After hanging up the phone, Lu Wei smiled. Because this is what he expected, the crayfish is delicious, it can be said that it is very delicious, and he also made two large pots during the dinner, so that the workers and their relatives and friends can eat it, and no one says that it is not delicious. Now this party always insists that it is delicious, and that is a must.

With this immortal spring water, not to mention this crayfish, even in the greenhouse of green peppers, fruit corn or beauty cucumbers will be very delicious, this must be an undoubted thing.

By the way, Lu Wei hasn't told this party president, he has also planted a lot of fruit corn and beauty cucumbers, tomorrow when he comes to pull fish, I will take him to see, if he can do it here, he will not sell it locally, after all, Shanghai, a first-tier city, regardless of consumption level, or consumption capacity, can far exceed his own county and city.

Now these sheep's horn tip green peppers, fruit corn, and this beauty cucumber have been watered with pure immortal spring water, and even the circle of konjac on the side has been watered a lot, so they don't have to worry too much in the near future, just grow with peace of mind, grow taller, blossom and bear fruit, and then find this party to come over to discuss sales.

In fact, for the current Lu Wei, he didn't dare to be really happy in his heart, because he didn't know how many one million in his pond could be fished out, and how many things could be produced in his greenhouse.

Lu Wei was now sitting in his car, the whole garden was drowsy under the scorching sun, and he didn't feel the slightest sleep, I was thinking that my two ponds were about to be emptied, and how long it would take me to refill the pond.

So, he contacted these bases that sold seedlings and told them that they would deliver them to him according to the standards of the last time, but they would not do it until the day after tomorrow, because the fishing would start tomorrow.

This is a big deal, the person in charge of these bases has never heard of it, their seedlings came to Lu Wei, and they were slaughtered a few months earlier than others, and they all wanted to come over to see what was going on.

So these bosses drove directly from themselves and drove towards Lu Wei. And Lu Wei himself was a little tired at this moment, and just wanted to lean over and squint for a while, but the mobile phone buzzed.

I thought that Mr. Fang would report to him the delicious taste of spicy crayfish, but he didn't expect it to be a woman's voice when he picked it up, he quickly sat up and looked at it again, it turned out to be Hou Juanjuan, who was not paying for his life, and sent a video call.

"Wow, handsome guy Lu, what are you doing in the car alone, isn't it hot outside?"

"Big beauty, you don't take a lunch break, what are you doing, dress so coolly, what's the matter, what instructions do you have for finding this handsome guy......".

"Hey, bad guy, don't mess around, I'm in the room, I'll tell you two things......".

"Tell me, I'm a little sleepy right now, I almost fell asleep just now, and I was ...... awakened by your call."

"Hmph, am I so terrible, and I'm scared to wake up, hmph, I'm not a good person......!

"Okay, I'll listen to you, you can say it......".

"The crayfish you brought back to me, I gave my brother a taste, he praised it, saying that the taste is a must, he has been out these days, he means that he wants me to come over and buy you a little crayfish, and I will come over later......

"It's okay, come on, I'll send you, don't charge money. ......"。

"Another thing, that is, the bottle of water you gave me, the effect has been achieved, although it is not obvious, but after I washed my face with this water, it is obvious that my face is very comfortable, and my skin is also a lot smoother, I can't wait for tomorrow, I will come over ...... now."

"Okay, okay, okay, come on, it's just right to come today, otherwise if you come tomorrow, you won't be able to get the crayfish, because, early tomorrow morning, all the things in these ponds will be slaughtered......."

"Ah, really, oh my God, it's okay, I contacted you, wait for me, I'll be in ...... right away".

This big beauty, I don't know if I'm familiar with myself, or I've always been like this, I know that I'm a little boy with strong blood, but I'm still wearing that, a small suspender, and a video with myself, God, God, God......

Lu Wei almost had a nosebleed, but fortunately, it was just a little faintly, just in a flash, vomiting, this big beauty, it really cost Lao Na's life......

To tell the truth, if it weren't for this Hou Juanjuan making this call to herself, it is estimated that when she comes tomorrow, the sword loach fish, yellow eel, and crayfish in this pond will all be fished clean, even if you want to eat it, you can only look at the water and sigh.

This girl, don't say it, koufu, that's really a good one, wasn't it like this last time, it was past seven o'clock, as soon as she came, she just caught up with the food, and ate until she couldn't stand up, and now it's like this again, this guy, is it a roundworm in his stomach?

After hanging this video with a bit of color, Lu Wei knew that she would definitely go to this garden soon, and immediately, he notified the gate guard and told them to pay attention to the fact that they must release this little girl's car in advance!

This guy, she drove that called a fierce, thanks to the good performance of her car, otherwise, it is estimated that there will be accidents every day.

After thinking about it, this big beauty should be a legendary foodie, but, looking at her figure, it is the same convex and backward, Chu Chu is moving, these people, can eat and drink nonsense, and at the same time can maintain such a good figure?

Hehe, Lu Wei didn't ask her what to do, he just hoped that he could take care of himself a little more in business in the future, after all, business can make more money, who wants to lose a little more, right.

It didn't take long for the car of the big beauty who was in the video with her to buzz into the garden. This big beauty really roared urgently, and as soon as she got out of the car, she ran towards Lu Wei.

Lu Wei also came down quickly, and the two soon arrived at the pond.

"Ah, I see, these will start fishing early tomorrow morning, all of them will be emptied, and in two days, the muddy water will be cleared, and new fry will be released......."

"Okay, in this way, give me a little bit of these three, it's still early, the temperature is high, wait a little later, get a few bags, I've eaten your crayfish here, it tastes amazing......."

"No problem, let's get twenty catties of each, so that you can eat for a few more days......."

"Wow, I can't imagine that Lu is so handsome, so generous...... What to do, the little woman can't repay ......".

As soon as he heard this, Lu Wei immediately waved his hand again and again: "Stop, stop, don't make such jokes......."

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