Without waiting for Mu Mengfan's stunned reaction, Zhao Fei poured the red liquid ginseng's medicinal power into his body with one hand and diverged.

Mu Mengfan groaned, and the delicate wounds all over his body began to heal and recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was almost just a few breaths before he was intact as before. The white and jade arms gently grasped Zhao Fei's body, making him Inevitably, there was a burst of excitement.

"This is... red liquid ginseng?" Mu Mengfan's cheeks are flushed, even though his body has recovered, he still dare not look up at Zhao Fei, "How come you have such Heavenly and Mortal Treasures?"

Zhao Fei just smiled indifferently: "An ancestral baby, I didn't expect it to be used to save you, how do you plan to compensate me?"

Mu Mengfan's blush was even stronger, but before he had time to speak, he heard Magical Beasts' roar again suddenly in the distance.

"It's endless, you can't get rid of that animal like this!" Zhao Fei frowned slightly, and now with Mu Mengfan's condition, he obviously couldn't rely on it as a strong support.

In the midst of his thoughts, an ancient tree was snapped off, and the Magical Beasts stood opposite Zhao Fei and Mu Mengfan with a half-opened blood basin, and slightly bowed to prepare to launch a surprise attack at any time.

Mu Mengfan quickly turned over and stood up. He didn't know when he was already holding the jade sword, and he whispered softly: "I will block it first, you quickly find a chance to leave, the Magical Beasts in the Transcends Tribulation period is just going to die in vain!"

"Are you sure you can?" Zhao Fei said somewhat perfunctorily, but pinched out a few talisman in his palm.

When the voice fell, Magical Beasts had already jumped several feet, and went straight to Mu Mengfan, who seemed to be the most threatening.

Mu Mengfan didn't have time to reply, so he raised his sword and rushed towards him. In a moment, Sword Ray swayed like a star.

"Even so..." Zhao Fei muttered to himself in shock, and quietly took back all the talisman in his hand, at least it seemed that he would not reveal his strength.

This time, Mu Mengfan was extra careful, keeping a safe distance from Magical Beasts as much as possible between moves and moves to avoid being attacked by the toxins carried by Magical Beasts again.

However, there is a gap that cannot be ignored between the two species. At least in terms of physical strength, Mu Mengfan quickly showed exhaustion.

After all, it is the Magical Beasts of the Transcends Tribulation period. Mu Mengfan also has to ensure that he is not contaminated by toxins, his physical exertion can almost be described by a terrifying speed.

Mu Mengfan was seriously injured and he had already recruited in distress.

At the critical moment, Mu Mengfan was unable to evade, his arms were numb by Magical Beasts' claws, and the door opened wide in an instant.

At the last moment, Mu Mengfan almost thought that he was about to die under the claws of Magical Beasts, and he did not forget to look back at Zhao Fei's position.

Just looking at it this way, the despair in Mu Mengfan's heart is even thicker.

"What a fool, why don't you run away?"

I saw Zhao Fei still staying in place, never leaving for half a step. Although there was a bit of solemnity under his eyes, there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

Mu Mengfan felt his cheeks enveloped by a sticky, clammy magical energy.

But the next second did not usher in Death, and only heard a roar of explosions in front of him soaring into the sky, followed by Magical Beasts rolling away ten feet away in a hurry.Mu Mengfan exclaimed in disbelief: "How is this possible?!"

Looking intently, Mu Mengfan soon discovered that Magical Beasts' hard and rugged iron back was blown to bloody flesh. At this moment, it was actually a bit reluctant to maintain a basic standing.

There were only two human races, Mu Mengfan and Zhao Fei, and she quickly instinctively locked her eyes on Zhao Fei behind her.

"Awesome, Ms. Mu can kill Magical Beasts, so it seems that my ancestral red liquid ginseng is not a waste!" Zhao Fei first screamed, even if his own relationship was cleared from the side.

The seriously injured Magical Beasts got up with difficulty, a pair of evil eyes staring directly at Zhao Fei, as if endless hatred spread.

And just like Mu Mengfan, who has just been seriously injured and unhealed, has been in danger for several times, the Magical Beasts at this moment has become a cutting board fish, at least in a short period of time, can not make much resistance, and this time is enough for Mu Mengfan Kill it thousands of times.

After processing the Magical Beasts, Zhao Fei couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment: "How come the Magical Beasts in the Transcends Tribulation period did not drop magic crystals..."

"The reason why the magic crystal is precious lies in its indeterminateness. It does not necessarily exist in those powerful demons, but is scattered randomly in various unexpected places." Mu Mengfan was still thinking about what happened just now. What happened was that the must-victor Magical Beasts was seriously injured in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Fei curled his lips, said nothing, and walked straight to the direction.

Mu Mengfan quickly followed, but he didn't want to appear too deliberate, so he looked around pretending to be calm, and Zhao Fei's eyes were quite charming and lovely.

"Where are you going?"

Zhao Fei looked serious: "Before I met you, I was separated from Gu Yun instructor. Now that Magical Beasts is killed, of course I am going to find Gu Yun instructor."

"Is there a way to find?" Mu Mengfan looked at the front, but gradually became a little slow, as if there was something terrifying in front of him.

"I can feel that Gu Yun instructor is near the lake in front."

Mu Mengfan took a breath and murmured: "This...I advise you to be more careful, the lake in front is far more powerful than any Magical Beasts!"

"Does there still exist Magical Beasts in this dense forest during the Transcends Tribulation period?" Zhao Fei was puzzled, but his footsteps kept going.

When the two talked, they had already turned over a flat hill. There was a small lake in front of them. The waves were gentle and gentle. On the bank, they could see the beautiful figure of Gu Yun with their backs facing Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei immediately stepped forward, but at the same time he was firmly grasped by Mu Mengfan's palm.

Feeling like an electric shock, Mu Mengfan quickly closed his hands and whispered: "This place is called Jinghu, and there is a spring in the center of the lake, called the pupil of truth. At this moment, your ancient rhyme teacher may not be you. The person I used to be familiar with."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Fei was confused, but more worried about Gu Yun.

With unconcealed fear in his eyes, Mu Mengfan explained: "That is an absolute forbidden area that no one dares to go to. Anyone who is close to Jinghu Lake, without exception, must be threatened from the other side of the soul."

"No matter how firm Dao heart is, almost no one can leave Jinghu intact for countless years. The vast majority of cultivators have fallen into Devil Dao since then, and only a few have been able to maintain their original heart after experiencing the real eye of Jinghu. , But his own temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes."

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Mengfan only saw the phantom flashing in front of him, Zhao Fei had already gone to Gu Yun's side, and the remaining breath could still feel Zhao Fei's emotional fluctuations.

"Gu Yun teacher, how are you?"

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