She Is Not a Witch

Vol 2 Chapter 41: first meet

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This fourth-year student of Bridge Pier College, who claims to be Grace, has reached Sequence 5, and is the horn of war. After being asked by the surrounding freshmen, he was also interested in talking about some anecdotes about Emenas and Green.

The verdant royal family specializes in the demon sequence and the natural sequence for the time being. The Duke of Unicorns and the Landsworth family are good at natural sequences because of their elven blood. The dragon of the illusion in the south, and the Baska family is the sequence of the dragon , But in fact, many people in their family chose the demon sequence, because the Baska family was originally a branch of the Cang Yue royal family, and it was the closest to the royal family.

The Duke of Griffins in the West, the Salus family majored in war sequences, and has produced many heroes, while the Duke of Raven in the North, the Trey family has been very low-key, except for the early expansion of the green empire, because of the defeat of Oz. In addition, I rarely heard of his famous deeds anymore. They majored in rare necromantic sequences.

The inheritance of transcendental sequences also pays attention to pedigree. Children will have some influence due to the transcendental careers of their parents. For example, if both parents are magical sequences, then the initial adaptability of the children to magical sequences will be higher.

This descent advantage will not slowly disappear until Sequence 5, because after reaching Sequence 5, the body and soul will adjust to a very adaptable state, and the acquired achievements will make up for the inborn shortcomings. And the road after Sequence 6, It's purely a matter of personal future encounters.

"...The princess like emerald jade has a very proud personality." Grace introduced the princesses of her own empire in this way. It is estimated that a small number of green nobles would dare to comment this way. This is not about equality. In the modern society of Taiping, it is really possible for ordinary people to judge high-level aristocrats at will.

"Any other anecdotes in the school?"

After talking about some anecdotes and arousing the interest of the freshmen around, the senior Grace began to introduce in detail the house of the Duke of Griffon, its glorious history, and its glorious achievements to this day. Let the schoolmates next to you hear mesmerized.

"Lorland, or let's go after listening."

After hearing the legend that the knights riding the griffins charged, Alina couldn’t move away. She liked the things related to Warcraft very much, and the family of the Duke of Griffons got its name from the Griffins. The Griffin Knights passed down from its ancestors to this day, these air combat warriors who control the Griffins, are extremely swift and fierce. The team formed by a few is very flexible and can even defeat the dragon.

Although Lorrain Hill had known the history of the four great dukes from the book a long time ago, since Alina said so, it didn't matter if she waited a while, so she also sat down on the side of the stand and waited a little.

There were four people in the dormitory, and Niya had always followed everyone. Although Letis was at odds with Alina, she wouldn't object if Lorrain Hill stayed, so the four of them continued to sit in the stands.

At this time, the training personnel in the field also gradually disappeared, and the blond griffin son also slowly walked over, followed by a group of people behind him.

As a freshman, Isaiah is not in the same class as Rock, but he has long heard that there will be a cavalry drill today. He came over to watch it today. When he cheered for victory, he also congratulated Jalan En and followed behind. Come here.

"Lorland, those seniors are here."

"Yes, got it."

Seeing this group of students walking slowly, Lorraine Hill suddenly remembered scenes in certain movies and comics. It was a certain boss of the school. He led the team to the front, followed by a group of younger brothers. The costumes were still very consistent. The wind is incomparable. Some of the scenes she recalled made her smile unconsciously.

She smiled at me.

Although it is the handsome Jae Lann in everyone's eyes, he is probably only aware of his concerns and ideas in this meeting. On the surface, I was talking with my companion, but my attention had already flown out.

The black-haired girl sitting in the corner of the stands, with black eyes like far away, her eyelashes trembling slightly, her gaze like a mountain spring, a slight curvature of her mouth appeared, although she never spoke. But it seems to be talking a thousand words.

Everything in front of him was like a beautiful filter added to the world, reflected in Jae Lanen's vision. His mood had never been so light or excited, and even his usual firm steps had become a little vain.

Is that the way to like someone? He couldn't help asking himself, and then continued to walk over.

"Hello, I am Jalan, a fourth grader."

As the voice fell, a group of people gathered in excitement, most of whom were freshmen.

"If you want to know anything about the college, you can ask me."

"I will be very happy to take everyone to visit and tour."

Although Grace just trumpeted Jalan on the sidelines about how powerful he was, his bold personality, noble character, etc., but after meeting the real person, everyone felt that this senior was not so arrogant, but rather easy-going. Like the big brother, it will cover you and give people a sense of security.

The teacher led the team to see that the senior student took the initiative to ask for it, and many students were also very interested in it, so there was no hindrance. Slowly followed by just to take a break, after all, the teacher is also People, occasionally want to steal laziness.

Just like this, a group of people followed the Griffin's eldest son and turned around in the college. There are not only castles, classrooms, Linhe dormitories, libraries, etc., but also many racetracks, shooting ranges, training battle rooms, and the main entrance hall of the college. , On the marble floor is a map of the world of Ivar today. The map occupies the floor of the entire hall. Hundreds of cities are marked on the grand floor, mountains, rivers, terrain, lakes, etc., and some important checkpoints are also there. among them.

Everyone followed and slowly stretched the line, while Lorrain Hill was at the end. She prefers to be quiet and doesn't want to be crowded with too many people. In addition, even if she is far apart, she can easily hear it. The other party’s explanation, so you don’t need to stand too close.

As the team slowly entered the hall, Jay Lann led the freshmen slowly in a line, wrapping around the edge of the map in the hall, explaining the world map as they walked. Introduce some famous battles, levels and scenic spots.

A group of people slowly formed a circle, Jie Lanen walked on the head, Lorrain Hill walked on the tail, so that as the team stretched, the head and the tail would get closer and closer, like ouroboros, and Jie Lan En was getting closer and closer to the black-haired girl in front.

".........Just like the student asked, in fact, in the battle hundreds of years ago, Green defeated Oz at a huge price. It can be said that it was a terrible victory. , A witch from the kingdom of Oz died, and the Verdant Empire also lost three Sequence 9s, and the Trey’s family almost died out.” He answered a freshman’s question, and then looked at the one standing still in front of him. The black-haired girl walked forward.

"Hello, does this classmate have any questions?" His expression was natural, as if it was an inadvertent kindly inquiry.

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