Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Chapter 560: Happy New Year

PS: I wish you all a happy new year. Today is just this update, and more will be added later.

"Well, the cargo I gave you last time was the core module of the space station. I designed it independently, so I made it myself." He Gui said.

The person in charge of the project gasped, it was a human thing, but then the person in charge realized that his boss was actually a researcher to be precise.

"This matter is kept secret." He Gui continued.

"Yes." The person in charge left with a complicated mood.

He Gui focused his energy on the core module of the space station. The material of the space module is titanium, because the temperature of the space station is too high, and it is wrapped with a layer of gold paper, which is to shield some solar storms or cosmic rays. , Sun rays, etc., to prevent these rays from causing damage to the instrument.

He Gui’s main reason is that it’s not easy to directly take this project out and let the company do it. The key is that Ami is not so advanced now, and it’s hard to explain it out. Not convinced?

After the core cabin is lifted into the air, the next one is the test cabin. The purpose of each test cabin is different. The items to be tested in each test cabin are carefully selected. Gui will carry out selected pilot projects in its subsidiaries.

Different test chambers are designed according to different test tasks. Biopharmaceuticals, as well as different test tasks in microgravity environment, materials, etc., require different test chambers for testing.

The latecomer advantage of the space station is obvious. The space station in the mainland is built independently by us, so all interfaces and standards are unified, while the space station built by Aramco was jointly established by many organizations or countries. , Each country builds different parts, which also causes a lot of conflicts between systems.

And there is another point that the solar energy utilization rate of Aramco's space station is only 15%, while our solar energy utilization rate is 30%, which also provides more power for the space station.

In fact, Ami's space station was proposed in 1984, and then the design was completed in 1993, and it began to serve in 2000, and it is expected to serve until 2023.

Therefore, Ami’s space station has not been in service for two years. If He Gui has copied the technology 20 years later, then all the space stations in the world will be hanged, and it is Ami who rejected our application, so that we can So we set up a space station. At the beginning when Amei rejected us, it was probably because he wanted to get stuck in our necks. Who would have thought that we would still be very competitive?

He Gui's current focus is on the construction of the core warehouse of the space station. The core warehouse is also the core part of the entire space station. It includes the control system, the robotic arm, the power supply system, and the posture control of the entire space station. In fact, the space station adjusts itself all the time, so that it will not deviate from the orbit or turn over to let the sun shine on the other side. If the sun keeps shining on one side, it will have a great impact on the service life of the entire space station.

The cost report of Aramco’s International Space Station is 100 billion U.S. dollars, and our own construction is only 8 billion U.S. dollars. The gap between them is huge. Of course, when it comes to He Gui, 800 million U.S. dollars is not enough. After all, it is a direct copy Yes, without investing in R&D costs and so on.

Even the launch uses recyclable rocket technology. When this rocket is not scrapped, these space stations will be established. Of course, this space station has more advanced technologies, such as moisture collectors, and other , the water in the entire space station can be recycled.

He Gui had a strong influence here in 2004, so He Gui himself did research in his own company, and basically no one asked about it. After all, He Gui did not have a source of sensitive materials, and He Gui would not touch it. those sensitive materials.

Even the aircraft factory does not involve ammunition. If it involves ammunition, it will cooperate with the representative of the ammunition factory or the project department. He Gui does not play with those dangerous things, because if your airport manufactures Airplanes, starting to play with ammunition again, then some people will not be able to sleep, He Gui is still self-aware of this.

He Gui held his breath and wanted to manufacture the core module of the space station. As for He Gui, the aircraft engine at Hyundai, he did not think about it for the time being. After all, the progress of Xifei still needs a period of time. The construction of the airframe is not that simple, it is expected to take six months to half a year, so He Gui has plenty of time here, isn't it just six aircraft engines? There is no difficulty, it just takes some time.

He Gui is suffocating here, and the aircraft factory is also fully cooperating. After all, if the boss personally takes out the things, if the things are not completed quickly, then the deduction of bonuses must be necessary. The management of private companies is not like those other people. , Even if you have been sick for decades, you still get paid.

He Gui decomposes the drawings faster and faster. After all, the more they are decomposed, the fewer unfinished systems and parts will be left behind. He Gui is disassembling the drawings while assembling the completed parts in the factory. A thing weighing more than 20 tons is the first time He Gui has come into contact with this thing, so he needs to constantly look at the drawings to assemble it. Of course, this is also beneficial. He Gui made various notes and records during the assembly process. It is convenient to continue to manufacture or train talents in the future.

