There are black and red, it is very good-looking, but this Tang Xiaoyu is so beautiful, and his face is full of joy.

Considering that the other leaders were still looking at the two puddles over there, Lu Wei drove Tang Xiaoyu over.

Before getting into the car, Tang Xiaoyu took out his mobile phone and took several photos very seriously, then got into the car and took some more.

Then she posted a circle of friends, and at the same time, she also put on her extremely good-looking smiling face!

When she arrived at the warehouse, a group of leaders were almost finished with the puddle of breeding.

Lu Wei ran over and explained these leaders in detail. I also specially took out a copy net and fished it out of the water, but I didn't expect that those loach seedlings, who originally thought that there was no change, turned out to have grown up a little.

The pattern of the black flower on the loach is already very clear, and the spikes of the purlin, as well as the sharp mouth, are prohibitive.

However, one of the leaders is in charge of agriculture and forestry breeding, and when he sees such a good color of the loach fish, he is particularly optimistic.

Like Tang Xiaoyu, he also specially took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

Lu Wei doesn't want to go through such publicity, but these are leaders, just shoot it, anyway, if someone wants it, just let them come to him.

Anyway, in the future, these trees will be sold, raised in water, and even grown in greenhouses.

Not long ago, Lu Wei didn't care too much about putting these loaches in this pond, he didn't expect these guys to grow so fast, and if they continued like this, within two or three months, it was estimated that they would grow longer than chopsticks.

Lu Wei was a little overjoyed.

This Tang Xiaoyu carried the basket, and as soon as he walked among these leaders, he just wanted to introduce these raspberries to everyone, but these leaders didn't know whether they wanted to please her, or if they really liked it.

This raspberry is originally sweet and sour, and it tastes quite delicious. But Lu Wei has poured the water in the puddle several times with the ingredients of the immortal spirit spring water, and now it tastes quite refreshing.

The sourness is reduced, the sweetness is increased, and the palatability is exceptionally good.

Not only is Tang Xiaoyu particularly fond of this, but even these leaders, who are mostly men, can't put it down.

Seeing this, Lu Wei immediately arranged for a few workers, all carrying baskets, to run over and pick a lot of them as gifts for these leaders.

I was still thinking about how to get rid of these people, but it turned out to be crooked, and these leaders liked these red and black gadgets that tasted good.

In fact, for Lu Wei, these raspberries are so busy that his head is not his head, his feet are not his feet, and he really has no time to take care of them.

Now, instead of letting these raspberries fall off and break them in vain, it's better to take them off and give them to these leaders.

Anyway, this thing is really wild, it has not been fertilized at all, and it has not encountered a single star of pesticides, it is a real pure natural fruit.

After the inspection, these leaders felt quite satisfied, so they got in the car and left. And this Tang Xiaoyu stayed, saying that he wanted to talk to his old classmates.

Anyway, Lu Wei was here, and he was also greeting outside, watching the workers come and go, and he had nothing to do.

It just so happened that Tang Xiaoyu came, so he accompanied her around the garden.

Of course, those raspberries were eaten by those people just now, Lu Wei found another basket, and the two of them walked over and picked a lot.

These raspberries, it seems, are quite a lot, and obviously, they seem to be a little bigger than they used to be.

So after Tang Xiaoyu picked it, he ate raspberries while chatting with Lu Wei.

"I said, Lu Wei, didn't you say that you went to Shanghai all these years, why did you suddenly remember to come back and develop?"

"Yes, I have been in Shanghai for seven or eight years, and I have stayed enough, and there is a lot of pressure on employment outside.

"Yes, it's good to come back, you see that the current policy also allows it, encouraging the development of returning to the hometown."

"The land in our village has been idle, a few years ago, I came back, I saw it in my eyes, it hurt in my heart, the good land was barren because there were stones in it, so this time I came back, I contracted to specialize in growing vegetables." "

By the way, Lu Wei, have you already planned, where will the vegetables you grow be sold?" Have you found a good home?"

"I have found it, but it has not yet been determined, after all, it is only the time to lay the foundation, and it is estimated that it will be the second half of the year to start planting, but fortunately, in the greenhouse, even if it is cold, it can be planted."

"I thought about it, first find some big sellers in our local area, if they can't eat, I will contact the big vegetable farmers in Shanghai to come and pull, so it is estimated that it should be able to sell at a good price." "

That's pretty good, your idea is good, it's very safe, I'm optimistic about you!"

"Do you have a way, and I can also help my old classmates introduce me, you see, I will not only grow a single vegetable here in the future."

Lu Wei pointed to the edge of the ground and let Tang Xiaoyu see.

"There are a lot of good things that can be sold in the outer circle, you see that the tall is the thorn tree, which will bear a lot of old eggs at that time, this thing is a good Chinese herbal medicine, specializing in treating coughs induced by various reasons.

"And next to this thorn tree, you see, almost a meter high, that is the green pepper tree, this kind of tree does not need me to tell you more, whether it is the leaves, or the pepper seeds that will bear in the future, they are all good things that can be sold for a price."

"And you see, under the village of peppercorns, I planted two mushroom taro, this mushroom taro is planted, the yield is invincible, as long as you find the right market, you can sell it for a lot of money a year."

"There is also a large area of hawthorn trees in front, and I am also going to transplant them into this mountain, and with a little care and maintenance, I can also produce a lot of hawthorns in the future, and this thing, hey, can be sold for money."

"Also, Xiaoyu, it's what you take in your hand and eat in your mouth, this thing, just like strawberries, is planted and can bear fruit all year round, and I tasted it, the raspberries here, obviously, are on the larger side, and the taste is more refreshing."

"Well, yes, that's true, it tastes very delicious, you see, this basket, I've eaten quite a bit again, hehe.

"It's okay, you eat, eat more, give you enough, and ...... for free forever."

"Dare to charge me money, be careful of my ......".

This Tang Xiaoyu, as before, is like a tomboy, stretching out his pink fist and pretending to beat Lu Wei.

"And the two ponds in the mountains, I've put in the loach fish, and the yellow eel, and when everything is ready, I'm going to add crayfish, you know, these are all high-value good things. "

Lu Wei, don't say it, I'm more and more optimistic about you, you haven't even talked about the most important point, it's already a project that blooms everywhere and can make money. Otherwise, I'll invest in you, and the future income will be counted as 10%, hehe......".

"Okay, no problem, the door here is always open to you......".

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