Is there the most delicious bowl of dandan noodles in this world?

What is the standard for dandan noodles?


The most interesting question is still:

Should there be soup?

Or dry fishing?

In fact, there are no answers to these questions. Although the basic ingredients are the same, everyone makes it differently, and the taste is naturally different!

So what exactly is the most authentic?

There is no answer!

In other words, as long as it is your favorite food, it is the most authentic.

Let’s talk spicy first.

Some people are happy with everything.

Like people in Shu, when eating dandan noodles, they will ask for spicy food first.

But some people ran away when they saw the layer of red oil floating on their faces.

Dandan noodles are indispensable for spicy food.

But for many southerners, especially people in Fujian and Guangdong regions, they are not very intolerant of spicy food.

And even if you can eat spicy food, whether you can eat "hemp" is still a question!

Most people in Xiangjiang will not accept the smell of Sichuan peppercorns, so they reluctantly eat them, their lips are numb, and they even have no feeling on their tongues.

However, this numbness is the essence of Dan Dan Noodles.

Therefore, most Sichuan restaurants in Xiangjiang will make the decision for you in advance.

If you really can't stand the spicy taste, they often launch an "improved version of dandan noodles".

The judge, Charme, first looked at the dandan noodles Kuuga had just finished.

The first thing I saw was the steaming bowl of dandan noodles. The noodles were thin and long, circling like silver ribbons in the bowl. They looked neat and orderly, but also had a free and casual aesthetic!

It is also covered with a thick layer of meat sauce, which is bright red in color.

The minced meat in the meat sauce is fine and even, perfectly blended with the seasonings, creating a unique visual effect.

Immediately afterwards.

On the side of noodles and meat sauce.

There are also sprinkles of chopped peanuts and green onions.

The crushed peanuts are golden and crispy, which contrasts sharply with the noodles and meat sauce, which not only adds a layer of texture, but also makes the whole bowl of Dandan noodles look more appetizing.

The green green onions are like green leaves dotting the picture, adding a touch of freshness to this bowl of dandan noodles!

Sichuan cuisine is all about flavour, and so is Dandan noodles.

The essence lies in sauteed seeds and seasonings, stir-fry the minced meat until fragrant, add cooking wine, salt, pepper and other seasonings, mix an appropriate amount of sweet noodle sauce with these, stir-fry until the attractive color appears, and you can start the pot.

By moving the tip of his nose a little, Chalmei could already smell a scent.



The aroma is astounding.

So at this moment, Chalmei's appetite was completely aroused by this bowl of dandan noodles.

"Three judges."

"When you eat dandan noodles, please don't forget to dip them in some of my own special noodle sauce."

Jiuga came to the front of Chalmei and others and smiled.


Charme, nodded.

The snow-white noodles, paired with different soups and meat cubes, really have a unique flavor.

When it comes to dandan noodles, vinegar is indispensable. Adding a small spoonful of bright red chili oil will make it even more delicious and delicious, making people want to eat more bowls.

At this moment, when Chalmert reached from the chopsticks to the noodles and then picked them up, the two wooden chopsticks shone with a warm luster under the light, like a pair of slender fingers, ready to dance in the ocean of noodles!

Finally, the noodles are served with chopsticks.

Like silver ribbons, they draw beautiful arcs in the air.


Chalmer blew a breath of air and sucked it in.


Also, it’s oily and spicy.

This bowl of dandan noodles is bright red in color, rich in winter vegetables and sesame sauce, and as soon as you take a bite with your teeth, the spicy and sour taste is extremely prominent.

Not only that, the taste is fresh but not greasy, spicy but not dry. It is definitely the best among Sichuan noodles.

The minced meat is carefully cooked, making people salivate as soon as they smell it.

In addition to the taste of meat sauce, the seasoning of dandan noodles is also an important part of its taste.

Chili oil.

pepper powder.

soy sauce.


These seasonings are also cleverly paired together to create a spicy yet sour taste.

This taste not only stimulates the taste buds, but also brings a unique pleasure.

It’s so addictive!

Moreover, what is even more enjoyable is that when Chalmei tastes the dandan noodles, he will feel the intertwining and collision of different flavors on the tip of the tongue.

