Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 107 Spice Authority

"Here we come! The topic of the autumn trials is here! Hurry up and wake up Ah Xing!"

Early in the morning of the second day after the group list was announced, Yuuji received an internal school mail sent to "Pole Star Room", which said "Preliminary Questions for the Autumn Selection Competition".

Because all the first-year students in "Ji Xing Liao" have been selected, except for Liu Maoxing who is still sleeping, and Yu Mei who went to call him, everyone is sitting nervously around the long table. It seems to be waiting for Liu Maoxing and Yu Mei to be together...

"Is the topic up?" Liu Maoxing immediately went downstairs with Yu Mei and sat around.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's unpack it!" Yuji said, while everyone was watching, she tore open the package little by little.

Liu Maoxing couldn't help complaining: "Senior Yishi, you don't have to pretend to be very interested, do you?"

Isshiki is the seventh seat of the ten heroes, this topic was originally decided after they discussed...

At this time, Yuuhime had already pulled out half of the cardboard inside, and everyone followed suit: ""

"When it comes to curry, the easiest thing to think of is curry rice?" Chuangzhen said.

"But since it's 'curry cuisine', that means it's not limited to curry rice, any curry dishes are fine." Ryoko Sakaki expanded.

"Curry originated in India, but it is very famous throughout Asia. There are also curries suitable for local tastes in Europe and the United States. It is no longer limited to Indian-style curry paste." Shanji added.

But no matter what everyone said, Yisehui just looked at it with a smile. As a top ten hero, he would not provide any advice at this time, but would only encourage everyone in his heart.

"There are too many types, but I don't have a clue at the moment!" Chuangzhen sighed.

After pondering for a while, Liu Maoxing said: "Curry cuisine, to put it bluntly, is cooking with sauces made of spices. The taste is strong or spicy dishes, which means that the focus of the assessment will be 'fragrant'. , and how to unify the 'fragrance' with the ingredients."

Because this is the topic of the preliminaries of the "Yuan" autumn selection competition, Liu Maoxing has also considered it many times, plus "foreseeing" many other contestants, the recipe chosen by "Yuan" naturally already has a deep understanding of this topic.

In the original plot, there are many "weird" curry dishes, such as natto rice, squid ink boiled stinky fish, Siwu soup, curry soup, etc., are also using a variety of spices Later, it was revised and became the category of "curry cuisine".

To some extent, the "sauce" in the "spice sauce" represented by curry itself can also be ignored to a certain extent, and many curry soups are also regarded as curry dishes.

The only limitation is "spice", so this topic can also be translated as "mixed spice cuisine"!

It is different from dishes with strong aroma or spices that make the most of the original flavor of the ingredients...

Of course, I also know that even if it is "curry cuisine", if the taste of the ingredients themselves is completely covered up, it will definitely not be satisfactory. The combination of spices and ingredients is also one of the important factors that need to be considered.

"Spices... Ah! I remembered. When my father came here, he told me once that he was very familiar with Jun Shiomi, the spice professor of the college. If you have anything, you can go to her! How about it? Don't want to go and see together?" Chuangzhen said.

"Eh? You're talking about the authority in the spice world, the youngest genius professor Jun Shiomi in Totsuki?" Marui Zenji exclaimed.

"Is Professor Xijian Jun so powerful? But my father said that Professor Xijian Jun was his junior, which means that he should indeed be young among the professors..." Chuangzhen pondered.

"But although he is an old friend of Mr. Shiroichiro, he is not familiar with us after all, so it would be bad if we went to too many people at once?" Ryoko said hesitantly.

Most of the enthusiasm of the others was extinguished. After all, when the words "authority" and "professor" were mentioned, what instinctively came to everyone's mind was a man with a serious expression and a rigid temper who wore a white coat all day long. The image of the elder sister, naturally, has more considerations about the issue of "etiquette".

"Then Soma and I will go there too! I'm still familiar with Jun Shimi's assistant, Hayama, and we were partners together during the 'staying and training'. After we went to say hello, everyone can go again... say Now that I know Mr. Joichiro very well, Professor Jun Xijian was also a student of Jixingliao before, right?" Liu Maoxing asked Wenxu.

"Well, when Run entered school, he was at the tail end of the golden age of Jixingliao. Compared with you, you are really far behind now!" Wen Xu said, "You are the worst class I have ever brought up". tone.

Everyone was already used to Wen Xu's complaints, and they all just smiled and said nothing.

After that, Liu Maoxing and Chuangzhen went to the exclusive area of ​​the Spice Research Association. Not only did they have their own research room, but there was also a greenhouse dedicated to planting spices outside. There were also some more delicate spices, and there was a special cultivation room... …

The "Research Club" of Yuanyue College is different from the "Research Club", which is a complete student organization. Even if it is a large research club, such as the "Chinese Cuisine Research Club", the head coach is still a student.