The interface of the core module must also be done well, because the core module has several interfaces, two are connected to the experimental module, one is connected to the cargo spacecraft, and the other is connected to the manned spacecraft. These interfaces must match each other, and each interface has different uses. Similarly, some other auxiliary interfaces are needed.

"First-class companies set standards. Now I have come out, and I will be the standard in the future, but I still need to get some defensive weapons on this space station. Be careful of some villains coming to touch porcelain. After all, some people can't afford it." While Gui is building the core module, he mutters in his heart, knowing that at an altitude of hundreds of kilometers, anything can happen, maybe some guys sacrifice their own satellites to destroy your space station, it is not impossible.

Although the space station can also change its orbit, it is still relatively dangerous to face a sudden attack from the opponent. However, defensive weapons are still a bit difficult to deal with in space, such as lasers or other weapons. Things shattered, and those pieces could also cause damage to the space station.

"Forget it for now, but if anyone dares to touch my space station, I will make them pay the price." He Gui originally wanted to install some defensive weapons, but after thinking about it, the current defensive weapons have no way to deal with the behavior of touching porcelain. It is said to prevent by various means, such as paying close attention to the space situation around the space station through the various observation bases arranged on the earth. Once some bad guys are found, they will directly start the space station to change orbit to avoid it.

"It's not rude to come and go. As long as the other party dares to touch me, then I dare to touch me. They will see who is better. Anyway, our cost is cheap. If you say it is an accidental injury, I will also do an accidental injury." He Gui assembled In the core warehouse, defensive measures have already been thought of in his mind. Maybe He Gui has a little persecution paranoia, but as a person of He Gui's level, it is not a bad thing to have a sense of crisis? Look at the person who was hit by the troll, isn't it because he has no safety awareness? I entrusted my safety to some unreliable people, and before the accident happened, these people were blown away like gods, the first bodyguard, etc., what happened?

He Gui is still very afraid of death, so in terms of security, he also tries his best to follow the advice of the security guards and not go to dangerous places, so He Gui doesn't have much time to go shopping. On the one hand, it is true that he has no time, on the other hand, it is also for safety Consider that some rich people like to kill themselves in a complicated environment. If someone really wants to target you, it will be difficult to escape.

The assembly of the core warehouse is getting faster and faster. On the one hand, He Gui is getting more and more familiar with it, and on the other hand, it is also because the supply of parts is getting faster and faster.

In addition, He Gui put all his focus here, only occasionally showing his face in Hyundai, the rest of the time he was not busy with Hyundai at all, and he didn't even deal with various things in Hong Kong Island and Baiyangdian in 2004 .

There is still half a month before the Chinese New Year. He Gui looks at the core cabin that has been assembled in front of him, and he still has a sense of accomplishment. This core cabin uses a lot of high technology and black technology. Take the sun in this core cabin. For the wing, it is a thin-film solar wing, which has a larger area for the same weight, and a larger area means greater power for light energy conversion.

In addition, there are various other black technologies. These are all manufactured by the strong manufacturing strength of Baian Aircraft Company. Many things are manufactured in laboratories. There is no mass production at all. These technologies will also be the future. The confidentiality factor will not be applied to business.

After the core module is assembled, He Gui can't be idle, because there are still systems, the ground control system and the core module's own control system. If the core module needs to ensure that it is on-orbit, how does the core module know that it is in orbit? what position? This requires the observation stations on the ground to provide various parameters, and the space station needs multiple signal base stations to provide various parameters for the positioning of the space station.

Fortunately, He Gui owns a satellite company, so signal base stations and telemetry stations are all ready-made. Just install the system. Other telemetry stations only provide various data for satellites, and the control will definitely It is controlled in the control center, and the observation station and signal base station cannot control the space station.

In addition, the observatory is also responsible for the boundary of a certain airspace around the space station, that is to say, if someone comes to touch porcelain, then these observatories can observe the trajectory of these touching things in advance.

In addition, the observatory is also responsible for observing various solar activities and cosmic activities, and giving the space station early warning.

He Gui personally led a group of technicians to install and debug the system, and handed over the systems required by the observatory to the technicians for installation. These technicians didn't know what the system they installed was? Because He Gui himself came to debug it himself, and the rest of the system was only responsible for the installation and what He Gui ordered. Only He Gui himself knows the overall system framework and system composition.

