A slight breeze.

Begins to appear around Nakiri Shinagi.

At first, it was very quiet and light, and could only blow the hair in front of her forehead.

But as time went by, the breeze became stronger and stronger, until finally it turned into a raging wind!

The whirring sound was particularly shocking, like an angry lion that kept roaring.

And every strong wind hit everything around Nakiri Managi mercilessly, and even the windows were hit and made continuous "crackling" sounds.

The entire izakaya was instantly transformed into a scene of flying sand, rocks, and smoke.

Fortunately, this strong wind disappeared just as quickly as it came.

When everything was settled, Anne next to her was so shocked by the vision just now that her eyes almost stared to the ground.

Just like the commander-in-chief's clothes are torn.

Nakiri Shinagi will also forcibly activate a skill when tasting delicious food:

Teach Pulse!

The so-called teaching pulse seems to release one's own spiritual power into the air, creating a very powerful shock wave.

Even people who have nothing to do with it will be infected by this mysterious power.

In other words.

Determine whether a chef's food is delicious?

Nakiri Shinagi, Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Mune, and other people with Nakiri bloodline are actually qualified to review and judge.

Especially this Nakiri Shinagi in front of me.

If only she could activate this phenomenon of imparting pulse skills.

That even shows that the cooking done by this chef is absolutely unparalleled in the entire culinary world today.

It is precisely because of this that the WGO Food Organization, represented by her, has become the most authoritative judging agency in the entire culinary industry!


It is not easy to conquer Nagiri Shinagi.

Over the years, countless chefs have created countless rare and delicious dishes.

But in the face of the powerful God's Tongue, these chefs and their cooking all ended up in "failure".

Although psychologically, Anne would think that Zhang Fan's cooking would satisfy Nagiri Shinagi.

But she didn't expect that, just tasting a piece of fried rice, and only eating two bites, Nakiri Managi could directly activate the skill of teaching pulse!

This means that Zhang Fan's cuisine successfully conquered Shina Nakiri and the Tongue of God.


“It’s so delicious!”

"This fried rice dish uses ordinary ingredients."

"But it possesses a particularly mysterious power that is constantly impacting my God's Tongue, making me...let me...ah...I can't do it anymore..."

"I can't bear it anymore. I want to eat again and again!"

After swallowing and activating the teaching pulse, Nagiri Shinagi finally could not conceal his inner excitement and ecstasy, and slowly shed tears of happiness.

Her eyes were always fixed on the plate of Comet Fried Rice. After savoring the taste, a faint "love" shape appeared in her pupils.

Obviously, the appearance of such heart-shaped pupils has shown that she has completely fallen.

She continued to hold the spoon, and then ate spoonful after spoonful, bite after bite, very crazily.

Anne was even more dumbstruck by such a messy and wild eating look.

And if this scene were seen by other executives of the entire WGO, they would probably be shocked.

Who would have thought that the person who has always been the most picky about food would end up devouring a portion of fried rice like a dog that has been hungry for days and nights!


This is an extremely fantasy word.

For thousands of years, it has been difficult for all humans to give standards and definitions.

After all, in the eyes of 1,000 people, there are 1,000 Hamlets, so "delicious" is a personal perceptual perception that cannot be quantified at all.

This seems to be the case, for example, when asked "What is the most memorable dish for you?"

Perhaps as a foodie, Kobayashi Ringtones will answer: It must be kebabs, smoked beef, mille-feuille pancakes, extra-large octopus balls...

But in memory, Nakiri Shinagi considers the most unforgettable dish.

It must have been a side dish in lunch every Wednesday when she was in kindergarten. It was her favorite at the time.

Unfortunately, however, with the emergence of the curse of God's Tongue.

She could no longer experience the feeling of eating like crazy when she was a child because she loved cooking!


How many years?

She had been suffering from the torture of God's Tongue, and her mind and body were almost to the point of collapse.

The feeling of nausea and vomiting as soon as she touched food with her mouth was a painful feeling that stayed with her throughout her life.

Compared to others, her wish may not be very complicated.

Just thinking about having a meal happily like ordinary people is enough for her to die without regrets!

But this world is still too cruel after all.

Now, she can only rely on injections of nutrient solution every day to barely maintain her life.

In the end, her personal fate can only be to continue to hate all food in the world with anorexia, anxiety, depression, etc.

In the end, he died slowly in hunger, despair, unwillingness, and pain.

In front of you.

This Comet Fried Rice.

But it was like a bright light, giving her a new hope in her dark life.

Tell her that the road ahead is still smooth, and she just needs to walk boldly.

That combination of spinach, green vegetables and rice, that unprecedented taste, that unprecedented taste experience, was indeed like the sunshine in spring, making her feel particularly warm!

It might be an illusion, but it's also possible that it's not an illusion, but something that actually happened.

Her physical condition improved quickly after tasting the Comet Fried Rice.

That energetic state made her look at least ten years younger, from a frail young woman to a very energetic girl!

Finally, when Shinagi came back to his senses.

Then she found a whole plate of Comet Fried Rice, which she actually ate cleanly.

Even some remaining rice stuck to the plate was picked up directly by her and she stuck out her tongue and licked it in crazily.


“It’s so comfortable!”

"Think about it, it seems like I haven't eaten such delicious food in a long time!"

After wiping his mouth and then reaching out to touch his slightly bulging belly, Nakiri Shinagi couldn't help but belched, still not finished.

She couldn't help but close her eyes again, wanting to miss the aftertaste of Comet Fried Rice, and even more so, she wanted to deeply imprint the feeling of fullness in her mind.

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