In this way, we have been busy for almost two hours. After dinner, the number of guests gradually decreased.

Then, it’s time to prepare the staff meals.

The employees of Emei Restaurant have irregular meal times, sometimes before the lunch rush hour, sometimes after the lunch rush hour.

The staff meals are fried by senior brother Wang Ansheng, with one half meat and one vegetarian.

In fact, the so-called half-vegetarian does not mean half vegetables and half meat, but a little meat is added to it. However, in one month, you can still eat two full-meat dishes.

"Ansheng, I have made a lot of progress today. I cut the potatoes very well. I have done enough work on the knife, but I don’t know how to do it in the pot. Don’t be careless later."

While having lunch after finishing their work, Wang Fude praised Wang Ansheng while eating.

Wang Ansheng was stunned for a moment after hearing the master's words, looked up at He Yuzhu, blushed, and said:

"that......Master, I didn’t cut the shredded potatoes today."

"Not you? Who is that?"

Wang Fude was busy eating and didn't pay attention. He just asked casually.

"yes......It's cut from a pillar."

Wang Ansheng told the truth. He is an honest man. This is why among the several brothers, he is the only one who is close to He Yuzhu.

"oh! It's a pillar!"


After Wang Fude answered instinctively, he was suddenly shocked

"Master, it was cut by pillars, I......"

Wang Ansheng didn't finish his words. He was ashamed. He didn't expect He Yuzhu to be more powerful than him.

Wang Fude looked at He Yuzhu for a few seconds before speaking:

"Ho! It works!"

"It seems that your father has trained you a lot"

"but......If you have this ability, why didn't you tell me earlier? Your knife skills are better than those of many chefs in small restaurants. He Yuzhu smiled" hehe":

"Master, aren't I following the rules? After all, I only have so much time to study."

This can be regarded as filling the cup. What are the rules? Doesn't it mean that you become more powerful after being reborn?

"Okay, don't be so old-fashioned, go cut a potato and take a look after eating."

He Yuzhu nodded in agreement. He knew that the master did not believe him and had to see it with his own eyes............................

"Well, good, good......"

After dinner, He Yuzhu showed off his knife skills to Wang Fude. Wang Fude was very surprised by his superb knife skills and said many things in a row.

As the so-called expert knows the way, Wang Fude clearly knows that He Yuzhu's knife skills are definitely not inferior to his. Even if He Daqing trained He Yuzhu since childhood, it still requires talent.

The most important thing is that he feels that He Yuzhu's quality is rare.

In order to take care of the senior brother's feelings, there is also the old apprentice rule of not showing off his abilities.

If it weren't for today's busy schedule and insufficient manpower, He Yuzhu might still not be able to show off his true abilities.

This kind of quality is so rare, so Wang Fude admired the sixteen-year-old He Yuzhu and wanted to take care of him.

However, what he didn't know was that even if He Yuzhu didn't show off himself today, he would still show off his cooking skills in a short time.

Because, he may not only have to face the problem of raising his sister Yu Yu alone in the future, but more importantly, he must become bigger and stronger.

Since he chose to be a chef, he must leave his name in this industry........................

"Lao Lin, I want to discuss something with you."

Emei Restaurant manager's lounge.

Wang Fude knocked on the door and walked straight in.

Old Lin's name is Lin Mingtai. He is the personnel manager of Emei Restaurant and a relative of the boss. He himself was born in Sichuan cuisine and has a lot of knowledge in cooking, so he has apprenticeships. Even if he is promoted to second chef, he needs to check it.

"Master Wang, I was about to go to the kitchen, why did you go there yourself?"

Lin Mingtai thought it was Wang Fude who came to urge him to try some dishes for Wang Ansheng. As he spoke, he was about to get up and follow Wang Fude.

"Manager Lin, I want to tell you something."

Wang Fude raised his hand to signal Lin Mingtai not to get up. He had something to say.