Three days before the Chinese New Year, the system debugging was completed, and after many times of debugging, several observation stations were ready, and the survey ship had already set off a week earlier and was already on the Pacific Ocean.

"Let's go!" He Gui watched as the core cabin was loaded into the huge engine room of 225 and fixed, which is almost just right. You must know that the height of this cargo cabin is only 4.4 meters, while the diameter of the core cabin has reached 4.2 meters. rice.

After the 225 pilot heard He Gui's order, he started the plane, and the plane will land at the launch site in the northwest after more than an hour. The rockets over there are ready and they can wait for the cargo to be loaded here. Waiting for the launch time, the launch plan is scheduled for the first day of the first lunar month.

He Gui didn't go to the launch site in person, there was no need for it, he went to watch by himself, he had already given the parameters of the core cabin to the rocket project, and the cargo warehouse had already been refitted.

After 225 arrived at the launch site, all around the launch site entered a level-1 alert, and the huge core module was delivered.

And He Gui is doing the final debugging of the system, contacting various observation stations, signal stations, the signal station is equivalent to a reference object, and continuously transmits signals to position the space station.

The observatory has the ability to observe, mainly to observe the attitude of the space station from various angles, and to observe the surrounding airspace.

The core cabin is also equipped with telescopes and other equipment, and He Gui will build a huge radio telescope in the future.

He Gui had no choice but to go back to celebrate the New Year, but he still made a phone call. The control center was at Baian Aircraft Company, which itself was also a satellite control center, and the system here was not connected to the external network.

"Boss, the cargo has been loaded and is being sent to the launch pad." On New Year's Eve, He Gui received good news.

"Okay, can you launch on time?" He Gui immediately praised.


"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." He Gui nodded.

From the control center, we can see that there is a launch base in the northwest. The assembly workshop inside the launch base has been opened, and the platform loaded with rockets is moving on the track, moving slowly and evenly towards the launch pad.

He Gui was also quite nervous, but he still explained to the controllers here the various functions in the control system, and how to judge the situation of the space station through various parameters.

These controllers were selected as controllers after the core module was transported away. Although they have been studying for three days, everyone is very excited. This is their own space station.

After the rocket arrived at the launch pad, it was hugged by the robotic arm and waited quietly. In fact, the temperature in the northwest is very low now.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the person in charge of the rocket project reported to He Gui: "Boss, it can be launched."

"You decide on your own." He Gui directly delegated the power, because no one knows what accidents will happen, as long as there is no lift-off, then any accidents may happen.

"Thank you boss." The person in charge of the rocket project has been working overtime for several months, but his heart is surging.

"Boss, do you want to start a live broadcast?" The person in charge of the rocket project asked.

"Not for now, low-key, low-key." He Gui shook his head, let's do this thing ourselves, and report to the Satellite Association after success.

"Okay." The person in charge of the rocket project immediately agreed.

He Gui felt a little nervous. In the control room of Bai'an Aircraft Company, people around the launch pad could be seen. All the machinery had been evacuated, and the robotic arms wrapping the rocket had all been released.

This kind of scene has been here many times, but satellites were launched before, and the significance of this launch is not ordinary.

The person in charge of the rocket project is commanding in an orderly manner. He Gui can hear that everyone in the control room is very nervous, and the telemetry ship far away in the Pacific Ocean is also fully powered.

Accompanied by a puff of smoke, the rocket lifted off slowly, faster and faster.

In fact, many people have no idea. After all, the boss made it all by himself. If something goes's not a big deal. Anyway, the boss made it all by himself.

"The rocket flight trajectory is normal."

"The rocket launcher is functioning normally."

"The temperature of the rocket is normal." With the sound of reports, various telemetry stations began to observe the trajectory of the rocket.

In the end, the measuring ship also saw it in the Pacific Ocean. When the rocket flew to an altitude of 80 kilometers, the rocket began to leave the cargo warehouse. At this time, the speed of the rocket had reached 6 to 7 kilometers per meter.

After detaching, the rocket began to return, and under the support of its own huge inertia, coupled with its own small thrusters, it finally arrived near the orbit of the space station in one minute. The distance here is 400 kilometers from the earth. This is a microgravity environment. The space station will continue to be pulled down by the gravity of the earth, and some data show that it will drop 150 meters per day.

