"Game start!"

Accompanied by the voice of the master of ceremonies, most of the groups adopted the same tactics as Liu Maoxing and Kurokiba, that is, one person selects the ingredients, while the other prepares the dishes!

Only a small group of people chose two people to choose ingredients at the same time...

The Heimu field went relatively smoothly. Although there were quite a few people participating in the competition, in the third competition area where the two were assigned, there were 50 groups of players participating.

But it didn't happen, like the phenomenon of "scrambling for ingredients" that often happened in Yuanyue Academy when they were studying in the dormitory!

After thinking about it, I understand, after all, Hokkaido is preparing for this competition to attract more people to invest and develop here. It is impossible to act as if there is a shortage of food, so Kurokiba Ryo's kitchen knife is white.

On the contrary, many contestants could not help but look at him strangely when they saw him "robbing" aquatic products with a kitchen knife...

But Kurokiba didn't care, and concentrated on choosing the ingredients.

This aspect is relatively smooth. Although there is no tofu skin, I also got seaweed as a substitute.

The real trouble is on Liu Maoxing's side!

As soon as the two entered the venue, they found that the preparation of the seasoning was beyond expectations. It was no longer a question of whether it was complete or not, but it was not like asking them to cook seafood at all.

Milk, yogurt, chocolate powder, various creams, various sugars... In short, if you want to make desserts, the ingredients here are still very complete!

But if it is used for seafood dishes, it feels like going to the wrong set.

Liu Maoxing looked at the dessert ingredients in front of him, and he was a little confused, and as if to save the contestants a way out, he also prepared a small packet of mustard and soy sauce!

It is the most basic wasabi soy sauce that is used as a gift for sashimi in convenience stores.

Obviously, if there is really no other way, you can also choose sashimi cold dishes, but as Liu Maoxing said, no matter how you look at the dipping package here, it seems that the word "abstain" is written!

It's just for the sake of most of the teams, so they won't lose so ugly...

Naturally, Liu Maoxing would not set his goal on "don't lose so ugly", but chose to take a little bit of each of the more than 30 kinds of dessert ingredients in front of him after leaving Heikichang Together, it presents the appearance of a cohesive liquid mixed with broken grains.

Because of the nature of the competition, which is different from Yuanyue's internal competition, the purpose is to attract attention, so don't expect the master of ceremonies to shut up because of the mentality of the players...

On the contrary, because of the particularity of the "seasoning" provided, it gave the master of ceremonies a chance to complain!

The master of ceremonies in the third division was a middle-aged man with an airplane head and a mustache. He had a very vicious tongue when he came up, mocking most of the contestants who had already chosen sashimi.

"...But there is no way around this. Who made the condiments provided this time mostly dessert ingredients? Of course, there are also several groups of warriors who are already trying to use these ingredients to blend sauces, such as the one on the big screen. These eight groups! Hey, wait, what is this contestant going to do? In order to vent his dissatisfaction with the main committee of the competition, is he going to commit suicide by taking poison?"

The emcee at the head of the plane was complaining about Liu Maoxing who took a small amount of each ingredient and mixed them together!

Although the sum is only a small bowl, but it does have the meaning of dark cuisine...

Because there were only eight groups at this time, they chose to use these dessert ingredients instead of making sashimi cold dishes, so the screen of the broadcast also showed the split screen of the eight groups of contestants for the audience.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is naturally Liu Maoxing!

One reason is his age, he is the youngest among the eight groups of players, and the other seven groups of players should be over 20 years old.

Secondly, Liu Maoxing's behavior is really weird, what is the purpose of mixing all the ingredients with different tastes together?

No wonder the master of ceremonies complained that he wanted to "take poison" to commit suicide. Although these are the ingredients of desserts, they are not all sweet. There are also sour, bitter, salty and all kinds of aromas. When mixed together, the taste is simply delicious. indescribable!

After hearing this, the other audience couldn't help laughing. Although it wasn't ridicule, it was obviously not a laugh that favored Liu Maoxing. They just felt that the young man was at a loss...

However, the next scene was stunned. I saw Liu Maoxing raised his neck and swallowed the prepared ingredients with an unimaginable taste... No! It is contained in the mouth!

"Uh, alright! It seems that this player may have suffered some psychological blows. Let's take a look at the situation of other groups of different players! Seriously, dare to choose It really takes a lot of courage to use dessert ingredients to cook seafood dishes! But will the result be a surprise victory or a disastrous end? Let us wait and see!"

Apparently even the master of ceremonies didn't see what Liu Maoxing was going to do, so he chose to skip him, and then introduced the other seven groups one by one. Judging from the current situation, the types of desserts to be prepared...