The richness of the meat sauce and the spicy sourness of the seasoning complement each other.

With this kind of experience, you can completely feel the spiciness and warmth of Sichuan food, and you can continue to discover:

New flavors and surprises!

There are a lot of seasonings for Dandan noodles:

Salt, soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, sesame oil, sugar, broken rice sprouts, chopped green onion and a little fresh soup.

Even Kuga Teruki added some more crushed peanuts and sesame powder to enhance the flavor.

This seems very troublesome.

But this is the brilliance of being the eighth seat, Teruki Kuga.

Jiuga, who specializes in Sichuan cuisine, knows best how to use the word "spicy" to conquer the taste buds of diners. He uses "spicy" to attract diners' appetite and make them unforgettable after eating.

There is no doubt that the entire bowl of dandan noodles highlights two words:


Combine many seasoning ingredients together to make them harmoniously unified, one flavor sets off another, and one flavor is better than the other.

The noodles are smooth and crispy.

Salty, slightly sour and spicy, with a strong aroma of bean sprouts, this is the magic of Dandan noodles.

"I see."

Chalmey squinted his eyes after taking the first bite, and then he understood.

For this second-class executive of the WGO Food Organization, he only needs to take a bite or two of this bowl of Dandan noodles, and many of the secrets in it can be analyzed one by one by him!

"This bowl of Dandan noodles is rich in ingredients."

"Soybean oil, vinegar, red chili oil, good soup, chopped green onions, sprouts, pickled vegetables, pea tips... a total of 12 ingredients and spices."

"The combination of vinegar and chili is a match made in heaven."

"A few drops of vinegar, a small spoonful of chili, plus large lotus beans and strong onion soup, and then these more than ten ingredients and seasonings, blended together, cooked in one pot, this is the origin of the delicious Dandan noodles."

"The combination of white, yellow, gray, green and red..."

"Take a few bites in your mouth, the smoothness of the noodles and the crisp sounds of lotus beans and cucumbers form an interesting symphony in your mouth."

Chalmey's words are a bit vulgar, but they can also reflect the difficulty of making this bowl of Dandan noodles for Kuga!


At this moment.

Chalmey was just a little careless, and the naughty Dandan noodles flowed into his throat unconsciously.

Suddenly, I felt a pungent fragrance spraying straight away.


Charme blinked.

Kuga Teruki is indeed a chef who brings both spicy and numbing flavors to the extreme.

So in the end, Charme's taste buds were numb because of the pungent spicy aroma, and even his tongue had no feeling.

Spicy and numbing.

Indeed, they can coexist.

The noodles are smooth, crispy, bean sprouts and spicy oil, every detail, Kuga Teruki has put a lot of effort.

The ones that remain after the great waves are naturally the most delicious.

Sip a mouthful of hot soup, eat a mouthful of smooth noodles, and after eating the noodles, drink another mouthful of soup.

Obviously, in this cold winter, being able to eat such spicy Sichuan cuisine is undoubtedly the happiest moment, and Charme also feels warm at this time.

There is no fixed taste for food, and the one that is palatable is precious.

This sentence is a classic sentence of Sichuan cuisine.

Although my dandan noodles are more or less different from the "authentic" dandan noodles in China, it makes people feel very strange. However, it cannot be denied that this bowl of dandan noodles can make Chalmers feel delicious. Soon. Chalmers finished this bowl of dandan noodles. Each smooth noodle is wrapped with spicy and slightly sweet base and crispy minced meat, and then served with fragrant and delicious chopped green onion soup. This complex and diverse feeling can be described in one word: refreshing! When you put it in your mouth, you seem to taste leisure and tranquility. ... Finally. Chalmers restrained his smile and turned his eyes to Ye Shanliang's tuna sushi. He first stretched out his hand, picked up a tuna sushi, and smelled it carefully. A strong The fishy aroma immediately rushed into the nose, making people intoxicated.

Such a fresh taste really reflects the side.

Ye Shanliang's cooking skills are also quite good, and he lives up to the reputation of being the ninth seat of the top ten.

As we all know.

Sushi has always been one of the traditional delicacies of Japanese cuisine.

The main ingredients are rice cubes seasoned with sushi vinegar and maintained at human body temperature, plus fish, seafood, vegetables or eggs as ingredients.

