Finished handling the real snapper!

The next procedure is even simpler!

Just wrap all the fillings into the spring roll wrapper, then gently pinch it like a butterfly flapping its wings, and a "reincarnated spring roll" is formed!

In just two or three minutes, twenty reincarnation spring rolls were placed in front of Zhang Fan!

The essential.

Not only is it fast to create.

Even the shape of each reincarnated spring roll is so beautiful that there is no need to tinker with it.


“It turns out they are made in spring rolls!”

Seeing a large plate of reincarnated spring rolls in front of him, Nito Hisako couldn't help but blinked, slightly surprised.

She is good at medicinal cuisine and has done research on many ancient medical books of the Chinese Dynasty. She has also done some research on snacks such as spring rolls that were available in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

In her eyes.

Making spring rolls is relatively simple.

All you need to do is chop the various ingredients, mix them well, season them, wrap them in a crust and fry them until golden brown.

This production method is naturally convenient and fast, and is in line with the fast-paced life of modern people.

It's just that fried things like this are different from the concept of medicated cuisine that advocates health and self-cultivation, so Fei Shasha has never been very interested!

"have to say."

"Zhang Fan's many performances really surprised me!"

"But if the new dish is spring rolls, then the matching of ingredients and the method of wrapping the spring rolls are the most basic steps!"

"the most important."

"While frying the spring rolls."

"This is what an excellent chef controls over heat and oil temperature."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Erina finished speaking, Zhang Fan dropped the prepared reincarnation spring rolls into the oil pan one after another!

Seeing this scene, she, Erina, was immediately confused!


"Isn't the temperature of this oil not yet bubbling?"

"If you fry the spring rolls in a hurry at this moment, the filling inside the spring rolls will quickly collapse because the oil temperature is too low!"


It is a very common cooking method.

Compared with steaming and boiling, its temperature is much higher.

But if not done properly, "undercooked frying" may occur! The reason is that because the frying temperature is too high, the heat transfer from the oil to the food far exceeds the heat transfer rate inside the food!

That is to say.

On the surface of food, after some frying.

Maybe the temperature has reached 150 to 200 degrees Celsius, and it will be burnt if fried again.

But at this time, the internal temperature of the food may only be 30 to 50 degrees Celsius, which is still half-cooked! On the contrary, if the heating temperature is lower, the temperature inside and outside the food will be closer, and there will be no such thing as burnt on the outside and raw on the inside!

Therefore, when frying most ingredients, they will be put into the pan when the temperature is only six or seventy percent hot!


When frying spring rolls, the oil temperature should not be too low.

If the oil temperature is too low, the spring rolls will absorb too much oil, the outer skin will not be crispy, the texture will become greasy, and they may even collapse!

At this moment.

Ignoring Erina's reaction.

Zhang Fan continued to fry the reincarnation spring rolls. When one side of the spring roll wrapper was fried until golden, the air of the entire izakaya was filled with a strong fragrance of spring rolls!

Then, realizing that the time was almost up, he used a pair of long chopsticks to flip over the spring rolls and fry them again.

After a while, all the spring rolls were fried!

Then, when a whole plate of golden reincarnation spring rolls was placed in front of Erina, Zhang Fan took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Okay, this is my new dish of reincarnation spring rolls!"

Seeing this, Erina couldn't help but twitch the tip of her nose.

I actually smelled a strong aroma. Flowing out from the golden spring roll skin.

This made Nakiri Erina's eyes suddenly light up, and she began to look at this plate of reincarnation spring rolls carefully!

Traditional spring roll fillings generally include bean sprouts, vermicelli, pork, etc. However, the reincarnation spring rolls made by Zhang Fan are unique. Its fillings include mushrooms, cabbage, carrots, spring bamboo shoots, green peppers and real snapper!

Although these ingredients may seem unrelated, when they are skillfully blended together, they produce amazing effects.


very funny.

After some deep frying.

Under the dim light, the entire surface of the reincarnated spring rolls shines like stars in the sky!


"It's so shiny, it feels like it's glowing!"

On the side, Fei Shasha, who was looking at it, couldn't help but exclaimed.

And as soon as she finished speaking, the entire plate of reincarnated spring rolls made a "swish, swish, swish" sound, bursting out with several dazzling rays of light, lighting up the entire izakaya!

Finally, amidst the exclamations, Erina and Hisako couldn't help but close their eyes.


Will it glow?

Almost no one can give a definite answer to this very mysterious question!

But in fact, through some special means, dishes can still be made to shine.

The first is the use of fluorescent substances. When sauces or ingredients are heated and stirred, this fluorescent substance emits light, making the entire dish look sparkling.

Then, you can also use chemical reactions between ingredients!

For example:

some restaurants.

Ingredients containing citric acid and sodium bicarbonate are used to make luminous dishes.

When these ingredients are heated, the citric acid and sodium bicarbonate react chemically and release carbon monoxide gas. When these gases react with oxygen in the surrounding environment, they emit blue light.

In short, the reason why luminous cuisine glows must be due to external forces and substances.

And the light that Zhang Fan emits directly from the inside of the food is so dazzling that it is the only one in the world!

"What just happened?"

"Why is it so good that the spring rolls will glow?"

After a while, the dazzling rays of light quickly dissipated, and the izakaya returned to that peaceful state again!

And this sudden situation naturally made Fei Shasha slowly open his bright eyes, his head kept buzzing, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

It was difficult for her to accept what had just happened. She always felt that this kind of luminous food was simply ridiculous!

Nakiri Erina's head was confused almost at that moment.

Facing this plate of reincarnated spring rolls, she couldn't wait to take out all the cooking knowledge she had learned throughout her life and analyze them one by one. Why do spring rolls glow after being fried?



Even if she were to pry open Newton's coffin board and let Newton crawl out again, she would still be destined to be unable to explain this magical phenomenon!

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