned to look at Fengqing River, A smile on her face appeared, "Master, you asked us to come here to watch the new boat. Wouldn't it be to let us all fly to the treetops with light work, and grab the position with those children, wouldn't we be Monkeys, disciples don't matter, but you have a high reputation and honor, this master ... "

After hearing this from Mo Ziling, all Wang Zong's disciples could not help but laugh and sneer. In this case, I am afraid that only this young teacher will say that the elder Feng will not be angry. If he changes to another disciple, the elder Feng will look at When I came over, I urinated. How dare I talk to Elder Feng like this, Mo Ziye heard it, and couldn't help crying and glaring at her sister.

"Hehe, nonsense, if we all ran to the tree, what kind of system would it be ..." Feng Qinghe coughed twice and glanced at Mo Ziling, "Your Brother Zhao Li has arranged it last night, let us Ming Wang Disciples all over the world, our state and county have our business, what is this? "

As soon as the elder Feng Qinghe's words came down, the Zhao Li in his mouth walked quickly from a road next to the dock and gave him a gift, "Master, it has been arranged ..."

"Okay, let's go!"

The person from the Ming Dynasty Zong followed the Zhao Li on the bank of the Xi River within two hundred meters, and came to a five-storey restaurant on the bank of the river. The shopkeepers of the restaurant waited respectfully at the door. When they saw the elders of Fengqinghe, they immediately took everyone to the top four or five or two floors of the restaurant. Here, the view was wide, and the entire river near the river can be seen, and everyone can drink tea. , While watching the fun this morning.

Feng Qinghe and Mo Ziling Mo Zi Ye they were at the window on the fifth floor and looked at the river.

"That Qiyun Supervisor Yan Liqiang heard that he will come here to watch this morning, can you find out where he is?" As soon as the person sat down, Elder Feng Qinghe asked the shopkeeper of the restaurant.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant was only serving as an outsider in the king of the Ming Dynasty. In the presence of Elder Fengqinghe, it was respectful and did not dare to lift his head. The experimental restaurant high platform has not been seen by sergeants patrolling martial law guards. As the guardian of the adults, it will definitely not be mixed with the crowd and watch with ordinary people. This is both disturbing and dangerous. I heard from the last By the end of this month, in this Qiyun County, five or six batches of black gangsters and Shatu people have been sent to assassin the assassin of the overlord, so I guess the overlord should come by boat today and stay for a while The ship that Elder Feng seems to know! "

The shopkeeper of the restaurant opened his mouth and closed it. He did not directly call Yan Liqiang's name. Although it was unintentional, it also indirectly made Feng Qinghe understand. Even Wang Zong's outside service here was so respectful to him. I wanted to see Yan Liqiang ’s status in Qiyun County and how popular it was. Feng Qinghe was not angry, but he was a little curious about Yan Liqiang ’s assassination. He frowned slightly, "Why, in these days, Qiyun County Isn't it even right? Even Yan Liqiang was assassinated many times? "

"It's true. Since the killing of Hu Ling was promulgated, I heard that the seven members of Shatu and the Heiren hated the supervising adult and would naturally send people to assassinate them, but the people they can send are either Shatu or Hei Hey people, many of those people, who just arrived in Qiyun County, were discovered by the people and rangers in the county and sent them directly to their heads. Two more times, I heard that they were close to the guardian, but Still killed by the expert guards around the Lord! "

"Well, I know!" Elder Feng nodded, "Yes, you are in Qiyun County, but you know what new ship the Manufacturing Bureau is experimenting on this river today, why did the" Da Han Empire Times "put it Speaking of God? "

"This ... I don't know the subordinates!" A trace of shame appeared on the shopkeeper's face. "It was just that the subordinates heard that, starting from the second half of last year, the Manufacturing Bureau had set up a shipyard on the river bank in Huanglong County to build ships. The new ship should come from the shipyard of the Manufacturing Bureau. In the past two months, there has been a lot of movement in Huanglong County. Tens of thousands of artisans and craftsmen have been busy in Huanglong County, building houses peacefully in the expansion of the dock in Huanglong County. The superintendent wants to build a new steel plant in Huanglong County as early as possible. The person responsible for this is the superintendent's father ... "

"I see, you go down!" Elder Feng Qinghe nodded.

"Yes!" The shopkeeper went down after paying respectfully.

"Master, do you see if those Shatu people and black people are being rushed, please our killers in the Han Empire to deal with Yan Liqiang at this moment. In this way, Yan Liqiang is not dangerous ..." The shopkeeper just left, Mo Ziye asked with some worry.

Elder Fengqinghe shook his head, "You do n’t have to worry about Ziye. Since the fall of the Emperor Capital and the fall of the Ye family in the northwest, there are only a few people in the Han Empire who will collude with the Shatu Seven and the Heihe people. Little, those black people and Shatu people, it is impossible to find any top killers and strong men in the Han Empire to assassinate Yan Liqiang. Now this Yan Liqiang can be regarded as fighting for the country. There are several top killer organizations in the Han Empire. It is also resolutely afraid to take such a business. This is a taboo in the world. I really want to take it. No matter whether it is success or failure, it is self-destructive. If the Shatu people and the black people really dare to talk to them Business, they will definitely send those people's heads to Yan Liqiang first! "

"That's it ..." Mo Ziye was relieved.

As soon as her voice came down, the riverside outside the restaurant suddenly made a noise, and someone shouted, "Look at it, look at it, the Manufacturing Bureau and the ship guarding the adults are coming ..."

Looking at the river from this restaurant, sure enough, above the river, you can see three boats coming at once, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com, the three ships, one is a two-storey ornate building ship, the flag of Qiyun Governor's House is flying high on the building ship, there are two ships, one is a cargo ship, and one is The big ships pulling the goods were dragged by ropes, and dragged all the way. On these two ships, the Longhu Banner of the Manufacturing Bureau was inserted ...

Of the three boats, the first two were okay, and there was only the third one, which looked a little weird. From a distance, the rear position of the middle of the boat was on both sides of the boat and covered with cloth. Under that cloth, the bulging ones protrude out, just like two big turtles lying on the side of a boat, and they don't know what it is!

With the arrival of these three boats, everyone on the riverside became curious all of a sudden, staring closely at the boat that covered the middle of the boat with a cloth. Everyone knew it at a glance. It should be the protagonist of today's Manufacturing Bureau experiment.

The three boats sailed to the center of the river outside the wharf. They just stopped. Suddenly, the waves in the river burst, water drops splashed, three black shadows leaped from the river, one of them was still in the air. Opening a black bow in his hand, he shot an arrow at the gorgeous two-story ship, and two others roared, clenched his machete in the sun, and wanted to jump up Floor boat ...

This scene was staged under the eyes of tens of thousands of people watching the riverside, and many people on the shore suddenly screamed.

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