"Hey, Master Wang, it's definitely not good for you to be polite to me. You might as well call me Lao Lin, which sounds nice to me."

"Let’s make an agreement first, and I won’t agree if it’s against the rules."

Lin Mingtai smiled and motioned for Wang Fule to sit down and talk.

Wang Fule was not polite, pulled up a stool and sat down before speaking slowly:

"If you don’t violate it, you definitely can’t violate the rules."

"It's like this. There is an apprentice in the kitchen named He Yuzhu. He has been studying here for more than a year. This guy is quite talented in cooking, but he is not good at knife skills."

"Never thought that today......guess what?"

Wang Fude deliberately put it off, glanced at Lin Mingtai with a smile, and then asked and answered himself:

"hey guys"

"I just said that I was a little busy today, but in the end I drove this guy into a panic. He was doing the work of two people with a kitchen knife."

"When I saw the shredded potatoes, I thought they were cut by Wang Ansheng. I even praised him when we were eating just now."

"Oh, smoke......"

"Smoking Manager Lin's cigarettes all day long."

Lin Mingtai saw that Wang Fude was speaking vigorously and foaming at the mouth, so he handed him a cigarette and asked him to speak slowly.

Wang Fude took it, struck a match, lit it, and took two or three puffs with a look of satisfaction on his face:

"Lao Lin, you are also from our circle. You know, under normal circumstances, if the strength is equal, no one will obey the other."

"I am really convinced today!"

"I didn’t expect that He Yuzhu, a 16-year-old boy, could actually surpass me in swordsmanship. Who would believe it? No, I'm not embarrassed to admit it in front of my disciples."


Lin Mingtai looked at Wang Fude suspiciously. He knew that Wang Fude's knife skills were really good. Even he admired him.

"Although Sijiu City is called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are only three or two who can surpass Master Wang in knife skills and Sichuan cuisine."

"what......He Yuzhu, right?"

"I've heard of He Yuzhu. His father, He Daqing, has learned a few tricks of Tan's cuisine, but when it comes to talking about it, he really doesn't rank high."

"Moreover, He Yuzhu is only sixteen years old and has only been in Fengzeyuan for more than a year. Do you think his knife skills are better than yours?"

"Master Wang, where are you singing?"

Lin Mingtai initially thought that Wang Fude was going to use another trick to praise Wang Ansheng and make a good impression, but it turned out that he was talking about an unknown apprentice.

Wang Fude was not in a hurry. He told Lin Mingtai the process of assessing He Yuzhu's knife skills in detail..

Lin Mingtai also looked incredulous when he heard this.

There are geniuses, but knife skills in the chef industry, even for geniuses, require diligent study and practice, and they cannot be made out of nothing.

Therefore, Lin Mingtai also became interested in He Yuzhu, an apprentice.

"Master Wang, do you mean to let He Yuzhu try the dishes later?"

There is no need to assess knife skills. This is clear at a glance. Lin Mingtai still believes in Wang Fude."

"Yes, it’s just a matter of tasting it with chopsticks anyway."

Wang Fude acted very relaxed. In fact, the leader just tastes a chopstick, but it means different things to the people below.

After a pause, Wang Fude added:

"If you consider the cost issue, Lao Lin, if He Yuzhu fails in the food trial, you can deduct the cost of the materials from my salary."

"Hey, what did Master Wang say? Isn’t this also for Fengzeyuan?"

Lin Mingtai knows that Wang Fude is a little selfish, but this selfishness is also based on the good of Fengze Garden.

In the current environment, famous chefs are like carrots and pits. It is not easy to poach people.

Discovering new people is actually the most important thing. Youxian, after all, was trained in his own store. If he is grateful, it is easy for him to follow the store wholeheartedly.

"Master Wang, He Yuzhu has only been studying for more than a year after all. Have you considered our old rules?

Lin Mingtai asked Wang Fude seriously.

Wang Fude replied:"Old rules?" What about three to five years?"

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