After all, during the day, he saw that in addition to many black and red raspberries were picked, he also saw a lot of yellow and green raspberries that were not ripe.

If the spring water of this immortal spring can make these fast-ripening raspberries reach a ripe state overnight, then they will be sold tomorrow.

Also, if these raspberries are finished picking for a while, I don't know if these raspberries will fall fruit in the fall.

However, Lu Wei is not worried, after this batch of fruits is harvested, he began to transplant, specially to make a raspberry exclusive greenhouse, to specifically cultivate and plant raspberries, which can be used as an income in the future.

I have time to consult with the city's agriculture and forestry department to see if this thing will be better if it is transplanted.

However, recently we have to pay attention to increasing the nutrition of this raspberry, Lu Wei thought, anyway, in his garden, all crops must be applied with organic matter, of course, this raspberry is no exception.

When this batch of raspberries is finished, they will arrange for people to apply heavy fertilizer and increase the number of sprinkler irrigation along the roots of the raspberries!

Unexpectedly, this chance encounter of raspberries has found a money-making business opportunity for Lu Wei. That's nice.

In front of it is the hawthorn tree, when he cleaned up here, Lu Wei counted, these hawthorn trees are really a lot, there are hundreds of large and small, but they are all very unevenly distributed, and some are very close together.

Now these hawthorns have been hanging fruit, can not be transplanted at will, this is not good, these days the greenhouse is done, immediately have to come over to these hawthorn trees to put heavy fertilizer, and then put a few times of water, in order to ensure the best flavor of the fruit in the future.

When he thought of so many hawthorn trees, Lu Wei had a headache, did he have to open up a special mountain area to transplant these hawthorn trees.

These hawthorn trees are all wild, although the size is different, but the tallest, is only a little more than two meters, however, the thick one is already as thick as the mouth of the bowl, and the thin head is about the same as the thickness of chopsticks.

Hundreds of trees, if transplanted out, it is also a large forest, this is not good, you have to go to the agriculture and forestry department to consult, or consult those big planters online, to see how to transplant better, more space-saving, but also more fruit, grow better.

For Lu Wei, these wild hawthorns are also a good way to make money, and with the immortal spring water, it is estimated that it will definitely detonate the market in the future.

Lu Wei surrounded the hawthorn tree, looked around in the dark, and accidentally fell, causing the night birds to fly away in the hawthorn woods, ...... the sky

Fortunately, the edge of the ground is covered with tall fescue grass, if not, Lu Wei will definitely fall into the ditch below when it is dark......

The human feet slowly settled, Lu Wei walked back to the raspberry, saw that there was no one around, and immediately moved into the grass hut.

The jadeites were still fine, he carried the bucket and went directly to the Immortal Spirit Spring, fetching nearly ten buckets of spring water back and forth, five buckets were poured on the raspberry roots, and five buckets were evenly sprinkled on the surface of these raspberries.

After finishing all this, Lu Wei also felt tired, standing next to these raspberries, talking to himself. That's it, that's all.

After looking around again, it was dark all around, and Lu Wei walked home with a bucket.

When I looked up, I saw two dark pools in the distance.

Oh my God, I haven't really seen it since I threw the loach and eel into it.

Anyway, it's still early, so let's go over and take a look.

Yesterday, Lu Wei saw that the loaches scooped out with the netting had obviously grown, and the growth was very gratifying.

I think that if this continues, do you have to quickly feed it in, although it is free-range, let these guys only eat the original small fish and shrimp, after a long time, it is estimated that they will be hungry.

Although there were a lot of small fish and shrimp when I drained the water into the pond, I couldn't stop the many fry I put into the pond. In addition, these fry grow fast under the urging of the immortal spring water, what if these fry don't have anything to eat one day?

By the way, in that shallow pond, you have to buy lobster fry these days and put them in. How much to vote, this has to ask the experts, anyway, what you have to do in the next few days is to contact the lobster seedlings as soon as possible, and you have to put some aquatic plants in this pond.

Because lobsters love aquatic plants and can eat aquatic plants, this is a big deal.

Lu Wei walked to the edge of the pond, looked at the dark and dreary water, and felt that if they were well maintained, these two ponds would make a lot of money a year.

The knife loach is still a rare object, wild in the market, and it is quite expensive to sell. When the time comes, contact the buyer in Shanghai, presumably the price can also go up.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei thought of loaches again, this kind of thing demersal fish, living on food residues, in that shallow pit, you can also put some, when the bottom of the pond is cleaned up, if there is a harvest, you can also fish it out and sell it.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei's heart was hot.

I immediately decided that from tomorrow, I would call my sister Lu Shan or my father to come here to watch the greenhouse, and I would have to contact these seedlings and something like that.

He summed up in his heart, and the things he just thought of were the seeds and seedlings of green peppers, the seedlings of fruit corn and beauty cucumbers, a small amount of mushroom taro seeds, the feed in the fish pond, and aquatic plants, crayfish seedlings, and loach seedlings.

Unexpectedly, there are so many things to do by yourself, by the way, there are also raspberries and hawthorns related to transplanting.

Lu Wei remembered that he would start tomorrow and do it one by one.

You can't be impatient, you can't mess up, just follow the steps.

When he returned home with a bucket, he saw that the lights were still on in Lu Shan's house, and her parents were already asleep.

Lu Wei went to the faucet to get water to wash, but he didn't expect to see the mushroom trees on the side of the courtyard wall, which grew so tall, much taller than himself, and it looked like it was about to surpass the courtyard wall, and the branches were luxuriant.

This python skin mushroom taro, when it grows, looks like it looks good.

For the ground was full of sharp points that had come out of the earth, like mushrooms after rain, and the color was a semi-purple brown, with spots of different sizes on it, and at first glance, it looked like a snake's head coming out of the ground.

And as long as this mushroom taro is not short of fertilizer and water, it grows like a day, and it grows frighteningly fast.

And now, what Lu Wei sees is a few mushroom taro trees that he experimented with not long ago.

I can't imagine that it has grown so tall in just a few days, my God, if it grows like this, in autumn, the rhizome below will not grow as big as a dustpan.

This thing is to eat fertilizer and water, and there is really no shortage of it in my own yard.

There have been such examples before, when one tree reached maturity, the leaves of the poles on it withered, but my parents forgot to dig it out, and dug it out when digging taro during the Spring Festival.

Just that mushroom, my God, is bigger than the mouth of a large barrel, and when I put it on the scale, it turned out that this mushroom taro reached more than 30

catties! And the normal mushroom taro is about five or six catties!

Well, I don't know what surprises the two mushroom taro I planted in the garden will bring to me in the future, Lu Wei thought secretly while washing his face.

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