Sign In To Become a God

Chapter 1244: I'm in charge of everything between you

(transition, jumpable)

The mysterious figure who appeared in front of the world beast incarnation burning prison was a burly and strong man covered in silver scales, with twelve silver horns on his head, and a silver scales tail. His breath is not strong, it seems to be only at the level of chaos.

But the look in his eyes made Burning Prison on the second floor of the Cosmos God tremble a little. It was a kind of absolute aloofness, as if a **** looked down on the creatures on the ground.

The incarnation of the world beast saw the appearance and characteristics of the other party, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, instantly realizing the origin of the other party.

The burly figure with silver scales looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Junior, this is the first time we meet, don't be surprised, I am also from your family, you can treat me as a senior."

The incarnation of the world beast followed the good example, and immediately said respectfully: "Senior."

He found that the time and space he was in was very special, like a dream but not a dream.

The burly figure in silver scale armor is Chaotic Source Lord 'Jin'. He did not leave directly after talking with Yuan. The avatar sensed the existence of the Realm Beast Avatar and his breakthrough, became interested in this, and came to meet him.

The incarnation of the world beast asked respectfully: "I don't know why senior came to me for..."

Hunyuan Lord 'Jin' said: "I am already an existence beyond the cage. The beasts in your world are very special, so I want to see if there is any possibility of growth among you."

"But... not everyone can see me. After all, you junior talents are very poor in my opinion, and there is almost no hope of reaching the ultimate level." Hunyuan Lord 'Jin' looked at the beast, "Before you , and only one can get my advice, you are the second."

Hearing what Hunyuan Lord Jin said, the Realm Beast Avatar instantly realized that he was talking about the leader of the Realm Beast, 'Palace Master Tantai'.

Suddenly, "It's no wonder that Palace Master Tantai is so special and powerful. It turned out that he was instructed by this Lord Hunyuan."

He knelt down immediately, "I also ask senior to guide me."

Hunyuan Lord Jin was very satisfied with the respect of the world beast incarnation, stretched out his hand, and pointed at the world beast incarnation's forehead.

In an instant, a large amount of mysterious and complicated information poured into the consciousness of the beast incarnation.

Hunyuan Lord Jin withdrew his hand, and said calmly: "This is the secret cultivation method of my family. For you, it is a cultivation method that can directly point to the ultimate realm. If your aptitude is not too bad, practice according to it and become the ultimate cultivation method." The situation is not difficult."

"However, if you want to jump out of the cage, you have to rely on yourself in the end. No one can directly guide you on this point."

Lord of Hunyuan Jin said: "I hope you will reach the ultimate state as soon as possible, jump out of the cage, and become an existence like me. Although there are strong Hunyuan in my family, I am the only one who breaks Hunyuan with strength."

"I hope you can do it too." Chaotic Source Lord Jin looked at the beast incarnation.

He didn't bother to pay attention to other practitioners.

He only cares more about the demons (world beasts) who are also destroying them.

But even so, he was very indifferent, and he would only give advice if he had hope of reaching the ultimate level.

The incarnation of the world beast felt the profound and unpredictable cultivation method in his mind, and was excited, and respectfully saluted the great strong man in front of him. "Yes, senior."

The burly and strong man in silver scale armor is the real Lord of Chaotic Source, and the entire infinite Chaotic Source space can be called a great and invincible existence.

In the entire Chaotic Source Dimension, there are currently only seven Chaotic Source Lords, all of whom have inconceivable power.

Since the birth of the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, not a single Chaotic Source lord has fallen.

"Break the law with force? Become Chaotic Source? Jump out of the cage?" The beast incarnation pretended to be confused, but wanted to get more detailed information from the Chaotic Source lord.

There are countless ultimate realms, existences like Emperor Xia and Undead Emperor are eager to meet a Lord of Chaotic Source, but they are not available.

Such an opportunity is too rare.

Chaotic source lord 'Jin' smiled faintly, "Breaking the law with strength is a state above the ultimate realm of the universe god. Mastering the highest rules, although he can also jump out of the cage and become a strong Chaotic source, but compared with breaking the law with force Standing up, it is a world of difference, breaking the law with strength is the way to master the Chaotic Source level!"

Lord of Chaotic Source'Jin' proudly said: "Mastering the source world, mastering the so-called supreme rules, is just becoming the master of the source world, only becoming a world-class Chaotic source, and there is a big gap between mastering the real Chaotic source."

The beast incarnation said: "I also ask the senior to give me some advice."

"Let's put it this way, becoming a chaotic source life... The most common way is to take control of a source world, use the huge power of a source world for yourself, and let yourself reach another level of life."

"As for the other method, it is to use force to break the law! Cultivate yourself, and you will be able to forcibly jump out of this cage. At that time, in turn, you will be able to control a source world easily."

Although the burly and strong man in silver scales looks indifferent, he is very patient.

The world beast incarnation listened thoughtfully.

This was similar to the information he had received before.

But he heard him say in a cold voice: "I must remind you that your time is limited, and you must break through to the ultimate realm before this Fangyuan world is destroyed, otherwise, once the great destruction occurs, all non-ultimate realms will be destroyed. If you die, even your world beast kings will all be wiped out."

The world beast incarnation suddenly thought of something, since it was rare to meet Lord Hunyuan, he hurriedly asked: "Senior, I still have something to ask."

"I want to ask, how long will it take for our source world to enter the Great Destruction?"

"Want to know?" Hunyuan Lord Jin smiled, "It's okay to tell you, your source world, according to your time, it is estimated that there are still 300 million epochs of reincarnation before it will enter the Great Destruction."

"300 million era of reincarnation?" Realm Beast Transformation tensed up, he knew that it would not be easy to jump out of the cage, let alone break through before the destruction of the original world.

The 300 million epoch of reincarnation may seem long, but to Cosmos God, it's really not that long.

Even if he reached the ultimate level at that time, mastered the Boundary Breaking Teleportation, and could send away some relatives and friends, it would be difficult to save all the countless lives in his universe.

Hunyuan Lord Jin looked at, you have to hurry up and reach the ultimate state first. "

What did he think of again, "Well, I once gave another flower of destruction to another junior, which is also helpful for your practice, but I only carry one flower of destruction, but I don't have the other one for you, but I can send a message to let you Both practice at the same time."

So in the daze of the beast incarnation, Hunyuan Lord made a move with his golden hand.


There was another person in front of the beast incarnation.

It was the leader of the world beast, Palace Master Tantai, who was still cultivating in the Flower of Destruction in the closed space before.

The two world beasts met their gazes.

"Burning prison?" Palace Master Tantai showed a surprised look. At the same time, she also saw the Hunyuan lord 'Jin', and her complexion suddenly became serious. "Senior." Seeing this scene, she realized something.

Hunyuan Lord Jin said indifferently: "You two are of the same race, let's practice together in the future, and study and learn together, it should also be of some help."

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