Chapter 393: Silly Pillar Confesses Ran Autumn Leaves.

There was nowhere else to go, Xu Damao could only sleep in the bridge cave.

But this big winter can freeze him.

When Xu Damao’s side was unsatisfactory, things about the stupid pillar took a turn for the better. Because half a month later.

Ran Qiuye, who was judged to be a vegetative person, and the rest of the patients woke up one after another. When it was learned that Silly Pillar was sentenced to twenty years of transformation.

I can’t help but feel a pity.

Ran Qiuye looked at her relationship with Silly Zhu, and explained to everyone, intending to intercede for Silly Zhu. Although let the stupid pillar reduce the punishment by not a small amount.

But it still needs to be renovated for five years.

After all, it is a fact that everyone was poisoned by stupid pillars, and even if everyone forgives, they cannot be acquitted. This made Ran Qiuye reluctantly give up on the stupid pillar.

Because she is not young now, it is impossible to continue to wait for the stupid pillar. Otherwise, wait for the stupid pillar to come out, firstly, there is a stain, and secondly, she is too old.

“Teacher Ran, I was really wronged!”

Silly Zhu helplessly explained over and over again.

Ran Qiuye nodded,

“I know, I believe you!”

Teacher Ran said.

Even if she believes what is the use? It was impossible for her to wait for the fool.

“Teacher Ran, you should know what kind of person I have been over the years.”

“I was going to confess to you that day, how could I do something harmful to you, it must be Xu Damao who moved my ingredients to do this!”

“Teacher Ran, can you wait for me for five years? I’ll marry you when I come out!” ”

Silly Pillar begged.

He felt that Teacher Ran must also be interesting to him.

Otherwise, when so many people say that he is Teacher Ran’s man, she will not smile. So the silly pillar wants to seize the last glimmer of hope and does not want to miss it.

Otherwise, he felt that he would definitely not meet a better woman in the future.

“Master He, I think you misunderstood.”

Ran Qiuye looked at the silly pillar and said,

“We’re just friends, I’m not your girlfriend, isn’t it inappropriate to say that?”

“I know that you have been wronged and feel aggrieved in my heart, but the matter has come to this, and I have no other way, I hope you don’t blame me!”

Ran Qiuye is not a fool.

After waiting for five years for the stupid pillar, she has to be almost thirty, and she definitely can’t wait. After all, in this era, late marriage will be drowned by others with spit stars. It doesn’t feel like you’re good and left.

There must be some serious illness, others can’t look at you, and you will be left. Ran Qiuye is not young now.

Many girls of the same age are already mothers.

If she could have waited a year and a half, five years is too long.

“Teacher Ran, I know you like me, do you think that the stain on my body is not worthy of you?”

“Or is five years too long?”

“I will definitely behave well and strive to get out early!”

Silly Pillar begged again.

He really likes Teacher Ran and doesn’t want to miss it. Ran Qiuye is literate, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable.

If he can marry Ran Qiuye, then he will be the green smoke of the ancestral tomb. However, the silly pillar is still too whimsical.

Even if the stupid pillar is not caught. It is also impossible for him to marry Ran Qiuye. Because he didn’t have this life.

Let’s not talk about whether Qin Huairu and Xu Damao will make trouble.

Even Zhou Wenbing will not let him arch this good cabbage.

So some things are predestined, and he has nothing to do with Ran Qiuye. Won’t come together.

“Master He, I have to go, I’ll come to see you again when I have time!”

Ran Qiuye didn’t want to talk more to Silly Zhu.

Because she already had the answer in her heart, she felt that there was no need to continue to develop with the stupid pillar.

“Teacher Ran, don’t go! I have a lot more to say to you–”

The silly pillar pleaded pitifully.

However, Ran Qiuye left without looking back.

This can make the stupid pillar angry. sprinkled all the resentment on Xu Damao.

In his opinion, if it weren’t for Xu Damao, he would probably have become Ran Qiuye. Unexpectedly, now it is necessary to communicate through a barred window.

“Xu Damao, I’m not finished with you, I’ll go out and be the first to kill you!”

Silly Pillar scolded angrily.

However, he didn’t know that Xu Damao’s life was not easy now. There was no more of a meal.

The whole person was a lot haggard.

Because none of his friends who drank and flesh were willing to help him. He had to go around doing a few odd jobs to make ends meet. Sleeping is sleeping in the bridge hole.

It’s dirty.

The uninformed thought he was a beggar?

“How pitiful! Let’s go buy something to eat, right? ”

A kind aunt passing by saw Xu Damao shivering when he was frozen, and immediately took out a dime and stuffed it into his hand. Xu Damao never thought that he would also be treated as a day to ask for food.

“Lady, are you blind? Did I make a mistake? Where do I feel like I’m asking for food? ”

Xu Damao was still not convinced.

But the hand put the money away very solidly.

Because this dime is very important to him now. In the past, Xu Damao never cared about a few cents.

Now it’s a treasure.

Because of this dime, he now has to calculate the spend.

“How do you kid talk? You don’t want to eat, but give me back the money?” ”

The eldest lady turned around and scolded.

Xu Damao ran away in ashes.

This Mao is not too much, and it is not much to say less. That’s enough for him to eat for days.

“Although it is a bit humiliating to ask for food, if you can earn money, it is also a good choice!”

Xu Damao said secretly.

It feels like a business opportunity has been discovered.

Anyway, now I can’t find a job by myself, so I can ask for food. As long as you can earn money, it is a good job.

So Xu Damao went to the big front door and specially found a place with many people to start asking for food. And he also knew words, and wrote some miserable stories on the ground.

A mess that touched passers-by.

Even the dark non-adult clip that I touched.

When rich people see it, they will give a dime or two.

At the end of the day, he could earn more than one piece, and Xu Damao found that he was stronger than going to work. So Xu Damao planned to go down this road.

Shame is a little shame. Making money is the main thing.

Worried about having money and no food stamps? Can’t buy food? That’s a lot to worry about.

The black market is rich and everything can be exchanged.

Therefore, Xu Damao is not worried about being hungry if he has money.

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