The cargo warehouse is separated, that is, it is directly separated from the middle, the cargo warehouse falls into the atmosphere, and the huge core cabin starts to work.

"The boot is normal."

"Signal reception normal."

"The sun wings are being deployed."

The first part of all spacecraft is to deploy the solar wings, because electricity is needed to do other things. If the solar wings cannot be opened, then the rest will be finished.

"The solar wings are deployed normally, and the power supply is started."

"The power supply parameters are normal."

"The space station began to receive the signal from the signal station."

"The space station began to adjust itself."

"The temperature inside the space station is normal."

"The video signal inside the space station is back, normal."

"The external video signal of the space station is sent back, normal."

He Gui watched as the core cabin began to adjust its posture, so that the sun wings could bask in more sunlight.

Three hours later, He Gui announced: "I announce that the core module of the space station has been successfully launched."

There was intense applause below, and He Gui continued: "Thank you for your overtime support. Everyone who participated in this event will get another year-end award."

"thank you boss."

"Report to the Satellite Association Bao, the ground observation station pays attention to the airspace around the space station, and be careful of some **** coming to touch porcelain."


The people here immediately reported to the World Satellite Association, that is, sent an email.

The satellite association is on duty 24 hours a day, and the reported orbit will be made public here, and other people will use it as a reference when they launch satellites.

On the side of the Satellite Association, it was night, and several people on duty were on duty. There were a lot of satellite launches. Some of the reports below would conflict with others, so mediation was required. Generally speaking, it was first come, first served, but there were exceptions. Like Amy or something.

Of course, on the surface, the two sides are negotiating.

"He's Satellite Company has sent another email, launching more than 100 satellites this year."

"Next year, it is said that more than 200 are planned to be launched."

"Who made them rich and powerful..."


"What's wrong?"

"The He's satellite reported the orbit of the space station? Is it already in orbit?" the staff member who spoke just now said eagerly.

"What did you say?" Most of the foreign languages ​​were spoken so fast that no one else could understand them.

"Xie Te, He Satellite Company has launched the space station..." The staff member who spoke just now picked up the phone immediately.

The call was made to He's Satellite Company: "Excuse me, did you send an email?"

"Yes, we just successfully launched, you can see it with a telescope." The staff of He's Satellite Company replied clearly.

The rest of the staff could also see the email, and they were stunned after reading it. Is this space station an egg?

How can I go up? No news at all?

"Hello, I'm from the Satellite Association. Please observe the area with coordinates xxxxxx. Is there a space station?" The Satellite Association quickly contacted the observatory that can see the space station.

"Are you kidding..." The other party was very speechless when he heard this.

"Please, immediately, immediately..." The staff shouted immediately.

"Okay...." The Satellite Society would use observatories around the world to determine the status of spacecraft, including satellite debris.

He Gui took out the blueprint of the manned spaceship, and then the blueprint of the cargo spaceship, and the blueprint of the test chamber, and formed three project departments in one go. These three project departments are to manufacture the test chamber according to the blueprint. Manned spaceships, cargo spaceships, etc.

"The finished product must be produced within half a year."

"You don't need to understand now, you just need to manufacture according to the drawings."

"Strive to complete the establishment of the space station and conduct the first manned test this year. If there is anything you don't understand, write down the questions and I will answer them."

In fact, as long as the core cabin has been manufactured, there is no problem in manufacturing other cabins. The main thing is to disassemble the drawings and then assemble them.

He Gui didn't report it here, but the Satellite Association released a big news on its official website two hours later.


He Satellite Company has successfully launched the core module of the space station and according to observations made by the observation station of our association, the space station is already in orbit, and the airspace where the space station is located is xxxxx.

In addition, according to the preliminary observations of our observation station, the core module of the space station of Ho Satellite Company is automatically changing its orbit.

Immediately, the Internet exploded first, and some astronomers in the observation area took photos. It can be seen that in a huge core module, the huge solar wing is so obvious under the sunlight.

"I'm going, is this laying eggs?"

"This space station doesn't look like other existing space stations?"

"No, the sun wing is bigger, and the cabin seems to be smaller..."

He's satellite company made an announcement belatedly.

Announcement: Our company has successfully launched the core module of the space station. In the next step, we will launch the test module, manned spacecraft, and cargo spacecraft as planned. Happy New Year to everyone.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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