Therefore, sushi generally retains the most original taste of the ingredients.


This is the first taste.

Whether it is traditional or modern sushi, the combination of vinegar rice and sashimi undoubtedly gives the genius chef the most creative possibilities.

Ultra-low heat Quantity, raw food without fire, organic ingredients, fresh taste, beautiful shape.

It can be said that sushi completely satisfies all people's imagination.


It is even a major feature of sushi!

The most important thing about eating sushi is to eat it completely, that is, the whole piece of sushi should be eaten in one bite. Only in this way can you really taste the deliciousness of sushi.

At the entrance, the small tuna sushi is not enough for Charme to fill the teeth.

However, the aroma of rice and sashimi completely blended at the moment of entrance, filling the teeth and cheeks, leaving no gaps, and the rich flavor has nowhere to escape, lingering in the mouth for a long time.

Tuna is the most famous ingredient for nigiri sushi.

In a narrow sense, there are eight varieties of tuna, the smallest weighing only 3 kilograms, and the largest bluefin tuna can grow to 4 meters long and 800 kilograms.

The red meat is the most common and meatiest part of tuna, usually on the back.

Generally speaking.

It is best to use the red meat of tuna as the meat for sushi.

At the same time, it is usually slightly marinated with soy sauce and then kneaded into sushi.

In this way, the whole piece of sushi has a low fat content, a soft and tender taste, and a refreshing fragrance and a light sour taste.

Sushi is not just food, it is also a delicate art.

The beauty of raw fish, the harmony of colors, and the creative platter combination make people's appetites open just by looking at them.

At this time.

Chalmer just chewed a piece of sushi completely, and after swallowing it, his eyes lit up.

Looking at Chalmei at this time, the expression on his face was a smile, and Ye Shanliang next to him visibly breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a result is already foreshadowed:

The tuna sushi he made was completely favored by Chalmer.

Immediately afterwards, Chalmers unceremoniously picked up another tuna sushi and threw it directly into his mouth without any fuss.

Chewed and bit.

There is no doubt that for Chalmert, this kind of "light food" sushi is really a love-hate thing in his eyes.

Although sushi does use low-calorie ingredients instead of big fish and meat, it prevents people from overly pursuing the "color, aroma and taste" of food.

So, another meaning of sushi.

It is simple food that can be eaten without spending too much time.

Rice, vegetables, a small amount of meat, rolled up, cut into pieces, simple, the ingredients inside can be changed at will, local materials are used, one bite, you can have rice, vegetables and meat, it is delicious without having to go to a lot of trouble.

Yes, this is the advantage of sushi.

The meat quality of tuna deteriorates quickly.

If you don't eat it, the meat will become soft quickly and have a light sour taste.

The pieces of meat freshly cut from the tuna are tender and shiny in color, firm and firm in texture, without fishy smell, and have a faint sweetness in the mouth. Whether eaten directly or dipped in mustard, it has a unique flavor that makes people want to keep eating.

The only shortcoming is that there are too few.

After a while, Chalmei had eaten all the tuna sushi in front of him.

"Then, let's announce the result."

Chalmers, pondered for a moment.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at Kuga Teruki and Hayama Ryo.

The whole game was quiet.

Whether it was Teruki Kuga, who was dismissed, or Ryo Hayama, who was currently the ninth seat of the Ten Elites, both of them were listening with bated breath, not daring to speak loudly, for fear that they would remember a word wrong next.

"Dandan noodles win."

Chalmert, who had never liked ink stains, only said this.


"Finally won."

Kuga Teruki obviously breathed a sigh of relief, but if you look closely, you can still find a drop of sweat slowly flowing out of his forehead, dripping down his cheeks, and hitting the floor.

Although he won, it must be said that this duel with Ryo Hayama was not easy to win.

You know, you have to prepare for everything on your own for this exam.

In such a freezing cold place where birds didn't poop, he ran around and traveled to countless places. In the end, he finally prepared these ingredients.

It is not easy to win.

"Oh... I really lost!"

Ye Shanliang was stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, his eyes were full of loneliness, and the failure of this cooking duel made him disheartened.

However, compared to Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning and Eishan Edazuya, he is much better.

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