Sign in for a Millennium, How Do I Hide My Ancestors

Chapter 13: The Fallen Forest Alliance

The next day, a heavy news came out from the dark sons of other forces who had placed them in the Lin Mansion, and then spread it among the interested people at a very fast speed.

The seriously injured ancestor of the Lin family finally left.

A veteran king of the Xia clan, approaching the end of his life.

This is something that many people expected, but they can't help but sigh.

Although the Lin family refuted the rumor in a timely manner, they kept saying that it was a rumor, and said that their ancestor would have his 211th birthday in 100 days. .

While saying this, the Lin family tightened their efforts to shrink the power of the family at the same time.

Such a performance is undoubtedly extremely guilty, but it is even more certain that the ancestor of the Lin family is indeed gone.

In an instant, the entire forest city was covered with dark clouds, and the wind and rain were about to come.

Even ordinary people who didn't know the situation felt that Lin Cheng's atmosphere became subtle and heavy.

Some well-informed people have brought their families along and plan to temporarily leave Lincheng, a dangerous place that is about to become a whirlpool.


ten days later.

Three hundred kilometers away from Lincheng, a huge camp was opened up, and horse teams entered one after another.

A large number of them were arranged to be stationed in different places, and all the leaders were warmly received to the Chinese army.

There is a lot of people here, some people are asking for help, and they have a good time chatting with old friends.

Some people yelled at their mother, and when they met an old enemy, they even drew out their swords.

They came from different parts of Lynn County.

But with a common goal.

Fallen Forest Alliance.

All the clan forces that had hatred with the Lin family were united by the Incense Sect.

The purpose is to push down the weak Lin family, bite a piece of meat from the huge Lin family, eat and drink enough, and take revenge by the way.

"Haha, I didn't expect the high-ranking Lin family to have today, so happy..."

A burly and strong man carrying a big sword, looking up to the sky and smiling, quite excited.

"Humph! Lin family, my third brother used to meet a sweetheart outside, and they fell in love at first sight. I originally wanted to take it home and marry him, but an old man from the Lin family saw that he was jealous of my third brother's handsome and handsome. It's really hateful to be slapped to death, I have remembered this revenge for twenty years, and now, I can finally take revenge, and my third brother can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven!"

The other old man wiped the long spear in his hand and said great hatred, but his face was full of excitement and greed.

For him, revenge is second, and eating meat with soup is the most important.

If it wasn't for the invitation from the Incense Sect, he would have almost forgotten the hatred of his third brother.

And even if he remembered, if there was no Incense Cult at the head, even the weakened Lin family would not dare to have an idea.

But now it's different. Someone is taking the lead, and he just follows behind, shouting loud slogans, and eating like a mouthful of oil.

"Okay, big guy, choose another day to renew the old days, put down those who have hatred first, and continue after the Lin family is destroyed."

Above the first place, a man with a silver mask pressed his hand and said solemnly.

"Now that people are almost there, we should also discuss the matter of attacking Lincheng."

After everyone was quiet, he continued.

"If you want me to say the messenger, there is nothing to discuss. Few of us here are born in the military, and they are all brothers in the rivers and lakes. You don't want to arrange troops. You give an order directly, let's take a knife and directly Just rush into Lincheng!"

The strong man carrying the big sword said carelessly.



Many people nodded in agreement, feeling reasonable.

The messenger of the Incense Sect wearing a silver mask looked around and found that they basically agreed with the big man.

Some who did not agree did not intend to speak.

The corners of his mouth hidden behind the mask twitched.

A bunch of rabble.

"Actually, if you want me to say, the Lin family is just like that. Without the immortality, we can destroy it in minutes. Now that we are outside the forest city, the Lin family will be destroyed in a few days, but it seems that we haven't discussed it yet. After destroying the Lin family, how should we deal with the ill-gotten wealth that the Lin family has accumulated over the years?"

At this moment, someone in the crowd spoke up.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the big tent was shocked, their eyes were bright, and their eyes were staring at the messenger.

As soon as this topic came out, they were all excited!

They responded to the call of the Incense Sect and actively came from far away from different places. Why?


There is a reason for this, and it is also the loudest shout!

But everyone knows in their hearts that this is not the most important thing.

Perhaps some of them made this goal the most important, but very few.

The goal of most of them was to take advantage of the weakness of the Lin family and someone else to take the lead, trying to pick up two bites of meat to eat.

Dividing the spoils is what they are most interested in!

"Don't worry, this point has been considered by this sect for all of you. This time, if the Lin family is destroyed, all the gains will go to those who can, and whoever grabs it will be the one!"

"Let's say first, before the Lin family is completely destroyed, they cannot attack each other because of the treasures. If anyone violates it, everyone will attack it together."

The silver-faced messenger snorted coldly and said solemnly.

"it is good!"


Everyone below nodded in agreement, grinding their fists, feeling impatient to get up.

"Let's go then!"

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