The "Research Association" needs to be led by professor-level lecturers of the college, and it belongs to a real food research institution. It is far superior to the "Research Association" in terms of professionalism and research atmosphere.

Generally speaking, the research association only accepts second-year students to join, but there are also special cases. Sometimes the professor will recruit first-year members based on personal judgment, such as Shiomi Jun’s assistant Hayama Ryo, or the seemingly inconspicuous Marui Zenji, In fact, it is the trump card of the "Classical Cuisine Research Association" organized by Professor Miyazato...

"Excuse me, is this the Institute of Professor Jun Xijian? We want to visit Professor Jun Xijian." Xingping shouted outside.

But no one answered, instead footsteps came from behind: "En? Isn't this Liu Maoxing? Why, after seeing the title of 'Curry Cuisine', I didn't feel confident, so I wanted to come here to hold my feet?"

I saw a black-skinned student with silver-gray hair and a loose tie standing behind the two of them.

Judging from the daily necessities in his hands, it is obvious that this is not a "guest", but one of the "hosts" of the research society.

"Eh? He is the one that Ah Xing said. Is it Ye Shanliang who is very close to you? Excuse me, I am Xingping Chuangzhen from Jixingliao."

Hearing Chuangzhen's words, the veins on Ye Shanliang's head jumped into the shape of a well, and he couldn't help but said through his teeth: "Since when did we 'very familiar'? Is it you who knows each other?"

"Hahaha, don't say that! Didn't we cook risotto together? We are already 'allies'... Or are you worried that we will pose a threat to you after consulting Professor Jun Shiomi?"

"Low-level aggressive generals! But come in, Run is very strong, but 'Run and I' are the strongest!" Ye Shanliang said in a deep voice.

Under the guidance of Ye Shan, Liu Maoxing and Chuangzhen saw scattered materials and spices in a room that seemed to be a research laboratory. At the same time, a female junior high school student wearing a short-sleeved sportswear , was sitting on the ground grinding the raw spices.

Seeing that Ye Shan brought other people in, the female junior high school student was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Ah! Ye Shan, you brought friends here? Why didn't you tell me in advance? It's so messy here...I'll go and get you guys here first." Pour tea! And, and..."

Ye Shan couldn't stand it and said: "Okay, Run, you go to the next room to chat with them first! They should come to visit you, let me clean up here, and then I will make tea and go to you. "

"Then, please leave it to Ha Shan!" Xi Jianjun said with relief, and immediately dragged Liu Maoxing and Chuangzhen to the small meeting room next door.

"You, you are Professor Xijian Jun?" Chuangzhen asked in disbelief.

Since he is his father's descendant, he should be at least in his thirties, but Xi Jianjun in front of him is younger than himself no matter what!

"That's right! Because I ate a lot of precious spices, I don't look old, sir!" Jun Xijian said without any scientific basis.

"Okay...Actually, I'm Joichiro's son, Dad said as long as I..."


It seemed that their little Xi Jianrun suddenly resorted to Lushan Shenglongba, and Liu Maoxing realized something was wrong when Chuangzhen opened his mouth, so he hid early to avoid splashing blood all over his body!

Unprepared, Chuangzhen was directly punched and fell to the ground...

"It hurts... what are you doing?"

"Senior Joichiro's son? Get out! Senior Joichiro and any of his relatives are not welcome here!"

Fortunately, at this moment, Ye Shanliang had already brought tea in, so no one was killed...

Half an hour later, under Jun Xijian's explanation, everyone looked at her unrequited expression, and knew that Joichiro had done "how excessive" things to her.

In fact, to put it simply, Jun Shiomi was forced to be an experimental product of Joichiro's "dark cuisine" after he moved into the "Polestar Room" and until Joichiro dropped out of school. Honey squid feet and the like were often used as eat...

"It happened so many years ago, since it's a joke between old friends, don't pay too much attention to Run." Ye Shanliang persuaded.

Xijian Run puffed up his mouth when he heard the words, the child got angry and complained to Ye Shanliang: "Don't call me 'Run'! Ye Shan, you are my assistant, you should be called 'Professor Xijian'!"

"Oh? Really? Who helped him entertain the guests just now? It's your turn to water today and you forgot? Who saved the precious spices that almost withered because someone forgot to adjust the temperature the day before yesterday? And..."

Accompanied by Ye Shan's words, Xi Jianrun's already petite figure seemed to be even smaller...

"Rather than an assistant, might as well be a 'guardian'?" Liu Maoxing couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Okay, they came here to learn about spices. This is Run's strong point, right?" Ye Shan said.

Hearing the word "spice", Xi Jianjun seemed to be a different person. After putting on a white coat, he wrote and drew on the blackboard in the meeting room while talking about the basic knowledge of spices...

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