Alice saw from Liu Maoxing's split screen that while Liu Maoxing took a mouthful of the "mixed feelings" mixture, he also heated up the oil and prepared the walnut topping at the same time!

That's right, to Liu Maoxing's surprise, although there is no seasoning, there are walnuts instead.

Probably because walnuts are also a must for many nut desserts!

When Hei Muchang came back with two red lobsters, he couldn't help looking at Liu Maoxing and asked, "Why are you pouting? Miss Xue is acting cute?"

At this moment, Liu Maoxing spit the mixture in his mouth into the waste bin beside him, and then rinsed his mouth with clean water!

Apparently Liu Maoxing was using the "Super God Tongue" to taste various dessert ingredients while calculating something with the "Spice Inequality"...

Although the "Super God's Tongue" has the function of memory, if it is directly contained in the mouth, the process and time of "memory" can be omitted.

"Are you sure it will go according to the original plan?" Kurokiba confirmed again.

"That's right!"

"I brought back two lobsters, if you change your mind midway, please let me know!"

Obviously, Liu Maoxing did not intend to change his mind, but skillfully used various dessert ingredients and began to blend them together. I don’t know if Liu Maoxing was also a dessert master...

The silky sauce in the original "Yunlong Fried Shrimp" is originally made of milk, sugar, butter and egg yolk, so it is beneficial for Liu Maoxing that the original sauce of "Yunlong Fried Shrimp" is also It tends to be sweet!

But it is definitely not at the level of dessert, and it needs to add soy sauce, ginger powder and other seasonings and spices that normal sauces need...

Although the taste tends to be "sweet", it is definitely different from desserts.

However, the only small packet of soy sauce now has been mixed with wasabi and cannot be used.

For Liu Maoxing, who is not good at desserts, it is undoubtedly a test to replace the "sweet" sauce with real "desserts" as fillings.

While holding a mixture of various dessert ingredients in his mouth, Liu Maoxing was also using the "Spice Inequality" to calculate the formula that could replace the original sauce.

After returning from Heikichang, Liu Maoxing finally got results, and concentrated on making a new "sauce"!

After processing the red lobster in Heikichang, Liu Maoxing directly took it over and cooked it as he did when he tasted it before, except that the sauce in it had been changed to a completely milky white sticky substance instead of the previous pale yellow , At the same time, as the tofu skin used to wrap the sauce, it was replaced with seaweed...

The time limit was only 20 minutes, so naturally it passed in the blink of an eye. At the same time, Liu Maoxing had already fished out the fried product at 19 minutes and placed it on the plate prepared earlier.

Put the lid on the dinner plate and prepare to submit your work in a while.

There are only three referees in the third division, and each of them has the right to score 10 points, that is, a full score of 30 points. After the statistics are totaled, the two groups with the highest scores among the 50 groups will advance.

Sure enough, as expected by Liu Maoxing, none of the groups that prepared the "sashimi appetizers" could score more than 10 points, and they were all at the bottom.

The ratings of the other eight groups are placed at the end. It seems that the order of ratings is also controlled, and it needs to have some "program effect".

Not all of the eight groups have real talents and knowledge, and there are two groups that simply want to be different, to win the favor of the referees, and hope for good luck!

Because their cooking is already at the level of "dark cooking", so the score is not as good as others!

The other five groups finally ended the "curse" with a score of no more than 10 points, and got "high scores" of 16, 17, 19, 20, and 22 respectively...

Although the group with 19 points doesn't seem to have a very good score, compared with other sashimi groups with no more than 10 points, it is already an absolute high score.

As for Liu Maoxing's group, it was put at the end because of Liu Maoxing's weird performance.

"Okay, next is the 'highly anticipated' newcomers from Yuanyue Academy! The two contestants had the crazy act of tasting all the ingredients together before, what kind of dishes have they made now? Could it also be a bluff?" The master of ceremonies actively heated up the atmosphere.

After Liu Maoxing presented the dish to the three judges, one of the judges couldn't help but wondered: "You said this is called 'Yunlong fried shrimp? But since it's fried shrimp, there should be a matching sauce, right?'

If they don't consider how to blend the dessert ingredients with the sauce, just fry the lobster, and then serve the semi-finished product on the table, they will not even be interested in judging.

However, Liu Maoxing did not make the three judges look regretful, but said directly: "Of course the 'Yunlong Fried Shrimp' has sauce, and it is inside the body of the lobster!"

The judge sitting in the middle heard that he divided the whole piece of lobster meat into three parts, and saw the viscous white sauce inside, clinging tightly to the outer layer of the lobster meat, and the outermost layer was wrapped in walnuts Crushed veil...

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