Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

478 The duke’s visit (19)

All of the elves couldn't help looking at each other before looking back with a firm look.

Even if they were in a panic, that didn't mean that they had lost all of their reasoning just yet.

As soon as they heard this, they realized that they had some kind of leverage against me.

I had information that I wanted from them and they had the ability to hold that information from me. As long as they had something that I wanted, then that meant that there was a chance to negotiate.

It didn't take long before the elves chose a representative amongst them to speak for all of them.

This elf said, "That depends on whether you can…"

Before he could finish, he found that there was a sword already coming at him.

With the rope bindings on him, he wasn't able to dodge out of the way in time.

It was a good thing that I stopped it at the last second, so it only made a cut on his arm instead of chopping the entire thing off.

All of them trembled in fear when they saw how decisive I was.

I just calmly looked at them and said, "I never said that this was a negotiation. I only said that it would only depend on if someone was willing to give me the information that I wanted."

My eyes turned cold as I said, "That doesn't mean that I need every single one of you."

I turned back to look at the elf that had been cut in half on the ground and said, "Since there's already one of you dead, then that means that there's no taking it back. There's no need for all of you to go back alive and I'll do what I need to do to get the information that I want."

All of the elves trembled when they heard this.

This time, when they looked at each other, there was no longer the same camaraderie that had once been in their eyes.

They realized now that as long as one person broke, it would mean that the rest would die…

So it was a matter of who would break under the pressure first.

But at the same time, it was a matter of who desired to live the most.

After all, it would be a matter of who gave the information that Lin Fan wanted and survived this ordeal.

There were signs of breaking in the eyes of the elves and there were some that couldn't sit still anymore. It was clear that they were tempted by my words, so they were thinking about betraying the others.

To sweeten the pot, I said, "If no one gives me the information that I want, I'll start killing off one of you randomly every minute until someone talks."

Though this wouldn't put as much pressure as threatening just one person, it was more than effective enough since it put pressure on everyone. It wasted too much time threatening one person at a time.

It was easier to threaten them all so that it could weigh down on them more.

At the same time, it would help to turn them against each other since no one could be certain that someone wouldn't betray the group to save themselves.

It didn't take long before the real cracks started to form and there were lines drawn between the elves.

It wasn't real lines per say, but separation of the elves as they formed smaller groups.

It seemed that even in this group, there were smaller group divisions.

Now it was time to keep that promise.

"Alright, a minute has passed, so let's get started." I raised the sword and started moving towards them.

When the elves saw this, all of them revealed looks of fear.

Before I came forward, the feeling of this situation was surreal since they didn't believe that I would actually kill them.

But now that I was keeping my word, they were starting to feel the fear that came with this, they were really starting to crumble.

I didn't stop moving just because the elves remained silent.

I walked up so that I was between two of the smaller groups that had formed and I revealed a smile.

But when they saw this smile, all they felt were chills that ran down their spines.

They knew that this wasn't a good smile and they were right.

I looked at the two groups in front of me and said with that smile on my face, "Let's have some fun with this."

As soon as they heard this, they felt a chill run down their spines.

Seeing this, the smile on my face grew wider as I said, "I'll let you pick who lives and who dies. As long as you can come to a consensus, I'll kill the person that you choose. Otherwise, I'll kill the person that has the least votes."

Then as if I was remembering something, I added, "Of course, that is only assuming that none of you have the information that I want."

All of the elves felt chills run down their spines as they looked at me with eyes filled with fear.

As expected of a person who owned a demon sword…he was a demon himself.

At this point, they were all suspecting that I was a demon in disguise that was just acting as a human because there was no way that humans would be able to come up with such a diabolic idea.

Then after a while, they started wondering if I would actually go through with it.

When I saw this look in their eyes, I went forward and brought the sword up in front of one of the elves. Holding this sword to their neck, I asked, "Tell me, who do you think I should kill?"

Now they realized that I wasn't kidding…

That was when they finally cracked and gave up.

The one that I held the sword up to said, "Spare me and I'll tell you what you want to know."

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