Time flies.

The night gradually receded.

The sun shines in the sky again, adding a bit of noise to this peaceful world!

Kobayashi Gentian woke up in a daze. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the scene in front of him was unfamiliar. He couldn't help but sit up quickly, and then stayed stunned for a long time!

"Blame me."

"I drank too much last night!"

Covering his head.

Recalling bits and pieces of last night.

When Kobayashi Ringtong realized something, his face couldn't help but blush slightly with embarrassment.

Then, she clutched the quilt tightly, but she felt the particularly fragrant and warm smell in the air! Even though she was in a strange environment, it didn't make her feel dangerous. On the contrary, she felt a sense of excitement!

You know, this is the first time in her life that she has spent the night at someone else's house, and the person is a damn handsome man!

Therefore, she was feeling a little disturbed after all!


"I...what's wrong with me?"

Finally, Kobayashi Rgentan sighed deeply.

She has always known that this hotel owner is by no means an ordinary man!

The world that belongs to him, the stage that belongs to him, is destined to be very vast, and it cannot be accommodated by this izakaya!


Not exaggerating.

If he stays here all his life and runs this izakaya silently, he will profoundly affect this world and this great era of cooking in the future!

And don’t I admire such a person very much, and don’t I have a little bit of... admiration in my heart?


That's when.

Zhang Fan, who woke up early, gently opened the door of this room.

And when he heard the slight sound of the door opening, Kobayashi Gentian, who was having random thoughts, quickly lifted up the quilt and got in again, pretending to fall asleep!

After closing the door again and walking into the room, Zhang Fan couldn't help but have a faint smile on his face when he saw Gentian Kobayashi on the bed!

mock up!

Pretending to be asleep or not, can you hide it from me?


"Wake up quickly."

"The sun is almost hitting your butt!"

Immediately, Zhang Fan quietly came to the bedside and called softly.

Kobayashi Ringtong was still unresponsive, his eyes were always tightly closed, and even his breathing rate was very steady, as if he was asleep!

Take a closer look.

That long blood red hair.

The clouds spread out, and even though he pretended to be sleeping, he still couldn't erase the cloud-like emotion between his eyebrows and eyes!

At the same time, a ray of sunshine outside the window happened to fall on her face, making her even more adorable!

Zhang Fan couldn't help but look a little stunned!

Until he knew that his calling could not make Xiaolin Ringtong wake up on purpose, he could only stretch out two fingers and pinch her beautiful nose!


Kobayashi Gentian felt uncomfortable holding back.

She had no choice but to open her bright eyes and gently pat away the hands that were teasing her!

"woke up?"


Xiaolin Gentian's pretty face turned slightly red.

She glanced at Zhang Fan secretly, then lowered her head and muttered: "Shopkeeper Zhang, I really bothered you this time!"


"You don't have to care."

"You have to blame me for this. I knew you liked to drink unscrupulously at the izakaya, but I didn't stop you. In the end, you ended up drunk in the izakaya!"


"There are many empty rooms on the third floor."

"It's totally fine for you to sleep here for one night!"

Seeing the shy Xiaolin Gentian, Zhang Fan just smiled softly and replied nonchalantly.


"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Xiaolin Ringtong inadvertently showed a smile on his face.

After that, Zhang Fan stood up for a moment and continued in a somewhat vague voice: "Since you're awake, wash up quickly and leave! After all, my izakaya is closed during the day, so you can't stay here. Bar?"


"Let me go?"

When Kobayashi Gendan heard this, he immediately sat up!


"Let you stay one night."

"That's because you were drunk and had no choice!"

"Now that you're awake, why are you still here?"

Zhang Fan, who was just about to leave, turned around and was startled when he heard Xiaolin Gendan's voice!

Damn it!

This gentian.

Shouldn't you be relying on me?

"At least."

"You have to let me have breakfast at your place, right?"

After saying this, Xiaolin Ringtong stared at Zhang Fan deeply with expectant eyes.

As a result, after seeing Zhang Fan's lack of reaction, she felt a little disappointed. She kept thinking to herself, she just wanted to have breakfast with him, and this was not okay?


"It's not impossible!"

"It just so happens that I have just developed a new dish. When the time comes, you can try it a little and give your evaluation!"

After saying that, Zhang Fan turned around and left the room regardless of Xiaolin Gendan's next reaction.


"Did you agree to let me eat?"

"And, you...you want to make new dishes..."

Hearing this, Xiaolin Ringtong's eyes immediately lit up.

She quickly stood up and followed him closely!



In the kitchen of the izakaya, Zhang Fan, who was preparing to make layer cakes, started mixing the noodles!

But I saw that he first prepared two kinds of flour, 63g of low-gluten flour and 42g of high-gluten flour. Then he added the low-gluten flour with hot water of 99 degrees Celsius, then stirred quickly with chopsticks, and then started kneading after cooling down.


Put 20 degrees Celsius room temperature water.

Add high-gluten flour and continue kneading!

After the two batters are slightly formed, mix the two doughs together to become a new dough!

In this way, the crust of the thousand-layer cake is this semi-hot noodle.

The so-called semi-hot noodles have the softness of hot noodles and the gluten of cold water.

The dough mixed in this way is very suitable for making scallion pancakes and thousand-layer pancakes. It has a very soft texture, can be divided into many layers, and will not harden after cooling.

But it was obvious that even if he used semi-hot noodles, Zhang Fan didn't want to use the usual method to make thousand-layer cakes.

After taking out the dough, Zhang Fan took a deep breath, then his eyes became sharp, and he kneaded the dough with one hand. Then use one finger to support the dough, and start to rotate quickly with the finger as the center point!

And under the force of this rotation, a large piece of dough slowly turned into a thin piece of dough!


"This...how is this possible?"

Seeing this, Xiaolin Gentian on the side was startled!

She had never seen such a formation in her life. After all, how could anyone make noodles in this way?





Under the action of this rotating force, the dough continues to become thinner and larger.

Even at the end, it can be seen that the diameter of the entire dough exceeds 3 meters.

And its thickness... it is definitely not visible with the naked eye, but it is definitely thinner than paper, as if it can be pierced with a light poke with chopsticks.

Although the thinner the crust of the puff pastry, the better.

But making such a thin crust requires very high skills and experience on the one hand, and patience on the other hand!

Apparently after seeing this, Ringtong Kobayashi almost couldn't sit still.

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